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Everything posted by riOrizOr

  1. Like Sett said already, theres no good solo class in classic at all because you will not have adena or equipment to gear urself up. You will lack in damage and survive ability and you will struggle killing mobs. My experience @ RU classic was like that Elv fighter from lvl 1-15 ~ solo easy, from 15-20 it gets harder but you can still do it without problem because of skill power. (power strike) I recommend to kill only green mobs. As far as i know they almost give full experience, i guess it was like 93% or so. Lower mobs = less incoming damage = more exp over time. In other words its all about kill speed. Nowdays players are really unexperienced and they go for yellow or white mobs kill 3 of them and sit down. You rather should kill 10 green mobs and sit then, that also increase your chance getting something dropped. Later on @ 20 + solo is too hard...i was lucky and got at Abadoned Camp a fulldrop so i could craft myself that 700k Bow and i could solo then...but it was not worth it. Arrows cost too much money. Its like you get 20 adena for each mob but waste 5 arrows on them what also cost you 15 adena. I dont recommend to play archer solo or duo. Okay now back to your actual question.... It might sound unconventional but hands down Orc fighter, later on monk or raider duo with a Dark Elv Oracle might be the best duo class, theres a simple explanation for classic the first 40 levels comes from skill power. So powerstirke, mortal blow, iron punch etc is your only way to level up, since you will not have adena to gear up to have enough right click damage. And orcs have the highest skill power in their skills. You 1 hit almost every mob til lvl 15 if u consum a Soulshot. Another Option is the classic "nuker + racharger" thing. You creat 2 dark elvs, one wizzard the other one oracle, level them both up at the same area and later on you recharge urself and you also get body to mind. The good thing here is if you leveling up at undead areas u can switch between both charackters. Kill with ur wizzard and when he runs out of MP u sit down and kill mobs with you oracle using disrupt undead.
  2. HE is the most complete Archer thats why its also most common. He has the best from all 3 classes together. What the HE lacks the most (dex) he gets passive. He has passive boost attack speed, passive critical damage, passive critical chance and gets Dash (run speed). In general the HE has the most balanced stat you can get. You have the HP (Con) from a Human, hit almost as hard a PR ( HE -1 STR ) and you shoot faster ( boost attack speed) as a SR + you can run faster than a SR with Dash. If you want to solo i recommend you to stick with a SR or PR both have basics buffs (might and shield lvl 2) the SR has a bit more with spirit barrier (m.def) and Sprint (wind walk) L2 classic is all about grinding. Stay and hit. Some people like skills and fancy stuff like elemental heal, power break or hex, but all in all you dont need that! in some situations its needed but if you consider how many arrows you shoot away compared to how often you use hex, power break, entangle or elemental heal then these skills are a non factor. Dont get me wrong i do not say that SR and PR are bad. In my personal opinion PR ist the most valuable Archer! why? Its all about damage. High Str, High Dex, High passive Crit Power. This is what my preference is. I do not care much about HP or getting stunned. What i can tell you is that SR do not lack in damage! i played one by myself @ ru classic but i wouldnt do it anymore. Once you get a Party you get all these self buffs by a prophet and your "advantage" is gone. So its basically impossible to outdamage a HE under perfect conditions ( buffs dances etc ) Iam a PR fanboy knowing that a SR solo is better but have to admit that HE is the overall best later on. Now you choose...
  3. what do you think will happen?^^ have to wait longer
  4. ​yeah. The thing is that u see at the bottom of the main page... Online: Draqla and Manton, almost daily and it seems like they rly give a fuck. I dont care at all cause i already moved to melcosoft. Start is in 7 hours.
  5. i just registred my account on melcosoft for 12 $. like fenrir said, russians are everywhere. You play for your fun and not to fight them on the chat, also i played on ru classsic with 4000 russians daily, this is no prob for me. I just want to have some fun and for me its worth the 12 dollar, may some of you should think about it too. Ciao boys.
  6. this is my conspiracy theory ... melcosoft realease is in august (pure accident?) and this one got canceled 3x now. somehow i believe they work together and want us to move to melcosoft and pay 10 dollar for each account.
  7. august will not happen! once again boys.... get ready for this. 23. aug now. 7 days of promoting will never be enough to introduce the server to new people, never ever. the staff know it and they will not bring it live, just talking nice till end of august.
  8. the oldschool people are used to say bloody queen
  9. as they say, ​i'll believe when i'll see it with my own eyes :v ​ya the screenshot or it never happend thing!
  10. Its like always. Mages will dominate early-mid game pvp and pve wise. Archers are going to dominate mid-late game pvp and also pve wise. And late-ultra late game melees are going to dominte all of them in pvp but not pve. At the beginning when equipment has the biggest impact every mage will be just untouchable. They dont depend on it as much as a fighter does and their main damage source are spells. While every fighter will struggle they reach quickly every level. Later on archers will catch up and they will be even, for sure. When enchants and gear matters the most, so at lvl 75~ Daggers, Glads, tyrants are beasts and they will take over
  11. ​Gerade, wenn die Population geringer ist, sindBbuffer gefragter und daher die bessere Wahl. Partytechnisch gesehen ist ein WC wohl die wichtigste Klasse überhaupt und wird selten alleine da stehen. ​ja/nein das kann man jetzt so oder so sehen. Da gibt es so ein ganz typisches problem, undzwar auf servern welche nicht so stark besiedelt sind ist es immer so das buffer/healer ein schweres leben haben. Die spieleranzahl ist so gering das kaum genug parties zur verfügung stehen.Wenn man dann ein duo oder trio grüppchen startet muss man bedenken das der healer oder buffer in dem fall ja 33% bis 50% exp nimmt und auser rumsitzen nichts tut. Das sehen die meisten nicht ein und nehmen dann lieber einen der drauf haut. Ich schätz jetzt mal gut 60-70% der leute kommen in gruppen zum zocken, die sind erstma alle nicht abhängig von "random players". Bei einer spielerzahl von 1000 wären das dann 600-700 player die nicht zur verfügung stehen. Sagen wir 300-400 andere stehen zur verfügung, einige von diesen werden auch versorgt sein. Also bleibt nur noch eine Handvoll spieler für einen Healer/Buffer...ich persönlich würde bei unter 1000 spielern 100%ig nicht zu einem healer oder buffer greifen. Das könnt ganz derb in die hose gehen. Vorallem wenn der start wirklich nur mit 1k player stattfinden sollte dann is der server eh verloren. Die hälfte davon wird nach 1-3 monaten aufhören, und der andere rest dann weil der server leer ist. Klar party technisch gesehn ist WC das non plus ultra gar keine frage, aber wie ich bereits sagte würde ich die spielanzahl, deine persönliche spielzeit und deine begleitung davon abhängig machen. Unter 1k leute , du bist alleine und gelegenheitsspieler? dann lass stecken und greif zum BD, is zwar kein direkter buffer aber eine supporting class die bei lvl 40 den besten buff bereits hat und mehr p.atk als alle non archer klassen hat und mehr als gut im solo aber auch gruppen zurecht kommt
  12. ​Der server ansich ist gut. Was mir sorgen bereitet ist die population. Die community ist für mich immer die entscheidene frage und wenn der server nicht voll werden sollte ist die masse damit wohl nicht zufrieden was dann bedeuten könnte das dieser server doch nicht gut ist...also eine relativ schwere frage zu beantworten. Ansich gibt es keine klasse die es sich nicht lohnt anzufangen. Wenn aber hier maximal 500-1000 leute online sein werden dann würde ich definitiv keine buffer klasse machen.
  13. WC. Just the allround better pick. You safe time on buffing and you got the extra survive ability cause of the VR. You just loose a little bit of damage if u lvl up a WC instead of a PP, a fair trade imo.
  14. I recommend to the most people to grind from 21- 26 ~ at the abadoned camp. Take the Quest Vanquish Remnant and earn for each killed Oel Mahum extra 16 adena. Also its possible to creat nice AOE parties there. From 26 - 34 you should move to orc barracks. Its the most common place to level up in this level range, also a nice place to AOE. Alternative could be Forgotten Temple 26 - 34~ 34 - 36 could be around the Cruma Marshland 36+ Cruma Tower.
  15. when it comes to pure farm, hitting mobs, kill speed, survive ability then warlord is the way to go. Imo u should stick with a BH anyways. You will not notice a significant kill speed increase because of your bad equipment. It will take time till you get good enchanted gear to make more profit out of a warlord. While spoiling bones, ores etc has impact from the first minute on
  16. ​i didnt even read his full post...i just noticed it too "people are going to max out very fast" ...hmm hmm hmm... on retail people getting @ lvl 70+ for every 3 kills 0.01 Exp here it will be each kill 0.03 exp now thats still slow as fuck. Dont know what kind of game he was playing before but not L2 just for example....Killing kariks the hardest possible mob you can kill and they do it in AOE and the PP is only 67 he gets each train 0.1 Exp a full hour of exping with a decent group he got 1,5 %...a full hour! u need 100% for a level. this guy would need like 70 hours of straight exp to get a level. Here u have 3x rates so count it 3x quicker. thats still about 20 hours @ this level. Now think about it twice if you will be quick at max level. This is new server with no items on the market and noone with good equipment. U will need 50 hours for a level if ur equip is shit and your party sucks.
  17. ​yes i am alone thats why i maybe play a BD ,glad ,destro or archer but EE would be nice too since it can solo from 1-30 like a mage and if i want to find random parties i have the option too.
  18. Iam still not sure. I cant decide between 6 classes: Glad, SR, Destro and BD, EE and DA. I guess ill start as EE and later on ill creat a SR or BD but like i said nothing is sure yet
  19. ​what also came first into my mind. A mage party is a mage party and not a mixed party. Vote first
  20. ​everyone posting in english and you in russ? dont feel like a fool...somehow?
  21. you dont need to "gimp" too much. plated leather is +4 str -1 con the other amount of str you get regualar by dyes. so actually you losing only -1 con by the plated leather set the other stats you would lose anyways for the +str. These are the best possible stats ingame for exping.
  22. well in older chronicles people are used to buy heavy armor for all classes except caster. Simply cause a Fullplate armor offers so much more p.def than anything else you can get. If a mage is hitting you, your armor cant help you but fighting against all other classes more p.def = less dmg. And in general mobs are harder to kill you have to tank them much more/longer and since you always try to kill white mobs you cant avoid them good even if you are a evasion class like a PW you take 9/10 hits. The overall better armor type in every situation is heavy. Still i would think about the Light, it depends what you want the most. There are nice c armors like Drake or Tempered Mihtril that offers M.def or Evasion.
  23. As i said in some other topics ...this is over and l2classic is not able to recover from all this. There was enough time to get things done but the staff did some huge mistakes with the organisation. We have at the moment 245 guests and 50 members at the forum online. This is a horrible low number. At the server start we had about 1000 forum people, daily! now not even 1/3. I didnt want to creat a new topic to complain about the new 2.0 beta but cant give us the server even more bugged than before! I guess all of you guys know already whats going here. Even if you boys are hardcore fans of l2classic or want to protect the staff you have to admit that they did some serious throw with their server. Lets just put all facts together: Big Hyped server with huge promises that everything is translated and original l2classic files. First OBT: Canceled due to some strange serious suddenly problems... Final OBT start: Horrible bugged and the beta was for months and still had tons of bugs after many major fixes, not to mentation the geo data. OBT 2.0: Seems to be even worse than before. wrong Skills, quests areas etc not working. I can understand that the staff is working on it. GM´s, Dev,s etc but stop telling lies to your peeps. Tell the truth or let it be. And now after all i believe everyone knows the truth. The server is broken the work is too much for you guys and you lost about 80% of your community with in 2 months. Next time its better to say the server will open on decemeber instead of telling "everythings fine".
  24. riOrizOr


    ​The effect of STR on dagger skill damage OF COURSE WAS official since day one. While lot less than others, dagger skills are still affected by p.atk., and therefore by STR as well. In classic STR is also supposed to slightly raise crit. dmg. modifier (for both skills and regular critical hits). From purely PvP point of view, i doubt raising STR is worth it for daggers, but STR will be your main source of damage in PvE and with a bow. ​what i ment to say is it was never official announced by NcSoft that STR increase blow damage.
  25. riOrizOr


    back in time when i used to play L2 ,STR did def. effect the damage by a little and i did test it by myself. Setup 1: AW, plated leather, +5 str -5 con - thats a +9 str in total Setup 2: AW, Doom Heavy -5 str + 5 con - thats a - 8 str in total thats a - 17 STR difference ...Damage was decreased by 400 each Deadly Blow...that was c5/interlude time. also STR effected the Critical Strike chance/success rate and thats a 100% official fact. The damage increase by + STR was never official but as i say i tested it tons of times and it has 100% influence at the stab damage, its not much because its about 17 STR in difference but still 400 damage is a noticeable difference