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Everything posted by Vezz

  1. Good ideas, I think purification is already being reworking (at least based on the san0`s Twitter), and the T-Rex message is a good way to avoid sneak people kill it without any type of contestation, and it brings more PVP. Personally, I agree with you about the requirements for the tali, but I think is better this way, at least it gives us some type of difficult goal to reach.
  2. There's any news in relation to this one? 6. red/yellow fruit - they take buf slot (you can have max 23 bufs when u have it activated even if u have 24 buf slots) - they shouldnt take bufslot, they are on "exp boost buf bar" It's a bit annoying the need to always check buffs because of this.
  3. I know what they did is a bug fix, but Club has the tendency to balance classes, right now the dagger is too good. And in relation to they die fast, maybe unequipped daggers, but any dagger with good equips don't die too fast imo. As I said, if they decided to keep like this we need to learn how to playing against again, but I'm known for sure that a lot of new daggers will appear, the same thing happened with other servers when the poneys got extremely OP.
  4. If I understand correctly, they changed the way COP, CC reduces the damage landed by blow skills, reducing just half.
  5. So the tyrant in question was full buffed, set tallum heavy, our dagger was with pp + wc buffs + focus death, no dyes, DD +0 with hp rune, pl +8 AQ 3. I've hit 3 times (or more don't remember exactly) with an average of 4.5k (I can't imagine that I'm that lucky with double damages). If it's correct and it's supposed to be like this ok, but it's a bit OP IMO. But anyway, I'll need to learn a new way to avoid daggers now.
  6. I made some tests in the test server to determine, on average, how many dyes I'd need to trade to get 10 dyes +3 -1, and I'd need close to 1k second jobs dyes. With the actual market price, you'll need like 2b (and lucky to find ppl selling it) to make one set of dyes +3 -1. :(
  7. Up, that's something very useful and quite complex to acquire right now.
  8. I don't agree with you mate. If you take a better look at the time you showed, at 3:36 you can clearly saw two dead mobs very close to each other that's why I think it looks like she uses two stigmas.
  9. Personally, I don't see anything wrong there, Jorginha assists someone, and then she uses Stigma. Based on this video it's inconclusive that anything illegal is happening. Looks like it's someone trying to stay close to the group assisting another player. If it was a bot the char would be running back to the "leader" immediately, what is not the case in some cases, and if it was a loop macro we would be variations in the attack/follow (like more then one Stigma or moving closer to the MA). But based on this information I think this ban was a mistake, in my humble opinion. My vote is for unban this group.