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About DemiLovato

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  1. We dont say BUG we say FEATURE
  2. The only reason u played sjeks was to scam your own cp and RMT adena for the whole time. You should not be able to lead anyone ever again.
  3. People simply dont want to( or even cant spend hours and hours to get 1 or 2 tablets per prime,server is in state where we simply cant afford it)
  4. At the begining of the server drops were "kinda" ok ,we were getting drops in DV and so on,but since sjeks party reported Enchanted valley is dropping way too many full drops,smth went competly wrong . Farming ABG top spots for hours and hours and seeing only avadon,zubei boots in 4h farm? NO WAY! First days of LOA was also not bad,in 2 or 3 days we were getting parts,even full drops and then again shadow nerf of this location for no reason(Admins will never admit it.).Or remaking LOA 10 times in 1 month while it was OK. Begining of TOI tablet drop rate was low but still farmable for 3rd skill book. Week or two have passed and TOI recieved shadow nerf. Problem is that Admins wont even admit they changed something. Simple patch notes of fixes would be appreciated. I feel like Admins just abandoned us. Only who is giving us some hope is Koll but thats about it.
  5. it will fuckup your whole side,are u sure about that?
  6. I think he ment epics 75 lvl, like AQ 75 lvl drop still D items,which is kinda sad 😄
  7. Only true summoner classes 🙂
  8. - EXP scrolls should be removed (at least on this first half of 2.0 update) We managed to live without them till now,we can do it again.
  9. Epics are contesed by 2 SIDES since 1st day of server,i dont see a problem
  10. when randoms will level up,might never happen tho