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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. It was funny there, so much BSOE from Viga there. GF ​yes -4 too -4? Who? Me? I dont die there, but its ok my dear little lier. So many your sorcs die there, its rly funny 20sors try kill 60lvls. I understand now your ego up when u fight 70-75 vs 55-60. And after your rage when u lost it. :D:D:D:D Btw. War = -1 ​some people from fun clan died (i remember one EE) , so that what he means. Also we didnt lose AQ that day, except if you mean something else What? I know it than u killed it. Sorry boy than one of thousands AQ dont make me sad, rly sorry for it. I have only fun from so many BSOE from viga girls 74+ and so many deaths sors which try killing us. :D
  2. It was funny there, so much BSOE from Viga there. GF ​yes -4 too -4? Who? Me? I dont die there, but its ok my dear little lier. So many your sorcs die there, its rly funny 20sors try kill 60lvls. I understand now your ego up when u fight 70-75 vs 55-60. And after your rage when u lost it. :D:D:D:D Btw. War = -1
  3. It was funny there, so much BSOE from Viga there. GF
  4. Zdravím, aktuální stav klanu je okolo 40lidí aktiv + 20lidí téměř neaktivních z prac/rod. důvodů. Dost hráčů se u nás protočilo, většina lidí co odešli bohužel nevěděli o čem je l2 classic, nespolupracovali, nebyli schopní dojít na TeamSpeak. Škoda jich ale nedá se nic dělat, nekomunikativní a sólisti u nás nemají místo. Klan se přidal do aliance WickedSick spadající pod evropskou část.(máme i americkou/asijskou). Momentálně válku vedem proti alianci DarkLegion(pouze s hlavním klanem). Přešli jsme na alianční teamspeak, tudíž již není volně přístupný, kdo by měl zájem se k nám přidat nebo se optat věci ohledně server, pište přímo sem nebo soukromou zprávu. Ve hře kontaktovat postavy Stiba007/Oldik/iNevil/Salatekk/Apocalypsa/Nella/Scorpio přes pm/mail.
  5. Can u find cheaters main acc ingame and post his nickname here?
  6. All randoms bug RBs and their bodyguards!! Koll, San0 just remove RBs 55+ from game or repair it, just create fix point, rly low range on boss or reset hp by RB. RBs r for clans, not for buggers. More pvp, more fun, more people will be add clans, totaly delete randoms buggers.
  7. ​U know nothing about it, Koukou. And so much unluck for u, BizQQuit was first person on server from top clans which contact me. So sad how u try discredit TotallyToxic. PS: Good advice for u, my dear little lier. Stop playing as arogant kid, stop trying turn off new players playing here your PKings style on 40-55lvls and maybe some new players start add to u too.
  8. Because we know u, u havent friends. U talk about your problems as your friends. Easy way from this problem. Stop be solo player, find some good clan (friendly, party exping) and talk/write with others, helping them, they help u. Its old good style lineage, no tryhard, solist, CP pts and toxic atmosfere.
  9. I like u San0 for it, how u totally blow up braindeath and fake post from people as WewantSaviors. PS:I want marry u, but im guy. Can u be my wife or its problem for u?
  10. Stiba007

    WTB BW Robe set

    U need BoP +16 for your hero Cl, not bw! Vote for Giran Harbor!!
  11. gf? one hour later wife? how many kids do u have for 5hours?
  12. Why, god tell me why they nonstop ask on date or final info, again and again? When they will be rdy with patch 2.0, they give us info. Finitos. PS:Nerf all mages/melees, buff archers!