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Everything posted by zorgzor

  1. ​ there is lots polish, lithuanian clans too, not just russian like you say,
  2. ​WTF! ... seriously get a life man. ​i have big life Tuning team club, cars, i am technologist of big restaurant now, and last 4 year i have self restaurants. L2 its my hobby https://scontent-waw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/12191346_747618638704298_434475059866814476_o.jpg
  3. 2 year ago i have buy +2 internet providers (small modems) to play at work, so now in home have 3 internet providers , its help for servers who block internet ip, cose i play with daughters and wife its normal if you like game whitch you play.
  4. Wife foto me Gl. http://www.fotosik.pl/zdjecie/308de6157dc2c566
  5. you need kill all control tower for longer resp, like i know you kill 3/4
  6. ​Bro, your English hurts my eyes. It's hard to believe you can't sleep a level 55 player. Maybe he has ++ C jewels / BO jewels and he was buffed with warding / magic barrier / mental shield. ​like i say i have test on bish from clan 67 lvl with the same bufs and beter jewels than war have so question is abaut lvl different, not abaut items btw. feer on 67 was 0/10
  7. cose for me p/m atk - crit rate, crit pover, skill land rate is all the same SKILL POVER, cose i start test now debufs and sometimes i dont understand land rate, and btw admin dont wana say how debufs work on less lvl enemy, cose now i see that is the same shit like on low lvl mobs, if mobs blue i cant use no debufs on him, i have try sleep 67 bish and i have 7/10 sleep, and some min ago i have pvp with 55+ enemy and i have 0/5 sleep
  8. what exactly gives soul cry bonus SKILL POVER 5 % its 5 % dmg from stun and drain or 5 % more chance for debufs ?
  9. zorgzor

    Movie by 4G (3G)

    when we fight at the same lvl with war, war will say what we have better eqip enchanted, when thay have the same eqp, thay will say thay we have full epics. L2 is not abaut the same items. its abaut how good is who in all situation, max lvl, max items, max enchant, and good hands and head
  10. Europe server and autoupdater dont work for me, other server work but lagings
  11. we speak abaut it long time ago, but admin dont change, maby now we can start nev part of discusing, so how abaut that, that then player make relog, his char stay in game 1-2 min. Game will be more agresiv and harden, cos nobody can train in loa all location and just log off, war cant use some programs or somethink like thay do now log off in combat, and lots lots pluses from this system will be, if you make train think what you must kill it, but not just run from mobs
  12. zorgzor

    Movie by 4G (3G)

    10 years ago when ppl have 40 lvl and some cp on server have 65 thay wass pro, all was glad to see thay's pvp movi and so on. now if war is bigest lvl and better with pvp its just noobs.... I just wana say that is not our cp problem, that war have low lvl or dont have full cp or debufs land rate we have better, or other problems like thay all time say.... its problem of ppeople who play from gracia - H5 - or other starrwars chronicle, and never play from c1-c2-c4.
  13. zorgzor

    dual box

    http://www.fotosik.pl/zdjecie/usun/A1y7EdRhb0sVyShT5UJP_6h~G85tnc 5pc at home and 2x internet
  14. Like we know debufs on mobs who are less lvl than we, (blue , green) land rate is less than on white. How abaut players ? on low lvl player also debuf have less chance or its buged ? SWS from cp also say he have the same problem, when his lvl go up, root chance on low lvl enemy decrease. Any Gm can check it ? or give some info ?
  15. What happen with debuffs, for example OL debufs i have better land rate some day ago with low B weapon than now with top B weapon, i have sleep or feer 1 from 4-5, when some day ago i have 1 from 2 or abaut 80 % for sleep
  16. why nobody cry from start server when was crytical craft ? x2 items. why you now cry abaut more money for someone becose it for someone not for you ? we have still some bugs with skill who dont work
  17. ​if you delete this skill you can delete SK like class, cose he dont have nothink more, if you neft some debufs all debufers will die, cose thay dont have nothink more, so l2 will be just abaut bow auto attack, glad auto attack and suport debufer like fresh meet. All class must have self strong side. and like someone put movi where SK kill Jeryzee and other members its cose mobs kill tham. so SK was ok with hand and head to know how to use skills, just one minus with skill, i dont think he shut enter on 65+ members, it can be like other debus +2/3 max lvl enemy not like 58 stun 100 % 65 lvl
  18. zorgzor

    New PvP Video

    ​and how you wana what ppl 48+ fight v you 62 ? 90 % of movi is war on EV and fight with pt 48+, maby now 49+ ppl so logic that thay make pr. PR is skill like yours Stun, so thay can use than thay want
  19. ​ 5 pt are you dense? It was even confirmed by koll that perkunas had 120 players there. VS 40 ​Koll was talking about almost 200 people and it was about 1st siege Man school is for nevbi, nobody now who end school cant have good job and good money, i dont know how old you are, and from where, but in Lithuanian where we leave we dont need school for good live, all who end it cant find job there and just leave towns, you dont know me, dont know what i am doing, i can show you, but you will just cry. so just play like you play and dont speak to ppl abaut what thay do in real live.
  20. ​Koll was talking about almost 200 people and it was about 1st siege ​200 ppl from all sides, not perkunas. For other who say we are zerg. why nobody say abaut 3-4 month ago when we exping with 4 pt in DV and 7 pt enemy coming and we fightning with zerg. why enemy never say thay thay have zerg, just perkunas who play not like zerg but like cp, we never make zeg and we dont wana zerg, also we dont take more cp to ally like someone say all join us. we have 2-3 active cp who exp every day... and 5-6 cp max on siege. so i dont think that is it zerg for server. there is lots of clans with +/-30 members. just one problem, thay are so stupid for organized cp, thay think hat if thay come every time with different party members thay can kill ppl who play in the same cp 3-6 months. all cp from perkunas is not ppl who come there from other server, we all regroup there, some cp have crush and organized party from 0, making nev char, exping, and stll play together with friends, WE ARE NOT RANDOM MEMBERS like enemy who cry there, STOP make SHIT there, go speak with other clan, make strong clan, change char for cp if it needed and start fight like fighters not like "kucia kakasak"
  21. ​hehe, I wana see how 5 pt can take all 4 castles, and protect it
  22. ​Thanks for your input Captain Mushmouth, useless and incoherent as always. If only you spent some of those 10 years on an education instead of L2 ​we speak abaut l2 now. not education.
  23. :DDDDDDDDDDD you gays so lol..... just LOL i play 10 year l2 and never see so many cry ppl abaut war or pk or stronger enemy..... go play tibia and delete L2, its not for you.
  24. there guards like for server 2k+ online, where we have just 200+ on siege members from all clans
  25. better make giran town war zone and all traders run to nev zone