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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. Now I'm free to play in any place if needed, I have no clan anymore. ? ​You always are no clan. You've change more than 20 clans.
  2. SOiL


    Me too, I logged today after 1 week and I had this 1 sec delay all the time, I just logged out cause was annoying. Hope you will fix it soon.
  3. SOiL

    Any news?

    ​Well rizo, if they won't change the +12 system like they said (I know it's official thing) many people will reroll to mage, i'm thinking of that too so zorgzor will have no other option to cry.
  4. ​1.0 1.3 ofc orfen wasn't giving regen to others cause there was no orfen earing. Damn you went berzeker on crying dunno what you saying!
  5. SOiL

    Any news?

    ​Yep these days i'm off, I just logged for siege so dunno what's going on in game. Alright let's hope they won't take long to make it, thanks for info.
  6. May we have any info about 2.0 test and 2.0 live? Someday a month ago you said you gonna announce the date for 2.0 live in end of October. Thanks for your work guys. And happy birthday L2Classic club
  7. Cose you skill make 1500-2000 dmg still with no grade weapon. So you dont need weapon and we make 1500 with +12 weapons. ​Okay
  8. Brez scrolls were from squashes. So now we're the super donators with +3 weapons but you have +12 weapons and you ain't donators, right. I don't have reason for lying. Also yes I donated for range stun to land easier, I got baium ring lvl 3.
  9. SOiL

    Bugs in siege

    ​Yep and perkunas took dion while we were trying to take giran at the end. Well done that you're trolling people.. you can't even troll yourself
  10. Me and tanka are real life friends, we gave 3k euros for 3 orfens 1.5k each one. Bwahahaha wtf this monkey is saying again? The only money we've given were in start of server for PA account. There's an option if you click alt +c named trade. How orfen works -> 3% of damage are going to mp. I can hit bs mobs for 8k on criticals so I get back like 240 mp. Im saying again, warlords had no VR to skills before it get changed, i rerolled from warlord cause od that. Thats how orfen works, you need target, warlords are not hitting with targets except quick spear.
  11. SOiL

    Bugs in siege

    After eight weeks you got castle well done. We are not allies with perkus so I don't really care. Now stop spamming here about castles, we know that you're happy just this post is for siege bugs.
  12. SOiL

    PvP and Fun ^^ (3)

    Nice clip legi, nice ending And I like people in videos showing how they're losing too. You can't win all the time, it's a game! WP Also that's a good opportunity to check live, how golems were protecting in pray room. o0
  13. So you telling me that non stop mp on farm-exp is op just on gladiators and on mages is just fine, check info of server you have 2 guys lvl 76 cause of orfen. Thats balance eh?
  14. ​about mp regen on gladis and warlords? Yes!! gladi regen by skills... warlords regen by auto attack only... its not fair.... if works with physical skills... lets make it work for all class with physical skills, not only the gladiator OP... and if someone sell you a orfen.. its a motherfff******* . at this point i dont think someone sell. ​Orfen works like VR in warlords I guess so no mp in random aoe skills, you need target. In TH it works fine, just you're stupid, you didn't realize that works.
  15. SOiL

    Bugs in siege

    It's the 4 or 5th siege that still guards are hitting defending pets. In giran castle when UQ or ES took it first time, I was the only one from ally that dropped to town (I demand 2k cols! ) Everyone should be dropped to town, even cameras even dwarves with golems even flags when castle goes down. But noone of those did, I think that's wrong only at giran. Also do something about siege golems, we were fighting them inside pray room.
  16. SOiL

    PvP PvP!

    ​Check all of my videos you monkey. I'm deleting focus-death whisper for slot buffs. Those buffs are not working in warriors. Stop bullsh1ts about glads, i'll have so much fun from you at 2.0 prepare for it!
  17. I think it's pink It's easy to spoil it, the fact is the place the mobs are it's so hard if you don't have a good party and a good spoiler. So this recipe costs like 18-20m.
  18. SOiL


    Even on recruit posts
  19. SOiL


    Honor CP - Vigilance Clan LF Tyrant, Warlord, Gladiator - SE, EE. (1 DD and 1 Support) 65+ lvls. Pm me in forum or mail me in game for more details, no other classes, no less lvls.
  20. SOiL

    WTS Aden Clan Hall

    ​Selling the whole clan? ;D Well whatever!
  21. SOiL

    WTS Aden Clan Hall

    ​we can always come up with how to do well, it would wish ​The only way is to lose CH by not putting adena in cwh
  22. SOiL

    Back to buffs

    Yep, on my 74 lvl char with mental shield and lionheart I get like 85-90% paralyzed from necros and curse fear. I guess it the same on silence too and all other mental attacks. Old days, mental shield was working like -> instead of 30 seconds sleep or root it was 15 seconds, same for all mental debuffs even fear was 3 seconds with lionheart + mental shield not 10 seconds. o0 Some guys will start crying about stun now, but stun is not 8/10 with 4 lvl RS, and ofc it's not 10 seconds like fear, stun can be removed if I touch you.
  23. SOiL

    WTS Aden Clan Hall

    You can sell a CH while there's no option there?
  24. You think i'm the donator here?