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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. ​What exactly failed? We didnt lose 1 epic in 1 month. We lose few fights and we could lose more less if you didnt pring all the time. 20 mins before siege ends we had 3 castles and going for 4th while you had like 70 people more than us. And we wasted precious time on bugged crystal of dion so we didn't take it. Two castles then, we begun with 1. *???*
  2. ​Hm? I'm helping you here whats wrong with you mate? Come on maybe one day i'll join perks too, let me have the spirit From deep throating LLGHT inside your clans when all agreed to oppress NEUTRAL taggers to take their power of negotiation away, to the moment you took Taduliz nicely between your butt to get a taste of epic till this one part that everyone missed, when you invited all Asian prime to "your" side for you all to get a nice farming party for 1 year. You did help us already, we understand competition and we know how to be in opposition, things that you are only tasting now and already losing your shit all over the forum. Get your pants on ge, things only starting and Taduliz spirit already in you. ​Taduliz came to us, we didnt ask him. Also he got 4-6 people out of 60 people cc in epics, so please. Getting trolled is another story, your mates doing it everyday here, why you don't enjoy it now? When you say I invited all asian, means the 1 party rok? I'm trying to help you make a bigger zerg here, I'm with you partner!
  3. ​Hm? I'm helping you here whats wrong with you mate? Come on maybe one day i'll join perks too, let me have the spirit
  4. ​Wasn't in siege zone at all, lol It's no just about positioning, it's about what I said, about the penalties of a death that gives. When we first rushed you I bet whatever you like on 1:100 that biz was using caps saying go put flags, guess why.. I once agree with reaver on this. (Reaver?Reaver is a random camera I mean Aduha) And please, crying and talking about a bug or a stupid option like this is a different thing, I guess you got enough brain to understand it
  5. Aaah you weren't in aq? Your guys were killing non-sense the royal guard ants, was funny, some of them escorts too. AQ still up come kill her ;D
  6. Instead of crying about everything you should start your own server. But it looks to me like you are posting a thread every 30' because you are only looking for attention... ​If I was a guy looking for attention I couldn't even change my name to a name like ge. Bwahaha, whatever. Our CC was 163 people with all boxes on it. I guess this 180 had no boxes at all. I remember first fight, you came with like 3 waves of people never ending. Also in CC you dont have ES, they were crying that you were hitting them, come on guys at least make it right.
  7. WickedSick alliance recruits people all over the world, even from other planets if they are using internet there too, also I'll make a post to other's servers forum too because is not enough here. Well we recruit people max to 65 lvl so we can say the enemies that are more lvls than us. We got Aden-Oren castle, we don't care about other castles and we need from you to be our meatshield, join us. You can pm Bizqquit or cloudyq for invite. Clans are all lvl 5 with CH (Cloudy can pay you also if you don't wanna come).
  8. ​looks like u dont know anything, it was pte not pts, also i believe it was idea towards good way how to hide clan leader, however what i would do is change it to "gre", and thats very simple, even if ppl make target macro for you "/target gre", u can have GREenlightdc peeling for you, if he will be slightly in front of you, macro will target him instead of you ​Like there is not this ladder: dont even have to meet him online to know he rolled name, its pretty obvious theres only 1 glad with 12h prime meta reaching max lvl - which i wish him to do soon. GG on wasting 10 euro so far, coming to 15 euro. Thats why i suppose its another meta of his. To Perkunas enemies i want to add: try harder, maybe next year, just pls dont rage quit, server need even weak players Yet opposite to u i will say "gf" here, coz in game u got not even a slight of honor to response after lost fight. //soe ​As I said, sold bw robe in auction just for that. BW could go fail, so no problem for meh.. oh yeah bw robe you can find it in bloody snipers by spoil. What you dont have enough lvl? np go farm royal ant guards you will lvl up
  9. ​Sold a bw, I tried few names wanted to check smth, whats wrong with that? You spend thousand of dollars for items. Orfen is not working on players (Dunno why) And dont think that taking lvl 3 orfen is something simple. We did the same yes for a while. Was bad idea to make this poll, 70% of the server belongs to perks..
  10. Not in this siege, the previous one. They had like 10 flags and non-stop spawning-coming to us without buffs, they were just meats that were dying without losing anything and we were losing all of our MP. That's not a fight. I was waiting till the holidays break to do this thread. So people won't start saying bullsh1ts.
  11. SOiL

    Few bugs for today

    With low clans we got for epics, we opened war to enemy's low clan, the problem is that when enemies killing ppl with karma, karma is not dropping cause of bugged war and war doesn't open at all. Tower crystal back on dion is not able to be broken.
  12. SOiL

    Party LF

    We looking for 62+ Bishop. Our overall lvls are 74 we got CH aden, for more details message me in forum. up
  13. SOiL

    Party LF

    We looking for 62+ Bishop. Our overall lvls are 74 we got CH aden, for more details message me in forum. up
  14. SOiL

    Party LF

    We looking for 62+ Bishop. Our overall lvls are 74 we got CH aden, for more details message me in forum.
  15. SOiL

    Party LF

    We looking for 68+ Bishop, Warlord or Tyrant or Glad or BD. Our overall lvls are 74 we got CH aden, for more details message me or pm "SoiL up
  16. SOiL


    Also another idea is to put package sale option, so people can sell full set of jewells-armors. ( I guess admins got a lot of work with 2.0 update and stuff, hopefully they will check on that ).
  17. SOiL

    Party LF

    We looking for 68+ Bishop, Warlord or Tyrant or Glad or BD. Our overall lvls are 74 we got CH aden, for more details message me or pm "SoiL
  18. SOiL


    Well, sometimes I log to see the auction about prices etc. There people that trolling I guess by adding D boots or low C jewells for 20 euro. Maybe you shouldn't accept this kind of items? I mean 1e = 10 COL = 1.3m-1.4m something like that so. I got 3 items in auction for 1 week and you didnt confirm yet, I guess it's because you got tons of items to accept. So my suggestion is to accept just weapons D and don't accept low C jewells-luxury C jewells-luxury C armors.
  19. Oke how I delete the thread?