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Everything posted by Merlinas

  1. For now we are full and invitation suspended. If you have really strong desire to join us contact my in game (mail be better). Then somehow try to solve problem.
  2. If someone is to shy contact with me on skype or in forum. Tomorrow i play on beta. You cant contact with me, nick Merlinas. My skype sun_god2 for those who is to lazy to register in forum. If adding me to friends please write for what reason or i decline request. Good link for time travelers.,13,11&h=12
  3. Hi. For everyone who registered i send private message with my skype contacts. If you still have not contacted with me, please contact.
  4. 1. Bounty hunter, (may be Prophet or Warcryer if it is felt the lack of support) 2. ~ 2 - 3, sometime more 3. Lithuania, UTC+2, 4. English, Russian, Lithuanian 5. Materials gathering, calculation of spoil, craft... 6. Any of them. Good luck for myself .
  5. Hello, “Gimine” clan recruiting. Every Class and profession are welcome. Goals: International clan of mature players. We have works, families and not that much time to play this game 24/7. Clan where players play when they can. Clan which not try to be fastest, the first to achieve top of charts. Clan which strategy is stable perfect calculated and managed game play.Old style clan build, I’m not fan of hardcore constant parties. Random Dwarf party is also cool. Requirements: · Be mature. Age doesn't do you mature, the words and actions do. · Play period at least six months. Every other situation solved individually. Some rules: (Rules can be changed, edited or supplement) 1. Primary clan chat language English. 2. As a clan member you are representing clan. Be respectful and pleasant to everyone who you interact with on server. 3. How much you help to clan that much clan help to you. (If you solo warrior this clan is not best choice to you ). 4. I would like to receive information about any circumstances witch can stop you from being online (if you get vacation for a week and traveling to North pole let me know ). 5. Respect server rules, ban hammer is heavy . If you read everything and decide to join leave post with this info: 1. Profession you will play, 2. Estimate online time (hours per day), 3. Where you live, your country time zone (UTC), 4. In which languages you speak, 5. In which field you are best (for example: good in planning, easily can lead party, only know how need grind, can speak 3 hours without stop :D, and so on…) 6. Witch communication you prefer (Old style in game clan chat, Skype in game and out of it, IRC out of game, Team Speak) For other information PM, also can find my in game Nick: Merlinas or sometimes Varskyte. Clan now (on beta test) also exists. Let’s recruitment begins
  6. This is not official recruitment , i try to find couple of peoples who can help me with management of clan (find right hand :)). Official recruitment start in few days.
  7. Hi. you can check this one As well as in a few days I am going to start recruitment.
  8. Hello. I think Ivory tower pit monsters names is incorrect. "Reinforced Stone Golem" should be "Enchanted Stone Golem" "Reinforced Monster Eye" --> "Enchanted Monstereye" "Reinforced Steel Golem" --> "Enchanted Iron Golem" "Reinforced Gargoyle" --> "Enchanted Gargoyle"
  9. Friend at work send it for my. Then i found it on and
  10. Dante's inferno and open beta here.
  11. Hello I’m Merlinas keeper of “Gimine” clan name (English analog… Kin… I think… Or analog of Scotch clan). My goal: International clan of mature players. We have works, families and not that much time to play this game 24/7. Clan where players play when they can. Clan which not try to be fastest, the first to achieve top of charts. Clan which strategy is stable perfect calculated and managed game play. What I try to do now: Find a couple of peoples with the same clan idea and build core. If you want join this crazy plan PM. ​
  12. Dar neaišku daugoka detalių, bet ieškau pakolkas žmogaus kuris prijaučia panašiai žaidimo idėjai ir ruošiasi čia užsibūti ilgam. Reiktu suformuot kažkokį branduolį. Be to ir anglų kalba rašytinė mano šūdina tai ir neblogai būtu žmogus kuris rašytu normaliai, visgi logiškiausias variantas kurti internacionalinį klana :).
  13. Or we can create database yourself :). That's will be really nice initiative.
  14. Hi. Jei jau taip nutiks, kad nerasiu tinkamo klanelio teks kurti savo. Su senu geru tikslu jog nolifinimas nėra tiesiausias kelias į smagų žaidimą. Atsimenant geriausius Beyond bei Avalon laikus bei senojo klano tradicijas . Jei atsiras prijaučiančių tokiam tikslui ar bent jau zmonių kurie girdėję apie Giminę (te atleidžia man vadas kad po tiek metų primenu klano vardą...) ar bent, pamena nickus: VarskyteGimineEEMerlinasOnimusha3... na manau kas žino šiuos kitus atsimins, nenoriu be reikalo kelti jų vardų.Bei atsimena šį smagų dwarfą mano avatere duokit žinoti :).
  15. Nu ką, ir man gal reiks startuot :O.