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Everything posted by chevignon

  1. chevignon

    +10 Homu, +6 Drake

    ​salaras is right ipku had a +16
  2. as the title says i wanna sell avadon Robe set +3 (gloves +3, boots+3, circlet +3, robe +2) Pm me here oder mail ingame "chevignon. I will answer even if your offer isnt interesting for me.
  3. anyone know what happend to the guy (princeofchaos?!?) with the +15 light crossbow ?
  4. chevignon


    ​according to my experience in the next 10 minutes after the donation was successfully completed.
  5. ​you talk like B grade is something unreachable. while its crap ​So your cp is full of crap ? ​yea, need to OE it, fucking l2classic... and it rules i know what uve talking about. ​i would like to provide some pics of a +6 doom robe set..but in the end i would just post pics of crystal b
  6. ​Thank you Maybe adding a little P2W donations later on could be a possibility to pay the rent? Not like ++equip but at least some minor XP scrolls or such. I mean I think everyone would agree it would be better to play on a slightly donator-advantageous server than none at all, right? ​allot ppl like the server because they dont have the p2w feeling. That would be a mistake in my opinion
  7. ​you talk like B grade is something unreachable. while its crap ​So your cp is full of crap ?
  8. chevignon


    ​the funny point is that every of this named classes are one of the highest lvl players on server (65/64 etc). and its not about that melee parties arent possible. Its mainly they arent formed that much (dunno why, since they are still fast killers in DV/LoA)
  9. if i remember right there was some bug issue with it and it isnt fixed till now any admin can confirm my words or im wrong ?
  10. chevignon


    ​that could be still any book and u just writing the name in chat ​Ok I agree =) Here is the full pic full.bmp ​wohho the holy grail exists
  11. ​I have the info that the side "with players like this" dont care about that the other side is winning on equal numbers since their game goals are totally different opposites to ur's or the other side.
  12. chevignon


    ​that could be still any book and u just writing the name in chat
  13. chevignon


    ​u pay with your elv body ?
  14. there is soo much lack of knowledge about Ol's around
  15. chevignon


    ​u didnt took the chance to buy it ?
  16. chevignon


    u need to leave WickedSick. Then it will drop
  17. i wonder if he even laughted about himself when he wrote this topic
  18. chevignon


    ​useskillforce helps ​try cast a fear using /force in a macro agaist a non flag war.... ​i never spoke about the point of flagged/non flagged. i spoke about that he "have to press ctrl to hit".
  19. ​do u sell shafts?) ​when i get some i trade for soes heads
  20. ​ ​ ​and u know that allot of those 90 ppl are buff box like shmadow in this party or dwarfs (god bless them) like u see twice in this party. ofcourse we need to outnumber u to be a challenge for u since Wickedsick ally taking this game much more serious than OOC/Rest of the Server. U know it. U want it. so stop arguing with that fact every time when u get ur ass kicked (as it would happen that much often)
  21. chevignon


    ​useskillforce helps
  22. i have doubts that hes really going to pay 8kk for this recipes otherwise WTS 6 Bop recs
  23. ​its a clan/cp game. So play in clan parties or a cp and u wont have this problem. and talking about consequences is just ridicilous. It just shows that u probably never gathered any informations about classic before u joined. Its part of classic. Deal with it or play Interlude or h5 or whatever
  24. ​i will remember it when nomy dropping me his Soes