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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. SOiL

    Sieges Recap 04.12.2016

    Really nice siege it seems, I'm so sad I didn't enjoy it from the fcked up computer I was playing. Big and long fights with more than 450 people in both sides. Just awesome
  2. Hello there, my party is looking for a bishop 66+, overall lvls are 70-75, we play for Vigilance clan lvl 5 with aden CH, DarkLegion alliance. For more details pm me. Also in alliance we have slots for 3 more parties to fill up. We looking for groups of 5 or more people. Send me mail in game or here in forum. SoiL or try KouKou,Warpole. Delete other thread and lock this thread please. Thanks
  3. Sorry we recruit people
  4. Hello there, my party is looking for a bishop 66+, overall lvls are 70-75, we play for Vigilance clan lvl 5 with aden CH, DarkLegion alliance. For more details pm me. Also in alliance we have slots for 3 more parties to fill up. We looking for groups of 5 or more people. Send me mail in game or here in forum. SoiL or try KouKou,Warpole.
  5. Guys no need to explain to them or proove to them anything. It was my fault we didnt have good performance.
  6. Dont comfuse yourself modoy, we took oren from guards and you took it from us. I hope all of you enjoyed the fights even if we couldnt reach inside. Bad for me I played away from home on internet cafe and I was like alt+p full low details and still watching screens because internet cafe was lame. It was like the worst siege i've ever played cause of it. Whatever things are the same, in two weeks again, wp
  7. SOiL

    HellHound VS Soil

    Well in lineage many players are showing the real side of theirselves. I like l2 I don't like biatchound and thats why Im acting like this. You can't like everyone even on game even on real life. And not because he uploaded this, I don't really care of the video, just his actions and what he said made me post here. I explained before why.
  8. SOiL

    HellHound VS Soil

    Game is game, forum is about game. Wanna know about my real life? Come salonica-Greece we drink a bit tsipouro, some beers or more ouzo and we talk about life. Talking all the time about real life here in forum make me think if you really got a real life.
  9. SOiL

    HellHound VS Soil

    ​everything was alright till u wrote this sh1t :))))))) man u good war, just stop it. u make it look like the thing with HH hurt your feelings Yep, its like the 3rd time this guy playing like its all okay im your friend and backstab you somehow. DanielDefo Yep with 20k euro in official
  10. SOiL

    HellHound VS Soil

    All I see is every glad is started buying/playing with blunts except dwarves/tanks/OLs after I realised some of my vids. Thats good for market, deadmans worth something. Now HH if it wasnt me, you would not talk about macros and blunts, so please son, stop posting and make video at 2.0 inside olympiad 1v1 and not in this arena with pots and where pvp worth nothing. We dont test things in oly, so you can find an opportunity to make vid like now.
  11. SOiL

    HellHound VS Soil

    More posts, more happier attention biatch will be, go folks go
  12. SOiL

    HellHound VS Soil

    ​wrong :), im just a forum troll. i dont even have a character. about recording sh1t, bizqquit doesnt give permision party memebers to post stupid videos like killing afk or on farm. btw true warriors bsoe all the time, whats up with your clan members? ​Wasn't talking to you at all, that was for datplays
  13. SOiL

    HellHound VS Soil

    Yep if you talk about my first vids ye, we've made ganks under train and recorded but after that I stopped this. Btw, who are you? I guess someone from NF that joined perku right?
  14. SOiL

    HellHound VS Soil

    ​Why? Following this though, u shouldnt post videos how u gank 5-10lvls lower ​It's like im typing to walls, because he asked me to test his dyes and I had delay. So he shouldn't post it, it's simple if you got brain
  15. SOiL

    HellHound VS Soil

    Yep maybe but this thread shouldn't exists at all. So he has to get use to it, things are not arround him
  16. SOiL

    AQ Weird position

    Is that okay or..? I think or..
  17. SOiL

    Honor CP Warlord POV

    Not some random gangs like soil vids At last some good video with good music
  18. SOiL

    HellHound VS Soil

    When I'm saying to you I got delay, respect that and don't think stupid-smart on yourself saying np let's try my dyes. Also I told you tons of times, that's pure of luck pvp on 1v1, on the vid you uploaded you were doing just criticals, you should show the damage screen as well. I'm not god to don't die, the sure is I'm much better than you. You did everything, asking me everyday just to make a post with video? hahahaha, please inv me in a party. When I said to Biz this guy is lame, he told me he will do storms in pvps, 1-2 weeks later no clan..Check this with your bonus of 2k CP castle, check my cp in the end. (I had no bonus from castle) So now you get what i'm saying is based on luck, hope you didn't even make reroll from this BD just to proove that you can kill me. However DON'T TALK about items, I was the one that asked you to play with C grade same items +0 and you said no. Good luck finding a clan/party Mr. Foreveraloneguy.
  19. SOiL

    HellHound VS Soil

    Good job posting this, next time will be in olympiad without any potions.
  20. SOiL

    HellHound VS Soil

    First of all, well done. That's why you asking me duel for 1 week? I told you I got delay and you asked me to make few duels to see your dyes. Secondly, my doom is sold. This set is +0. 3rd I got video you let me with 2k CP while you had clan and bonus CP from castle. 4th This kind of pvp is pure on how many criticals will make. Don't use too many potions also, not good in 1v1.
  21. SOiL

    Siege Date

    Dont get comfuse Modoy, Siege starts at 21:00, Poll was to make it earlier not later. So it should be at 18:00 from 19:00 it was. San0 said that NPC was drunk and he will change it but never happened. So I just remind admins about it.
  22. Please don't change it last time again, people they think it's gonna be at 21:00 GMT +2. So make it right! Thanks
  23. ​play less, if u got dreams about games u got problem I wonder if you understand its a joke or you are so stupid I mean i even wrote it at the end but obviously you didnt read it. ​He never reads.. You could make a movie with that bwahahaha ​Well people are paying to brake weapons on overenchant, so I guess a teamspeak for me sounds better than getting crystals in game
  24. ​ofc more sides 55 lvl more fun:) soon it will not be fun for most of you guys and i guess u will merge with ES+tribo ​3 Months now you're saying you're 55 lvls, I get bored of this.. The same about boxes
  25. SOiL

    PvP and Fun ^^ (4)

    Too many boxes not fair, dont kill our boxes not fair. You were more than us, we had boxes.