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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. SOiL

    ROK video :D

    wp guys! That's so sad that warlord can't use aoe in war without flagging
  2. SOiL

    Warrior party

    Honor party, looking for Destro,SE or EE 66+. Mail SoiL ingame
  3. SOiL

    War flag issues

    I think we all know about war bugs. I don't mind about it but it's annoying for other classes that can't use aoe skills if war doesn't flag. Like warlord can't land a skill without war go flag, or mages can't use aura flash etc.
  4. ​At gludio last siege we were 27 people inside castle and getting hit by perkunas and unique. So please. Also normandy it's like a bot clan don't count in each box clan you think. gf ​u are not stupid, u dont lose gludio last siege for like... idk 2min? because perkunas went gludio and save ur ass when we was casting. was luck but nothing change ​Even koll's stream you can see we were fighting perkunas too. We didn't lose it for 2 mins yes that's the only truth in your post, but 3 parties max. You're making 3 parties just for epics and ofc i'm not stupid
  5. Tsakale mou sou prosferoume 10% exp kai CH gia to exp sou. To oti eisai 25 lvl 2 vdomades omws den prosfereis esu kati se mas k anagkasthka 8a vgeis logo inactivity re file. Polu pio apla 8a mporouses na hsoun apla mia camera enos apo ta war mas, opote se parakalw den xreiazetai kan to forum gia na klaigesai edw pera.
  6. ​At gludio last siege we were 27 people inside castle and getting hit by perkunas and unique. So please. Also normandy it's like a bot clan don't count in each box clan you think. gf
  7. SOiL

    Part 5 is here :D

    ​ahahahaha omg this guy My opinion about CP pots it's OFC to don't add them, the whole pvp system will fail. As you said about mp, most of classes will run out of mp! That's a good option in classic with no cp pots until now. NNyxi thanks for that i'll check it later have to leave for work.
  9. SOiL

    Vigilance recruits

    ​Welcome back! Go play ol
  10. Bored to read all 3 pages, you guys talk too much Well destros can easily get kited and die. Now it's truth rush killed many classes in h5++ l2 that I wasn't playing at all. The problem wasn't the rush, it was the CD that everybody had, you could use rush and then again rush and again and again, my idea is to put rush on destro but with 10-15 seconds cooldown so he can't spam it. That's all everyone is happy now!
  11. SOiL


    ​Ahahahahahaha nice one! No worries, You can reroll your char here maybe i'll go on necro too. There are 5 necros on server? lol, just ochoba's party got 5 Btw yes, lionheart doesn't give fear resistance but I was talking about anchor with lionheart. Always landing, but old days was like 1-2 seconds so was fine by me now it's 90% and 5 seconds slow and 5 seconds paralyse. Im not talking about sps cause dee missed few blizzards so it's not 100% it's like 1/2 blizzards
  12. SOiL


    Man few weeks ago you were 62-64 lvl and I was 70. Isn't normal to get stunned all the time? My videos are before changing the buffs for resist. Im not saying to make it like it was, I'm saying to buffs be usefull vs curses too not just stuns. Having full buffs +lionheart and getting 90% curse it's stupid. Others char should get curses 100% without lionheart. Also that's for mobs too, mob land rate of anchor stuns etc it's stupid, I get stunned from 40-50 lvl mobs even from 20 lvl mobs. These kind of bugs should be fixed.
  13. SOiL


    Man I hitted you for 400 with blaster and 1 out of 6 stuns landed if you're the char with jad,dajvillage or whatever. You were hitting me for 1.8k and that's happening with all necros on my lvl. Btw that's good for me, when you killing me, when that happens you open champagne screaming I killeeeed soil I killeeeed soil.
  14. SOiL


    Maybe you should change buffs like it was? Cause with full buffs and lionheart getting 100% fear 10 secs o0 and anchor all the time but stuns never lands when they got resist shock.
  15. ​Man we've made posts since 1.0 dozens of times about PK scrolls and nothing happened. Everyone will pk and clean pk and clean! Also, your clan. Maaan.. we were like an ally in first siege, I remember while ppl losing items from guards even if they registered attackers (Was bug) and you tried to steal items from your ally, after that you joined enemy side (perkunas). You will be always like minions to me, go exp in field of massacre
  16. I agree with reaver, DA is the most OP class with SK right now. BUT! It's not like, ok I got a DA 70 lvl I go pvp. With DA you gonna train and train and train and train to lvl him up! If you're bored doing this make glad, long range AOE of glad got 10 sec CD btw, close range it's not like old chronicles, you need position to hit all mobs! Enjoy and welcome!
  17. SOiL

    You asked for it.

    ​First ally was Indestructible, now it's DarkLegion. Crest changing was cause we were looking for one
  18. SOiL

    You asked for it.

    I kept some videos to make this one (they are like 3 weeks old and I wasn't playing for like 12-15 days in august so..), always you were making bsoe so time doesn't matter folks I bsoe when I play 1v5 or when I have mobs or 4+ pks, i've never bsoed 1v1. Except if you talking about another 1v5 we made. MoDoy got balls I admit that and wondering why you belong to unique , I remember once we were looking for war 5 ppl and he returned to hit us I'm not blaming ppl for pr, just you shouldn't pr on war while you lose 0.50% exp and maybe less, make some fun man stop PRing and fighting only when you got +10 people more, that has no honor! You already playing with 3 healers on each party. It's a game!
  19. SOiL

    You asked for it.

    Bsoe PRs RRs everywhere..
  20. ​they do, its just not such a big deal anymore i guess, because back in the time i hadnt had problem to chain stun 3 lvls higher enemies, now it barely lands on same lvls, but cannot be mad about it, if it works same with mental ​Yep that's why I made the post. Just wanted to know what happened and now I know. True hope fear-roots etc works the same with mental shield!
  21. Ah I see. Like old times, I get it. So lvls doesn't matter in land rate just the buffs?
  22. Anything changed on stun rate? I can't land both stuns of glad. It's like 10-20% success rate at my lvls, lower lvls too. 66-67-68 lvls are resisting my stuns. Dont start saying glad is OP glad has that, this etc. I know it's OP char but the post is about stuns.
  23. Ally DarkLegion Clans Vigilance (Lv.5 CH Aden, Castle Gludio) - Republic of Korea (Lv.3) Overall lvls 68+ recruits people 68+ or parties 65-+. Academy clan recruits also 40+ with 2nd class people. Pm in game "SoiL "Tankadin "SexPistol "Warpole "RIBOS