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Everything posted by Koll

  1. http://prntscr.com/jhs915 - year/month/day http://prntscr.com/jhs98o - month/day/year
  2. Koll


    Hello. Please create ticket, supports need to check logs.
  3. Koll

    Pet SS

    https://l2wiki.com/classic/Beast_Soulshot http://prntscr.com/jga2qh
  4. Koll

    Test server is now open

    Must be fixed.
  5. If you are stuck on "you are logining..." - this means your VPN server can't connect to our IP+PORT. Why? Server that you choose as VPN have problems to connect to our IP+PORT ( it can be temporary problem ). We can't do anything with this from our side.
  6. Koll


    We still don't know your char name....
  7. Koll


    Hello. 1) This option was for free 2) In 2.0 we don't have this option because we need update program that we was using for this ( NCsoft updated protocol with 2.0 )
  8. Koll

    Cheap AC?

    https://l2wiki.com/classic/Heavenly_Rift http://prntscr.com/jbbw0r
  9. Koll

    dion castle fix

    Hello. Create ticket from clan leader.
  10. Koll

    be ban

    Hello. Contact supports, you was trying to scam people pretending that you are selling Event items.
  11. Koll

    Tribute to Lexa

    Yes, they will be checked, but last 2 our checks they was just standing in town
  12. Koll

    Tribute to Lexa

    We banned already around 100+ Lexa chars
  13. Koll

    Tribute to Lexa

    We should ban people for possibility to use bot or we must have evidence before ban people? Lexa895 & 894Lexa was banned.
  14. Koll


    What proxy?
  15. Hello. You was banned by anti-brut protection. Wait 15 min and login back again.
  16. Hello. We still don't have option to do it. We are not planing involve Manton in this task, so have to use other people for this.
  17. Koll

    Can't login

    Please contact me via skype: koll.classic and show how crash happening with team viewer
  18. Koll

    CHN in Core

    1) You see that they just can't pick it up, because they don't have rights on this drop ( 0:23 dark elf with axe comming from the left of the screen and just standing on top of some jewel, then go to another one and only closer to the video end picking it up ) 2) One of the chars who was resurrecting ( dark elf ) at 0:07 of the video trying to pick up jewel from the left ( can't because they don't have rights to pick it up ), then come back in group I can't be 100% sure if they was using bot based on this video.
  19. Koll

    Can't login

    Hello. To login on web you are using E-mail + pass or Login + pass?
  20. http://www.lineage2.com/en/game/download/system-requirements/ Please note that Lineage II requires DirectX 9.0c or above. Windows® 95, 98, NT and XP are not supported. Install DirectX 9.0c or above and the latest drivers for your video card.