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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. SOiL

    WTT Talisman lv6

    Cool story bro. I offer GreenLight
  2. Hey, anyone else got 0.5 sec delay or about 1 sec after these unstoppable restarts?
  3. SOiL

    Freezing Flame DC

    Doomcryers (Warcryers got freezing flame, the poison thing) I noticed that it has 0 cast time, guess there's no animation or its not right, check yourself. --0:58--
  4. SOiL


    SLS*SLS +7 480kk or WTT for Deadmans Glory +7 or +adena for +8 pm me here or in game mail "SoiL
  5. Be patient on daggers, with this throw dagger and at 78 with focus death-power they will be really op and ofc will 1-shot a lot of classes.
  6. up WTS Dual sls +7, tyrr down ;p
  7. I didn't say bug, I said I want your opinions, I got your opinions and I was wrong. Don't read whatever you want to read
  8. TSS seems to be fine from what i've watched now in youtube, just wanted opinions about it. (Noob description :P)
  9. Proof is the video I made, you get bonus from sonic focus you got but not from bonus the skill says. I know numbers are strong but TSS got 10 seconds cooldown which a mage in 10 seconds can cast 10 spells and you need to have 3 sonic focus, this in battle, you lose like 1-2 seconds without doing anything just to charge your sonic focus. This is why they give this +30% bonus.
  10. Ksereis agglika, diavase ti grafw. Ta sonic focus dinoun hdh damage se ola ta skills. Dld oso eimai gematos pairnoun ola 10 h 20 h 30% damage apo ta sonic focus pou exw. To 30% tou tss eprepe na einai se bonus an exeis 3 sonic focus. Giauto kai exei 10 sec CD anti gia 3-4 sec
  11. But still says restores 10% of your HP, why passives shouldn't work at all? This is why they're there. I don't really care about it cause I have lvl 1 roar and I lose like 40-50 hp but characters that have 6 roar may lose much more than 40-50 HP. Then explain me why other skills like sonic blaster or double sonic slash doesn't say 20% or 10% more damage in description? It's the same thing with TSS, if you got 2 sonic focus you make more damage. Sonic focus always was giving more damage on skills, but TSS wasn't always like +30% damage if you got max focus that needed. increasing the damage as Momentum is consumed. This is how damage is going up, momentum = sonic focus. +30% is a bonus which ain't working
  12. I'll give some info first, read them and then see the video. First of all I've made a ticket, but they were negative on my video and what i've said, but I thought again about it and wanted to share it with you so i'll have more opinions. Duelist (or Gladiator) is the only class with 1 lvl Battle roar which restores 10% HP at 1 lvl, at 6 which is max is 35%. In video you will see that i'm not restoring the 10% that I have, in ticket told me that passive skills doesn't count, anyone of you got wrong restoring HP with 6 lvl battle roar? Is that okay or its wrong? Let's go to the 2nd. Triple sonic slash (TSS - Gathers Momentum to inflict damage onto the enemy with xxxxx Power, increasing the damage as Momentum is consumed. Damage + 30% at max Momentum consumption of 3. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt, or dualsword ) says +30% when you got 3 sonic focus. (Sonic focus is the power of gladiator, in old chronicles the most you had the more damage you were doing, in classic it's not the same, you don't have to be full (8 Sonic focus) to make max damage, just how many the skill needs, TSS needs 3 for maximum damage and says +30% damage if you got 3. My point is that having 3 sonic focus on char, ofc you will make more damage than without focus, this is not the +30% bonus the skill says, like all the other skills doing more damage if you got the sonic focus it needs, check the video.
  13. WTS Dual SLS +7 in game or in auction. WTB Tyrr 8++ in logic price cause its useless compared to other runes.
  14. SOiL

    Dual SLS +7

    Mail "SoiL
  15. SOiL

    Dual SLS +7

    WTS Dual SLS +7 498kk /target SoiL @Giran Harbor
  16. SOiL

    WTS Dual SLS +8

    We didnt stay at skelth for more than 3 weeks cause of it but its pretty fun that out of your 5 posts, 2 were here at trade post ;D
  17. SOiL

    WTS Dual SLS +8

    As titlte says, mail me at SoiL in game with offer
  18. Who is the leader? End of story, we like china people.
  19. SOiL

    CH Aden

  20. SOiL

    CH Aden

    I'm just saying did bad that fill of karma the ghostrider, but we gave them richards as SE, more lvl box. I gave to parasadalos 600kk and we didnt even sell the CH, he didnt accept it, it's his problem. (And Im not saying he didn't help us with CH,he did) We were far than fair with epic points, I was wasting every day 1h just to calculate and have everything right/fair. More or less that's all, but let's leave the drama, you can find a drama post if you check mpiri's history. This is a trade post, please
  21. SOiL

    CH Aden

    yep I know but they still trying
  22. SOiL

    CH Aden

    To ti leader hmoun einai dikia sou gnwmh, alloi exoun alles gnwmes. To CH den to poulhsame pote kai oute 8a to poulousame, esu ta evgales ola apo to mualo sou. Emeis apla stamathsame na paizoume, oso gia ta points, otan ka8usterousan kses exoume k real douleies etsi, me epairne ka8e mera mia wra na ta upologisw k na valw ta provata sto mantri kai m thn les kai apo panw? Swsta esu 8a to ekanes kalutera.. Ta kompleks sou allou, otan s esteila prin kan poulhsoume to clan 600kk den h8eles, diko sou to provlhma, egw den eipa den voh8hsate gia to ch, apla den ta dexthkes. Oso gia ta epic, okay o vogias sou ekane to char, epaizes solo olo to vrady kai paizei na mhn hr8es oute sta misa. Gia to last orfen, okay ta paidia vgalan 2 bil apo lvl 1 orfen kai den htan kan diko m to provlhma gia to sugkekrimeno, opote mila me allous. Mporei na kaname mlkia me ta SE twn paidiws alla phran enan SE polu megalutero apoti eixan, etsi? Na ta les ola