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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Dont be Kids! Everyone good player can dont like enemy, but he must has respect to GM and enemy sides! Koll make mistake, he say it and he was apologize to Dee and his clan members for it. Done! We r only humans. Idiots try ruin game theirs enemies everywhere and they want kick enemy from server.More enemies sides = more pvps = mor fun. Pvp ok, but be toxic on forum and pk low chars can do only trolls.
  2. He wake up on 45-60lvl, some random high lvl come to him and he was pked. Last evening, some high lvl randoms from ally Vigalence make me on pk -30% for 15min on 57lvl . After my clan regrup and we kick ass iDee and other noobs by Unicorn on other side EV where unicorn has spawn, 25min later we kick these noobs again. We catch enemy with Ishka on port to DV and we hunt it around cata Apostate. Pls fix RB and chill out boys from top clans. Its funny, we kick ass enemy with same lvl as me, 30min later Big girls +65lvl hunt us.
  3. Sad story Stealers in game must be in real life realy big loosers. But in game, when u get lag and someone pick up your ewc, its nothing bad. Its like people hate us, cause we killing random parties by RB and we take it for self.
  4. Slo by vysvetlit tu svislou osu? Btw.Predevcirem padlo prvni 60+ RB a hned samurai long sword Cca 25min a byl dole bez odmlouvani, normal Rbcka naseho lvlu padaji do 6-10min.(random pt strili 30-60min) CZ/SK sila roste!!!
  5. EU offik už nikdo skoro nehraje, to je mrtvý server. Tohle je freečko, s herní komunitou z Evropy, Severní i Jižní Amerika, korejci tu hrají také, takže i Asie.Prostě server žije nonstop. Tady každy patch upravý, debilní věci nedají, potřebné naopak přidají a ještě o tom diskutují s námi hráči. Divný, máš čistou verzi classicu od nich? Nebo nějakou hromadu chroniclů dokupy u sebe?
  6. This server is for all world, when Europe(my clan too) go to sleep, NA/SA have maintime. NA/SA go to sleep, Asia/NewZeland(our player +11hour from us) starting play, etc.. Every friendly comunicative player find some party/clan without problems.
  7. Hlavní je spustit i jejich updater, ať ti to celé překontroluje, full check ti bude chvíly trvat a pak další zapínání hry už jen přes l2 v systému, dokud nebude nějaký event či update, na to tě upozorní admini ve hře. Pokud to takhle děláš a nejde, napiš Kollovi na skype on se ozve, pořeší. Admini jsou ochotní.
  8. Server šlape, eventů dost, nasíráme hromadu klanů, tak i mass pévépé. Takže se nám hodí každý další hráč.
  9. Can u tell me pls why u change FoM without some info? Its 2-3 harder kill mob than before today restart. Its only FoM or others location?
  10. No máme v klanu čecha hrajícího z Nového Zélandu, kde mají momentálně 11+ a taky se to dá zkloubit Když se chce, hraje se pro klan, pak až na sebe, tak jde vše.
  11. Ukázka z večerního klan expu
  12. U dont need CP or random party!! We have 0CP in clan and we have over 15-20 friendly people on TS every evening, exping with clans parties, 5-6times for week we make Raid Boos road every evening in CC with 2-3 parties(3-4hours/30-60% by 45-55lvls). We r not inernational clan! We start before 2 months, so many clans with 60+chars pking us from 30lvl, cause we are working as clan and we hunt randoms patries on RB. Last time on Berun we kill randoms party, someone from random noobs call friends fullpt in B grade and our 2pt in C grade won it and Berun was our. We love this server!!
  13. Hledáme hráče hrající za podpůrné postavy, hlavní sws, dále bd/bishop. Pokud daný hráč bude často aktivní, komunikativní, tak není problém pomoci s expem/výbavou.
  14. Without help from clan players? No friends? Its so sad. Its good motivated for u looking for clan and some good players in game.
  15. Because its from event, just for fun. U can make money from enchants,PoB and nectars, hats. Its perfect set up, teams players dont need to much scrolls and this game isnt for solo players.
  16. We r not nolifers as russia players without work. We are playing here over 1 month and we love it. Zergs 60+ trying kill us from 30lvl and they fail so much. Its good idea, reflect dont rework, but reworked VR back on chance or rework reflect only on melee and let reworked VR.