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Everything posted by zorgzor

  1. Just now i get point why only old UQ and Vig clan pk all, cose when siege end all fuking zerg of perk go to tons of randoms clan, and perks dont know self ppl, who go where, so thay dont pk any, cose maby thay pk self ppl.... xaxaxa. The bigest shit ever i see on this server is changing clans every siege time... If posible vote i will vote for 1 week clan penalty, if you take choos fight for it, but kids make post what someone pk tham on low lvls. So dont make more posts abaut cry, what someone pk you, or dont change clans just for siege zerg.
  2. zorgzor

    my first time :$

    thats music....... noooooooo
  3. ​there is just to low online, so you think orfn is to op. but on offi for him fight 300+ ppl. so just god's use it, and bonus is ok for tham, there all cry cose one clan no lifers use it. if there lots clans use it nobody cry abaut it
  4. ​ this topic must be like this
  5. zorgzor

    Part number 10

    ​the epicks its yours problem find the person who sell ​hehehehe. good joke someone sell epics nobody farm it just old UQ and you say someone sell who ? admin ? you say like idiot, logic is random ppl creat party and go kill epic... buhahahaha, and make random pic up.....
  6. zorgzor

    Part number 10

    Dont wana post, dont wana post, dont wana post... fuck i need post... now we see that team who never farm epics have 3 epics 3 lvls nice.... also we see how op are dmg from glad, no buff = 2700 crits. And how much resist we see from stun...
  7. Better warpole than green. This guy like drop items
  8. Overlord mana drain aoe also can crit
  9. You need time to 76, we know it. If you have now 76 you will speak different. And dont say we use orfen. Cose like i say me start use from 75 just. All other lvls we make it with no orfen but just with 3 mana regeners. But i agre better normal update than with lots bugs soce forum will cry from my topics buahahah. Also one more think is sano say update 2.0 is very big maby Gm wana make 2.0 with exp zones and in nex 2 months for example 2.1 with hero and epics....
  10. ​First skill crit and start tick. second skill half critical and start tick again. Freezing flame cant kill you just make you HP to 0 then WC need to hit you with weapon or skill Steal Essence. But im not expert its my first time play as WC. @San0 can explain beter. Dots like wc have can crit just one time. And this is not crit call. Dmg of crit = all dmg what debuf will do in 10 sec. So if skill have 200 dmg per sec for 10 sec and you crit it person will get 200*10= 2000 dmg. And than he start click per secound. But he cant crit dauble time with it. There is bugs also wizual. For example from overlord you can see heal crit 2500 or 1500 but he heal just 500. Prom pp also you can see heal 2000 but he heal you 300. Dont know why and how this wizual bug work
  11. ​oh nice... you also have 3 lvl orfen ? ​Dude,we already solved this. Our cp has orfen. Don't act like u don't share it with other cp members. Nop. Cose its for mag or ol. So just me and dee have
  12. ​oh nice... you also have 3 lvl orfen ?
  13. aha, now i see who was this wc who use it all time... did you know what when it crit me, he take off 1000+ hp in one sec ?
  14. I have report abaut heal of overlord. There is one description abaut heal per secound but it heal less
  15. You lie abaut land rate. Now you say what you know better was dee on buf or not.... he newer stay from ress and he never fight with no buffs. Also how he can res and dont take buffs. If you ress self 10 times and try use one skill like "llght" but you die one more time on 50% casting skill its not us problem. we dont fight with no buffs its normal i think. i am at work so i dont test now, like i say i will show movi for all from pvp, lets ppl see, than thay will know why we make posts like this. PS. i never say admin lie. just i dont beleve this stats, cose its imposible and never work with normal pvps, or like i say someone use bugs with passiv stats which admin cant see, and no one player cant see, its populiar on "paytowinn" servers. like we see one week one or two person is runing with black nick what is imposible to donate or to do, but thay have it, and restart was and thay still with it. the same with enchanting items, if mag weapon is 33 % chance how there is so much weapons +12/+16. if bow like fighter weapon have 66 % i can beleave there will be some +10++ enchants, but now we see 60 % of server have this weapons, but nobody in game sell it.
  16. ​ so first time you say 1/7 now you say 3/5 - 4/6. its still more than 60 %, but like we see it was 90 % and when dee die, he ress self from SE, he buff self with mental emp and other buffs. so GL to lie more and more, cose we see how you chance words in any post
  17. hard1 is top pvp player in mario. back to movi, like i say i make movi abaut skills, not who die who not. cose who win you know, what you need 2-3 ppl more what we to kill us. i dont wana say how much time yesterday you die or pr, also say thx for thelord who comes with clan, and when all die he run, nice team play bro
  18. ​xaxaxaxa real ? taduliz again you say lies ? need more op the mage or wat ? i land 1/7 fear on dee if i am lucky but wen you go down from us you start crying again on forum ..san0 make the test and you have see the numbers and steal crying have a nice day !! (mordekayzers fear and anchor land to me 9/10 this is ok ?) ​why you lie now ? i am mordekayzer and i fear you two time from 4-5 pvp's and i use more than 10 skills. and like you see admin say 4 % and like you remember when buffer heal dee in one pvp you fear 5 times dee with 100 % chance who have epic and mental buff, and when bish come you b soe. i dont speak now abaut pvp who win who die, i speak abaut debuffs, and dont forgeet you are less lvl than we, and like i see you know some bugs maby for better land rate ? cose you come there with 3 posts when we start speak abaut you i think i will start make movi from all pvp from now, to show how work all skills. cose we are borring and tired from this,
  19. Hahahahahahaha, cose orfen spawn in UQ CH, and we close doors