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Everything posted by Ziemann65

  1. ​I think if you wait for 2.0. then will the EU Official Server probably sooner open than there is the update here. Opening Offi EU as to the December 15
  2. Ziemann65

    Premium account.

    u have 3 Account? then u need 2 Premium Accounts. Do u have 2 PA or only 1 PA?
  3. Here is a link to an L2 Classic 1.0 database. This server has L2 Classik V1.0 as a basis. L2 Classik v1.0 Database. Einglish (Google translate)
  4. ​I have played by L2 C3 to high. 5 And always there were 70% at Adena drops. In L2classik RU it is also 70%. What you bring to believe that will change it after so many years? Or did you mean that it is changed only here on the server? Sorry my English is not so good, it may be that I have understood you Falch. But do not worry, the admins have said they want to update the server to 2.0. Then drop a lot more Adena and you can afford shots without end. However, they did not say when the time comes.
  5. AT lvl 10 make the Quest for Weapon and 3500 soulshots (or 1500 Spiritshots) Then kill Mobs that drop Weapon. Link to L2central.info, look there for Mobs and Quest. :L2central.info (english translate) A good mob is for example. The can 2 different weapons dropen which increases the chance. lvl 24 Mob The specified% are from L2 2.0. We have on the server but 1.0. so that there can be differences. I am lvl 28 and have so 70-80% of my Adena from weapons drops.
  6. ​No Problem. i sell u SSD for 100a each. How many do you want?
  7. Honestly, what a excitement for such a small resistance. I am now lvl 28 and have some 70-80% of my Adena with Full Drops and Drop Mats. made. So max 30% with Adena drops. If it is no longer 100% drop but to 70%. then these are just 10% less total Adena. And what would be the alternative? The bug can be so at 100%, so that the new players have no disadvantage? But then must remain the 7 players Party Bug, so that new players have no advantage. And all the other bugs also. just as have "old" and new players the same operations. Sorry for bad english
  8. Ziemann65

    XP appearance

    In the options you can set under "Damage text" what is a display on the monitor. Sorry for bad english
  9. Ziemann65


    PK is part of the game. Harassment is not. The only problem is where does end the "normal" PK, and where begins the harassment.
  10. ​That is not true. You drop items without PK points and Karma. Right beside me an Orc Raider got killed and droped his novice sword. I myself droped my Bronze gaiters and my Devotion tunic without having PK points on that char. What i remember from classic, chance to drop weapon was extremely rare (when equipped). Never droped one myself. Here it seems to be MUCH higher. Russian classic version is not old classic though. ​Were you killed by players or mobs? If you get killed by players, you must have 4 PK thus somewhat Drops. If you get killed by mobs can always drop something, even at 0 PK. And the odds are that your weapon properly drop me to be rather small. I've even killed some bots with a train and a few players saw how they were killed by mobs. Most have dedroppt nothing, and 2 times were a few things from their inventory there. I myself am also a couple of times already died and never dropped something. Sorry for bad english
  11. ​Yes wrong links, sorry. I Edit Links now ok
  12. Hier the link to leser Basiliks at L2 Classik 1.0 :https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=2&hl=fr&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://web.archive.org/web/20150103063746/http://l2central.info/classic/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D0%92%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BA&usg=ALkJrhhk6nWkGsBp6Z6RAQmqXN6N3bz_WA U see Animal Bone is 22%-28% also at x2 rate so 50% Hangman Tree at L2 Classik 1.0 :https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=2&hl=fr&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://web.archive.org/web/20150104221459/http://l2central.info/classic/%D0%92%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5_%D0%94%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%BE&usg=ALkJrhjwMR36f_prXSAN9spPEA0zwJaj9g Steel is 1,7 -2%
  13. In Classic all Resistenze lower als in L2. so Stunt 9/10 is normal if u LvL => Target lvl. Same with Dots, Fear ....
  14. The spoil rate in L2central.classic.info is from Classic 2.0 But on this Server we have Classic 1.0 The Spoilrate for Classic 1.0 can u see in the archives from L2central.classic. Sorry i hahe no Link
  15. ​is a Joke, or? If someone was faster than you, you're out of luck. Take another name. As if a man be banned only because someone else wants his name. Sorry for bad Einglish
  16. i have the same with Langk Lizardman. The Hit me with 15-20 and Crit with 40 but time to time the hit me with 60-80 non crit hit. And i see no Animation that the mob use a Skill at the 60-80 Hit. Sorry for bad english.
  17. ​ Learn to read? ​Sorry, i not speak good english, i use Google Translate english->Germany. So it may well be that I understand something wrong.
  18. I dont see a Top D Grade Weapon on the screenshot. I see a Goat Head Staff, but this is not Top. Top is Ghost Staff
  19. If I want to reply to a private message or if I want a send. I get the message "Chars below lvl 40 not can use the private chat. And Chars below 76 can not use the Shout Chat" Because I can get private messages,so other players have the problem not well. If the error is known, or am I doing something wrong? For private Message i click on the name in chat or Char I type -> "NAME Message Sorry for bad english. Google translate
  20. Ziemann65

    Best buffer for HE?

    I think PP. PP has everything WC has also, apart from VR. And VR does not need the HE. PP has also yet Bless the Soul, Bless the Body, Haste. And in an emergency, the PP is the better Healer
  21. U can play withs friends 1 DD + 1 Buffer/healer +....+..... it´s call Party, it´s as good as Dual Box or better Or u pay for Premium Account so u can have 2 Accuonts for Dual Box. Sorry for bad English.
  22. ​The same problem here. I use Win 10, have tested it with Firefox and Microsort Edge. Have not use a proxy and I'm from Germany