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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. But if it's on fighting zone as you say, why they flag after using their skills? In siege zone or arena zone you're not flagging when you hit someone.
  2. We all know you cannot aoe if your war is not flagged, that's a mistake I guess, I know you guys are busy with 2.0 update but few things like this is important don't you think? All this time saying your warlord to wait until they get flag to go in.. It's bad cause warlords should go in first. Whatever check on the RU off and let me know. 0:53
  3. Dont choose heavy, go for BW light on pvps and you can farm with PL or Doom light. Check the bonus that light gives and think.. I won't say anything ;D
  4. OCHOBA, from 1.0 I was supporting you as leader you were, I liked how you named me and old RussellCrow as good warriors. But things changed, we've made a clan, you joined our alliance. You did few mistakes and we had to brake the alliance with you cause you couldn't understand few things. I still was respecting you. ROK have prooved many times how loyal are to us and we all love them. First thing rizzo said to me is, we wanna buy from OCHOBA the CH with adena. I told him that you left the server and dunno if you're interesting, then he said about HWARANG gonna buy it with real money and he was right. I feel so proud for admins and rizzo that made it and I'm not respecting you anymore man. Go to your grand kain, I hope you buy 2nd char except the bishop you did buy and have a nice play there. Also about your members, I pmed 0 times to get them in our clan. It was your mistake as leader that they left you. Just giving items doesn't make you a leader. Have fun in gk. Leave from forum and think better before you call us randomly rats.
  5. SOiL

    Body Impale

    Attacks the enemy with XXX Power added to P. Atk., inflicts Stun for 5 seconds and dispels 1 buff(s) from a stunned target. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit. Here with a spoiler lvl 43 you can remove buffs from 70 lvl char without being stunned. Check on it, thanks.
  6. Modoy I accept all that you're saying but having an epic, joining in every epic, you deserve it. I can't ask back the epic from someone that earned it with his activity and his tries and his camping every night for that. Maybe someone could sell his epics and all his stuff to be off and keep adena for 2.0 when it comes. There are several options, but still you didnt answer me a bad option for that. Like, what's the problem on this, someone gonna lose something? (Except the adena he will waste to do this). Or are you afraid if many epics lvl 1 are going to harbor? Im afraid that not gonna happen. You told me about real money like if someone got lvl 3 epic cannot sell it, or other people that are stop playing are not saling their stuff. So still didn't find a real reason not to do it. People are people, changing their minds every day. You have reroll for classes, blacksmith can make robe/heavy/light. Everything can be changed, why not this one? It's not a big change. It's just a usefull one. San0 alright, thanks.
  7. ​i am pretty sure i gave some answer why it shouldnt be implemented, ofc there might be many reasons why it should, but since u asked for 1 reason with logic why not, u got it there ​So you telling me, people that might leave the server don't care about their chars and items? Is this logic?
  8. But we got custom things depends on official, you like it too because you play here. So what's wrong? ;D You all like it because you all play here and one person didn't answer me yet why this option is bad for server or people. Just one reason with logic and I'll accept it and stop posting more.
  9. Nope RMT is good for your health but nolifer isnt . Go get a real money and buying item to playing 2 or 3h per day for enjoy your enthuse , this is just another way to play when we are old enough. DONATOR still a player.​ ​Oh yeah working all day to buy items in a game it's healthy ;D
  10. Demons +10 +12 and more shouldn't exists I know, I'm wondering about it few times because these mage weapons got less chances than other weapons and it's not just 1 demons +10 there are too many. Still auction is not illegal
  11. ​Dunno who's putting these +10 +12 demons to auction, I'm not.Also we have spoil ewc. But buying from auction is not legal.
  12. ​yes, i going to high school for learning english and speak about fraudster rok man, u want rmt offers? look at screenshot and contact with rok rizo, this a top rmt player ever. i play from start server. and i remember rok join to us not so long time ago. 4-5 months. but they have overenchanted weapons. from where? it is impossible to get all by fair game ​From auction, like the chinese "Fun" atm. From 52 lvl they had full B grade with +10 +12 weapons.
  13. So you're coming to what I said, because there are custom stuff here and that's make it better. Official EU classic has less people than here even if our server has few custom things.
  14. ​in 2.0 you still will exp in LOA ​Cool story, but haven't seen anybody asking you
  15. SOiL

    Road To + 16 Eminance :)

    Oh hi exotq, well done man!
  16. ​Are you sure? Arcanum said few custom things, PK scrolls should be used outside when you don't have karma but here you can use it just at floran with 3 mins reuse time. At luxury shop on official you can buy with crystals EWC-EWD. Here you spoil EWB-EWC while in official you can't. Aden castle doesn't exists in 1.5 is going on at 2.0. Max lvl is 75 but here you can go 76. PK scrolls A grade are available only at CH's but here you can buy them from floran-hardins too. You want to find more? ​it means there is but its not good, so i believe he has a point. i can try to google translate it to your native language if the bold colored text didnt help ​Nah, "There's nothing custom in this game, that's good. NOTHING" That's the correct and stop trolling
  17. ​Who bought items for real money? The only money I spent is for 2 PA in start and for teamspeak. Stop saying random bullsh1ts. Go aoe loa heart and you will understand why we're fully equiped. ​What does fully equiped means? +10 armor/accessory? I'm a new guy here playing about ~2 months, and my experience is that no matters if you have top B gear if you up against ppl 10-15lvl above you. No gear, no resists, nothing(even lower lvl monsters ignores mental shield/resist shock here). You just have to as high level as possible and you will win even against greater numbers, because your CC lands 1/1 while lower lvl guys can't do shit. And maybe that's why vigi side control AB all the time... Feel free to correct me if i'm wrong here senpai. ​Control AB? lol, in our prime time we make Westworld go to sleep. GG GMT -3 ​"In our prime time"
  18. ​Are you sure? Arcanum said few custom things, PK scrolls should be used outside when you don't have karma but here you can use it just at floran with 3 mins reuse time. At luxury shop on official you can buy with crystals EWC-EWD. Here you spoil EWB-EWC while in official you can't. Aden castle doesn't exists in 1.5 is going on at 2.0. Max lvl is 75 but here you can go 76. PK scrolls A grade are available only at CH's but here you can buy them from floran-hardins too. You want to find more?
  19. I know this mate, I'm playing here for more than 1 year and I've never gave money to companies for adena, all I did, I made it with friends and farm. Now it's not about trust, people maybe have problems in real life and they wanna leave the server but they want to keep their share for example. So the fair thing on this is to share it but you can't with lvl 3. Im waiting an answer why this is a bad option.
  20. ​Someone that got the epic could quit the server, so you split up and he keeps what he deserve. Maybe someone wants to sell it 1 by 1 his share instead of having epic jewell. Someone wants to split the lvl3 epic to his party or his friends. I can stay and think more reasons, now you tell me 1 reason that this option is bad for server or people. Dont start saying again it's custom, because i'll say bring enchants in shop then, like official.
  21. Let me know better to whom they belong. Thread is not about where epics belong.
  22. ​Yes that's a reason too, also someone can stop playing and he own an epic like that, that's another reason too. I can find many reasons this option could be helpfull.
  23. ​It's already a custom-private server but this is why it has this activity, because they chose nice custom things to add/remove and people like it and playing here. Alright I accept your opinion, I made this thread for this reason.
  24. It's just a suggestion and I think it could be helpful as well. Having lvl 3 epic jewells it's fine, but groups are gathering their epics to make one lvl 3 so it's not belong just to one person. There are many reasons someone to want make it 4 epic jewells lvl 1 again. So my suggestion is to give an option to NPC to broke lvl 3 epic jewells to x2 lvl2 or x4 lvl1 with adena like you trade 2 jewells for 1 jewell lvl2 etc.