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Everything posted by Morim

  1. Works. PS: Seems change chat colors don't Works with this program.
  2. ​​Thanks. Is only for change system colors and make borderless mode. Nothing else.
  3. Hello admins, Is legal to use L2 Lige to edit .ini files for change chat colors and make bordeless Windows? Thanks!
  4. Morim

    Morim Shop

    Updated. Shop on ​Dion ​right now.
  5. Hello, I'm a Scavenger lvl 26 and I'm looking for a Spanish/English clan. I will move (probably) to USA on March, that's why I want English clan too. Thanks.
  6. ​​Cuando quieras wispéame ingame (o PM por aquí para saber si estoy online) y te explico cosas para sacar dinero, e incluso te ayudo en lo que quieras.
  7. Eso de que con enanos no se hace dinero es una mentira muy gorda, o tus amigos no saben jugar enanos. Soy Spoiler nivel 26 y tengo Great Spear y Mithril armor. Leveo solo, con SS y aún así saco dinero. Sólo hay que saber donde ir. Ah, y me entra spoil 1/3-5 mobs, más o menos. Dependiendo del mob. Tengo casi 200 suedes, 200 threads, 150 charcoal....tu dirás. Hay que tener paciencia, nada más.
  8. ​​Class and current level - ​Spoiler, lvl 26 Where you live - Spain, planing to move to USA on March Why do you play l2? - I Love all of this game, and it's the only one that give me fun and nostalgia of good moments. Something else you enjoy? - Rock, sports games, my dogs, beer and my fioncee. You don't bot and you plan on playing here for a long time and consistently? - I never used bots, and I will play here until end of the server. I'm playing Tuesday - Friday mornings and some nights after 12PM. Weekends I'm with my girlfriend. Level of English? (other languages?) - Not bad level of English I think. But I'm better writing than speaking, that's why I prefer chat. Spanish native. ​I will be connected tomorrow at night. But I can anwers PM's forum. --"Banana Suit"--
  9. Morim


    ​​Keep giving us same as official. Except if the official reléase something bad for "Classic".
  10. I will stay here. Admins are doing a good job, and it's for free. And on March is probably that I move to USA, so I will can't play on Innova servers without proxy or something.
  11. Morim

    Morim Shop

    Still looking for Brigandine Set
  12. Okay thanks. I will try it.
  13. How much for all except helmet and shield?
  14. Another point for this server is the "international" proxy. I mean, Innova will open a EU server, but not a USA server. And if you see, this server have a lot of Russians, and they already have the official...
  15. Is neccesary a native level of English? And well, I'm near 25...
  16. Morim

    Censo clanes Hispanos

    Post actualizado. ¡Gracias! ​​Gracias amigo. Pero estas cosas van a pasar siempre en todos lados. Se agradece tu opinión.
  17. Morim

    Morim Shop

  18. Hola chicos, Ya lo posteé en el subforo de "Media", pero lo pongo aquí para aquellos que miren más el foro Español y demás. Os comparto un Excel para crafters con el que podréis calcular los beneficios vendiendo Shots. Espero que os sirva: English version: iCal for Shots on English by Morim Spanish version: iCal for Shots in Spanish by Morim ​¡Saludos!
  19. I think that you need Bootcamp. If someone with Mac manage to play, please, post a tutorial. Thanks.
  20. Morim

    Censo clanes Hispanos

    Luego los añado al primer post. Eso si, no hace falta que pongais todos los nicks de los integrantes. Con decir el número... Gracias a todos.