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Everything posted by Kuja

  1. Kuja


    How much for BW Heavy Set?
  2. Kuja

    WTB TOP C Duals

    Well, I'm just buying +0 and +3 itens. But if you want to sell it, I can offer 50kk. If you want you can take an Avadon Circlet +1 too.
  3. Kuja

    WTB TOP C Duals

    WTB Top C Duals: Katana*Katana Raid*Raid Spirit*Spirit 18kk for +0; 24kk for +3; Mail Kuja if you are interested. Thx
  4. Hi guys, I'm Buying Dual Katana +3+4+5+6+7... AAAAND FULL PLATE Gloves and boots Payment: Adena or Euro via Auction Send your offer here or mail Kuja in game
  5. ​​Make mithril set, u will need it later. ​Why? I dont see bonuses from mithril much profitable in comparison with Knowledge bonus ​It gives speed bonus, so you will need it later. Btw, I think you should save your money for karmian set. Good game.
  6. Kuja

    Pks lv60 in cruma.

    we never pk cruma before, as it did metadon and kudanonajio but they did it and its cool that they did. they closed cruma for everyone exept their clan thats logical. this change will not give effect as we show(system already changed) cruma will be pked anyway. But that hurt us in DV, where doin ally exp. meh there is nothing to argue with solopve players. find cp, clan, chose side and then you will understand. On retail scrolls somehow exist and i think they are not dumbasses and community don't cry there like here. ​ ​for some of us its not our life but only a game to spend 1-2 hours at night... you can't insult us by calling us solo pvpe players or carebears. we are not 15 anymore, we have jobs, relationships, friends...Finding a cp and go for "l2 career" is not our goal ​Everybody here have lifes, but we are here to play a hardcore game, that's why we are playing here instead of old L2, So lvl up, choose a strong clan with friends, enjoy it and stop crying. One day you will be the "lvl 60 power abuser". Good game. ​ ​Where exactly did you see me crying ? stop using that stupid cliché phrase. it doesnt make you look any cooler ​It's not just a cliché phrase. "Cry posts" are the topics that just complain about any aspect something... that's what's happening. You aren't the only one, don't be so mad... Enjoy the game.
  7. ​ Glad is a nice option, but I think you will enjoy Tyrant too. Tyrants have stun, AOE, strong range and close skills. They are fast and are the best solo class (my opinion). I think you will never get bored with it because you can do everything with a Tyrant, enjoying all aspects of the game. Good game!
  8. ​Hola amigo, como estas? No tenemos informaciones oficiales acerca de la población, pero creo es cerca de 1k en este momento. 1. Mi impresion acerca del servidor es la mejor!! Los administradores hablan mucho con los jugadores y escuchan las sugestiones para mejorar el juego. 2. El servidor tiene una rigida politica anti-bot que es muy buena. 3. Las donaciones facilitan la vida, pero no rigen el servidor. Ex: yo e mi amigo no donamos y tenemos full set con enchant, mucha adena, y matamos los "full donation" (moremos tambien jajaja)... Para mi el servidor tiene una vida de longo plazo porque tiene muchos jugadores que gustam de servidores hardcore, tiene una boa politica anti-bot y los administradores son muy atentos. Perdon por el mal Español... Good game.
  9. Kuja

    Pks lv60 in cruma.

    we never pk cruma before, as it did metadon and kudanonajio but they did it and its cool that they did. they closed cruma for everyone exept their clan thats logical. this change will not give effect as we show(system already changed) cruma will be pked anyway. But that hurt us in DV, where doin ally exp. meh there is nothing to argue with solopve players. find cp, clan, chose side and then you will understand. On retail scrolls somehow exist and i think they are not dumbasses and community don't cry there like here. ​ ​for some of us its not our life but only a game to spend 1-2 hours at night... you can't insult us by calling us solo pvpe players or carebears. we are not 15 anymore, we have jobs, relationships, friends...Finding a cp and go for "l2 career" is not our goal ​Everybody here have lifes, but we are here to play a hardcore game, that's why we are playing here instead of old L2, So lvl up, choose a strong clan with friends, enjoy it and stop crying. One day you will be the "lvl 60 power abuser". Good game. ​Agreed.
  10. ​ I said I NEVER got lag, not now, 2h ago or 2 months ago
  11. Kuja

    Event: Flower Party

    Nice event, good job.
  12. I have a 2mb ADSL internet connection (bad connection, btw) and I'm from Brazil and I do not have lag, so the problem is your connection. ​ Agreed.
  13. Kuja

    WTB Demon Staf +6+7+8...

    Mail Killah and lets negociate
  14. Hi guys, I would like to trade my Demion Staff +5 + adena, for Demon Staff +6+7+8... Mail Killah if you are interested. Good game.
  15. Hello guys, anybody here still have an active Twitch??
  16. ​ 1 . to kuja = Bye then my friend, and i hope than the server keep alive with the same 200-300 ppl acting like selfish idiots, killing ppl who´s playing PvE 4 fun. GL with that seriusly i want see this server in 2 months max 1.5 = this was the last server of L2 4 me so isnt necesary move to innova , russians etc, keep that mentality, this is a game, keep poisoning uself with that agressiveness, better 4 me u going to die earlier in the real life. :3 these arguments = " for me, you aren't strong enought to keep yourself alive and to join a "monopolize clan" and comes to the forum to start crying like the "PK Scrolls guys", "free second box guys"<---( idk what u talking about btw?), "sniff sniff sniff JerryZ killed me at Cruma guys <--( again idk wth are u talking about =?)" and etc..."jajajajajajajaja u make my day thx = is a 5 years kid answer me=? pretty lame btw. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 2. to gfbot = No, going to make a mini event hiding items here and there when came back from work, the last thing I'll have fun in this game , not gift anything everything was difficult to get 4 me, Btw: sorry 4 my spelling errors im still learning. ​No, I just see ppl crying because is too hard, instead of enjoy it. I just used "crying posts" exemples... PS: Yes, it's a game, and I'm here as an user. Sometimes, people just need to know to truth to keep going, to see it isn't easy for anyone (other reclamation posts). as @ProGressiva said: "I mean, why u QQ all time about every fuking sh1t in game. Update, scrolls bla bla bla bla... Is it fun now?" Cya and good luck.
  17. Well... do you think is possible more than 5 clans "monopolize" an 1.0 classic server, where there is just 1 spot to hunt at lvl 50-60? for me, you aren't strong enought to keep yourself alive and to join a "monopolize clan" and comes to the forum to start crying like the "PK Scrolls guys", "free second box guys", "sniff sniff sniff JerryZ killed me at Cruma guys" and etc... Go to the "oficial" servers, there you can just put your characte botting all day and will not suffer, because they are 1x VEEEERY HARDCORE Bye.
  18. Hello guys, I'm buying a Demon/Ghoul Staff +4+5+6+7... I can pay using COL and/or Adena. Send a mail to Killah with the number of enchants of your Demon Staff, the price, and let's negociate! Good game to all!
  19. Hi guys, I'm. selling Sword of Magic Fog +12. Find my shop at Giran or sendo a msg/mail. Thx.
  20. Kuja

    WTS Demon Staff +3

    Hi, I'm selling a Demon Staff +3 for a good price... Post your offer here or mail urNext. Good game.