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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. SOiL

    Warrior party

    Warrior front line party looking for EE or OL or SE from EU speaking greek-english. Requirement lvl is 67+ for more details message me here or send me mail in game "SoiL
  2. SOiL

    Team ROK Siege video

    ​my ally is Rebirth, my ally did not have Oren... anyway it's good change aden for oren =) ​Your alliance is all server except our alliance, btw making more than 1h to take aden from a broken alliance, it was hard to you eh? It's not aden for oren, you guys always got problem on how you see the castles. It was aden for oren and gludio. Was a nice siege as well. This siege had much more less people on CC, previous siege was same numbered but that doesn't matter at all, gf ;D ​all server except your ally, that means pretty much half server right? coz other half is in your side also what broken alliance? i am pretty sure i saw there vigi, SM, westworld, pride, polaks, koreans, syndicate, so what exactly is broken in your ally? (except the fact u didnt have "official ally chat") ​Nah, nothing.. All I see last 2 sieges modoy, was 2 sides (from old sides) being together and you were already a bit more than us, that means no way we're the half server. You just don't playing at nights ​if i am not mistaken, one of those sides u are speaking is old ES+UQ, however last time i checked UQ was with u, its just Dee cp pissed on your head this time and didnt even show up, but arent UQ archer pts still playing with your side? and btw, i am playing at nights in the end, i am in TfD huehue clan which is american prime ​Pinkcake and oppa weren't with UQ? Dee and others were like 4 people not more
  3. SOiL

    Team ROK Siege video

    ​my ally is Rebirth, my ally did not have Oren... anyway it's good change aden for oren =) ​Your alliance is all server except our alliance, btw making more than 1h to take aden from a broken alliance, it was hard to you eh? It's not aden for oren, you guys always got problem on how you see the castles. It was aden for oren and gludio. Was a nice siege as well. This siege had much more less people on CC, previous siege was same numbered but that doesn't matter at all, gf ;D ​all server except your ally, that means pretty much half server right? coz other half is in your side also what broken alliance? i am pretty sure i saw there vigi, SM, westworld, pride, polaks, koreans, syndicate, so what exactly is broken in your ally? (except the fact u didnt have "official ally chat") ​Nah, nothing.. All I see last 2 sieges modoy, was 2 sides (from old sides) being together and you were already a bit more than us, that means no way we're the half server. You just don't playing at nights
  4. SOiL

    Team ROK Siege video

    ​my ally is Rebirth, my ally did not have Oren... anyway it's good change aden for oren =) ​ Your alliance is all server except our alliance, btw making more than 1h to take aden from a broken alliance, it was hard to you eh? It's not aden for oren, you guys always got problem on how you see the castles. It was aden for oren and gludio. Was a nice siege as well. This siege had much more less people on CC, previous siege was same numbered but that doesn't matter at all, gf ;D
  5. ​Theseus hitted you for 7.2k (on 998 p.def) But theseus used his EE to PR. ;D PR's are not op at all, they are just too badasses ​lol. I didnt PR, i was on hill, u started to buff ur all crap, and i walked away to spot. Coz all u had to do is to land ranged stun. U rly think im gonna keep fighting 75 lvl on lvl 70 character? Wow man, u come on forum after every action to write post about it? Huh, boy, u re sad person. U record how u fight 67 lvl character on 75 lvl glad, complain about 7.2k dmg into ur donated armor, from a character 5lvl below that got fix 1 week ago, which has only 1 strong side, occupied with low hp amount, while u play on gladiator that has hvy armor, XXk hp+cp, 2x stun, stun immunity, skills evasion, and in this chronicle got ranged stun. U must be very good player. Sad sad person u must be. I hope u got strong will to eject this info, bcoz when u start to realize that u will end up bad. ​At least glad doesn't have 1 button to play, I use more than 10 buttons on pvps ​Calm your tits, MuerteLegend ...You play Gladi on Classic-GoD chronicle-you use a gaming keyboard to stuck energy stones and you got ready macros that do anything on you, your skills dont require force to cast and you cast them nonstop....Be a Man and play Gladi on H5 and then yes i admit you use buttons not here...And you say i use 1 button, at least i know how to use it ​I already played a glad in gracia-h5, it's much easier than here. Cause there you don't have mages on +12 wit to kill you in 3 seconds and you have resist buffs, muuuuch easier and more time to use your sonics. Stop hating, i've never said you're bad and you acting like this to me, I also said lvl up to fight again and you keep hating on me. BnB style player etsi? Klassika.. Kai mhn m les gia h5 p exoun akoma k rush, gtp einai to h5
  6. SOiL

    Lightning strike

    ​LS had a second or 2 seconds delay. At 1.3 was bugged like 100% to everything but 0 delay. However this is why people can bsoe on stun? Because debuffs got delay? Even me, I remember once bsoed with stun shot and still had 2 seconds stun shot at CH ​yeah, but its generally debuff problem, not LS problem (this delay) ​I'm talking about a delay you can feel it a lot.. Like moving normally before you get it, not 0.30 - 0.40 sec delay
  7. SOiL

    Lightning strike

    ​LS had a second or 2 seconds delay. At 1.3 was bugged like 100% to everything but 0 delay. However this is why people can bsoe on stun? Because debuffs got delay? Even me, I remember once bsoed with stun shot and still had 2 seconds stun shot at CH
  8. ​Theseus hitted you for 7.2k (on 998 p.def) But theseus used his EE to PR. ;D PR's are not op at all, they are just too badasses ​lol. I didnt PR, i was on hill, u started to buff ur all crap, and i walked away to spot. Coz all u had to do is to land ranged stun. U rly think im gonna keep fighting 75 lvl on lvl 70 character? Wow man, u come on forum after every action to write post about it? Huh, boy, u re sad person. U record how u fight 67 lvl character on 75 lvl glad, complain about 7.2k dmg into ur donated armor, from a character 5lvl below that got fix 1 week ago, which has only 1 strong side, occupied with low hp amount, while u play on gladiator that has hvy armor, XXk hp+cp, 2x stun, stun immunity, skills evasion, and in this chronicle got ranged stun. U must be very good player. Sad sad person u must be. I hope u got strong will to eject this info, bcoz when u start to realize that u will end up bad. ​At least glad doesn't have 1 button to play, I use more than 10 buttons on pvps
  9. SOiL

    Lightning strike

    Since you guys fixed FC I think you should start fixing the most obvious bugged skills like LS. The problem is that it has delay when paralyze lands and the main problem is that it should be an active skill but it's a magic skill. About the dmg should be much more than it's atm.
  10. ​Theseus hitted you for 7.2k (on 998 p.def) But theseus used his EE to PR. ;D PR's are not op at all, they are just too badasses
  11. ​Coming to forum, posting a video which is bad cause we were hitting each other with normal hits since I waste my mp on your boxes, called a clannie of yours then you said you can kill me easy 1v1 while it was 2 boxes, you and an archer. Calling me a noob. And.. I'm answering to you, lvl up and we fight again, this is lame.However, realKingofAttention you started this, told me that i'm not the only one making videos, you also have videos in youtube to go search for them etc, was funny to know, never cared never searched for them, play your game and stop your bullshit about more. Welcome to the server, happy that you joined on enemy side. That's all cheers About the other trolls, if I didn't upload a vid, I'd remain a noob, if I upload a vid which I did, i'm the 75 vs 67. When this thing with lvls will stop, are you planning to exp a bit? ​First of all , upload whole pvp 10 secs before you engage me from the hills and without chat covered Secondly,i was with an archer and you were with a mage or bilbao isnt there? Thirdly i came to forum and post this video and the ONLY reason is because you act like a little boy and not like an Ally Leader by sending someone to do a job you cant do Now upload the video 10 secs before the event - if you dont do that there is no excuse on that and i end the conversation here because it starts to get boring(repeat the same think)...And conspiracy theories will start rise ​There are no theories here, I didnt want to spend more time on video. You provoked me, I answered to you and don't talk about honor and shit because I was just walking arround on bs and saw wartag and start hitting him, nobody told me you were there. You got covered chat dunno what you mean by that and bilbao had no idea I was there, no need someone to kill you, if you don't want us to post/kill lower lvl than us then don't join our wars. I had no idea a DA like this is existing and when we first played pvp, hate started vs me plus we got this video from nowhere. ofc conversation is getting boring because you cannot do anything right now and there's no sense here that we talk.
  12. ​Coming to forum and provoke me, posting a video which is bad cause we were hitting each other with normal hits since I waste my mp on your boxes, called a clannie of yours then you said you can kill me easy 1v1 while it was 2 boxes, you and an archer. Calling me a noob. And.. I'm answering to you, lvl up and we fight again, this is lame.However, realKingofAttention you started this, told me that i'm not the only one making videos, you also have videos in youtube to go search for them etc, was funny to know, never cared never searched for them, play your game and stop your bullshit about more. Welcome to the server, happy that you joined on enemy side. That's all cheers About the other trolls, if I didn't upload a vid, I'd remain a noob, if I upload a vid which I did, i'm the 75 vs 67. When this thing with lvls will stop, are you planning to exp a bit?
  13. ​I had btb from castle and he canceled me with few other buffs, scroll is clarity. (I reach 7.7k HP with btb, modoy. Love u too xD) Leonida yes, scroll actually wasn't clarity, it was GM stats. No need to saw the whole fight because there's no point on this. You can't kill me now, stop creating hate from nowhere. When you reach 72+ you'll have a chance ​7.7k hp, 5.5k cp on pp buffs, i think i will just rip myself with my SR trying to kill something like that ​Well ye, my set give me like 850 HP and I have +3 con on dyes as well, i'm a big piece of meat
  14. SOiL

    Wts OE full plate set

    Full plate armor +8 helmet +7 gloves +7 boots +6 (+ 844 HP + Bonus MP recovery and extra p.def) 230m mail me in game or message in forum.
  15. Well I was totally in for this, but I prefer to do it in test server with help of admins. Why? Simple. -All same lvls (74?) -All same gear (Example, Choose whatever C grade or B grade you like, everything on +0 and every char can choose 1 epic out of 3 so everyone will have 1 epic of their choice) -Different areas seems more cool
  16. ​I had btb from castle and he canceled me with few other buffs, scroll is clarity. (I reach 7.7k HP with btb, modoy. Love u too xD) Leonida yes, scroll actually wasn't clarity, it was GM stats. No need to saw the whole fight because there's no point on this. You can't kill me now, stop creating hate from nowhere. When you reach 72+ you'll have a chance
  17. SOiL

    An other point of view

    I liked the soundtrack
  18. Dark Legion alliance looking groups from west ;D you can contact me here in forum with a message or in game with a mail for more details.
  19. ​You miss the point here man, it's a game with internet connection. When somebody got delay can't play 100% yes? yes. No need to proove that i'm better than him or not, he's ridiculous since he posted the video, while he asked me to test his dyes and told him I got delay. Doesn't say much to me. Also i'm asking you again, do you even exist with a char?
  20. SOiL


    ​We making CC all players online, that means even parties in abg are in CC. But still a zerg tho, not bad! Hope we play again together guys, take care
  21. What if you make a 500k/player registration 4.5m per party. It'd be cool to equip with C grades +0 but even on this we need a GM checking equip. (I mean they can even put a shadow armor-weapon-jewells that people want) Emi, duals C blunt C everything on C grades, same equip and not have potions/scrolls on inventory. Also that's very important.. ... ... ... ... ... NO PR! However I'm afraid you missed few parties, like demoss
  22. SOiL

    Lunar New Year!

    Another 4 weeks* without siege? Happy holidays to asian people. Also give them an asian proxy to play without lag
  23. I'm not posting crap, for me it's the same shiet both, horror and curse fear got high land rate and you can't even remove it. Stuns can be removed 90% from normal hit or skill-spell. Sleep too, silence too (with core) fear not and you asking to increase the land rate while it's already op. So who is posting crap here man? ;D