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Everything posted by chevignon

  1. ​your broke or what Dunno why need more adena ? ​for my Soes +9 700kk and its yours^^ ​u have SOES +9 ? :v ​no
  2. ​your broke or what Dunno why need more adena ? ​for my Soes +9 700kk and its yours^^
  3. chevignon

    Cant log in

    yeah for me its sounds also like this that some ports are blocked
  4. ​Isnt Toi a good melee Spot in your opinion ? TOI? ​Another place which will be ocupied and unaccesable during wickedsick prime At least we will have enough pvp fun instead of boring farming ​Tower of Insolence.
  5. ​i dont have a 100% info about classic. Atleast in other chronicles the lvl doesnt matter.
  6. ​im at the side of enf0rcer: If u make COL untradeable ppl like Mizuno (hope it was right) will just buy adena from RMT. So the way it is is the best choice
  7. ​Isnt Toi a good melee Spot in your opinion ?
  8. ​on highest lvl its 50% chance to reflect
  9. ​drop from mobs in loa (Malruk Lord/Karik/Knoriks)
  10. chevignon


    ​and so on? im still waiting it .. ​Me too. I don't see your PM. ​lol
  11. ​atleast i can tell u that they arent connected to pride anymore. However for deeper infos try to pm "ochoba
  12. ​its a non-target aoe skill i suppose ? ​qloc is right. its non target aoe
  13. ​probably coal in orc barracks
  14. chevignon


    ​maybe u have something like 24h disconnect from your isp or have some options that ur connection breaks up if u dont have enough traffic meanwhile.
  15. chevignon

    Mods 1.5

    ​the Window mode is ALT+ENTER. To change it back just ALT-ENTER again. PS:i think everyone knows this effect. But i never explored why it is like that too
  16. ​if u manage to get the Sb for However i have the same Opinion. SE is the best support for a Spoiler
  17. ​also wrong... sls recipe is c Grade and is 100% There isnt even a 60% c grade recipe...
  18. ​absolutly wrong. There are just few 100% recipes from 1.0 like damascus or valhalla. There isnt a 100% bop/soes/aoba and so on recipe...
  19. ​they were drop in 1.0 with ev patch they werent avaiable anymore. now they drop in LoA again. But Chance is very very low
  20. Hey guys. Im looking for a constant party to play with. My timezone is GMT+1 and i can play mostly till 4-5 AM in the morning. So im also familar with other timezones like south americans. Teamspeak is avaiable. Adding other communication Platforms isnt a problem. Feel free to leave a pm/message here or pm/mail me ingame "chevignon for more informations
  21. ​thats not true. u just need to be lucky to drop the special item" meanwhile questing that u can start part 2