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Everything posted by riOrizOr

  1. ^.^ ok now iam feeling like a agent let me just check the forum for unnormal activity
  2. 3 posts... could also be one of the devs. to calm the ppl down with a friendly post.
  3. Okay still dota 2 lets go road to 6k mmr
  4. riOrizOr

    Lets Chat

    ​ Yes there you go...
  5. riOrizOr

    L2 General infos

    I played on classic. This site works 100%. its accurate and easy.Recommend it to every non-rus player. Better databases are out they for russian servers but since i dont speak rus i dont cate about them.
  6. vote no. what the hell? now it becomes childish boys. Gl fighting eachother in a slap fight
  7. Iam not a fan of flaming or trash talking i am a big fan of facts and what i can read so far is just horrible! Convict is right when it comes to facts. Peeps think they are tough posting private server videos from L2j where they ruled vs other non experienced ppl. Its a difference to rule official servers where your enemy is as strong as you are. Like he already said these people come and go but the "strong" ones are everywhere almost the same clans and these ppl will hunt you down, specially guys who think they are tough will pay. Players like this would have been the personal Soulshot keeper from one of the top clans, not more,no less. I remember 2002-2004 prelude/c1 time when the real clans were showing up on the screen and u tried to go against know what they just did? There was a was called KOS list = kill on sight. Where ever you would go you are dead, theres just one option its to reroll or leave the game. Also for expamle u reach lvl 35+ and u had no permisson to go to cruma tower by the top couldnt go!!! if you entered and they saw this you were dead within the next 15 min. This is what Lineage 2 is actually is and what it means to be mighty... and not showing some glowing heros on L2j servers. If anyone can do that then you have my respect.
  8. ​this is not the convict i expected. Since when he`s looking for help? He's actually the guy who want to raise 5 full 9 man bot parties on his own. You getting old convict...just like everyone else i guess
  9. riOrizOr


    ​I sure, in this server, after 2 months average lvl on server will >55 ​never. Not everyone can spend 5-10 hours a day playing a game. I agree with chev. the average will be much much lower. Cant say yet what lvl it will be but since this is a private server and ppl dont need to pay every month for the server they are not "forced" to play so everyone will take his time.
  10. riOrizOr


    I cant understand why people complaining so much...i mean its obvious that there will be no changes at all cause this is not a custom server its a official one with official files. And not a server with custom items and potions and town buffers. If you ppls ask for this your are pretty much wrong here cause actually the best thing about this server is that its gonna be bone hard. Just imagine everyone with his own class would come here and ask for some boost to its class...destro too slow? dagger to low survive ability? mages no imba burst? and so on...
  11. ​Actually the "best" clan is/was Ginnunga from server Bartz later reformed and named Reborn and they were in the Alliance Uprising with Enmity. They won also the pvp tournament
  12. riOrizOr

    Party exp

    ​Its no sense to talk about party exp since the server is already boostest like this guy already said. You compare the solo exp too much with party exp thats your problem! In Lineage 2 its all about kill speed not about the exp per mob. Lets say u can kill in a 5 man party 3-4x quicker a mob than you can kill solo + you got no downtime + you get party exp while on solo you may have to sit and kill it much slower. In general a party will be much more efficient and quicker
  13. What kind of advice? you want good exp spots or 100% benefit from your profession? At the beginning you wont have a choice what to spoil since you will struggle a lot ...and at 20+ you are not able at all to solo/duo. You can but if you want to kill 3 mobs and have a break then GL otherwise i recommend to just look for parties it will be quicker and safer ( not to drop stuff )
  14. Talking about sounds...theres nothing better than the original C1 BladeDancer Dance-sound
  15. Zwerge wurden jetzt dazugefügt für alle jene die den button gesucht haben ;-)
  16. riOrizOr


    Sounds like a l2j ...this is not what the server is supposed to be. Pretty sure it will never ever happen
  17. riOrizOr

    1 question ;D

    There is a gatekeeper token quest in L2 classic 100% i saw ppl were selling/trading them.
  18. Will be there a Adena Quest cap? Lets say i pick up the Quest "VanquisH Remnant" ...its the quest where you can kill unlimited oel mahum in Abadoned Camp for the Badges. 1 badge = 1 kill = 8 adena. Now on Russian L2 classic it was like could get MAX 1000 adena out of farming quest! it was a anti bot protection to not farm this place 24/7 and get millions of adena out of this quest. I didnt know and noticed it when i had 5000 badges So the question is will it be here the same? That would be super annoying! i recommend to increase that cap to 500k or so otherwise ppl have to go to town every 30 mins.
  19. Not sure yet. EE maybe BD, Destro or Sps
  20. ​This guy pretty much understand it if u dont understand this is the post that should actually help
  21. Its like that... 2003 C1 = 100% exp 2014 L2 Classic = 80% exp that means 2003 C1 has 1x rates compared to 2014 L2 classic ~ 0.8 exp rate. now compare the original 2003 Chronicle 1 to L2 Classic 2014 is not possible at all because in Classic are mobs with HIgher HP = higher hp is more exp = fast exp! its about the same in level speed. People get confused all time because they compare the old C1 with the L2 classic with different rates etc...