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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Stiba007

    Mass Dissconect

    Tank and duals? Its fake as San0 =totally beer guy
  2. 60+? War between big alliances start from Abadoned camp 20+
  3. Dhemon is king of buggers RBs on this server, but he cant be punish, cause everyone can do it now. After patch 2.0, GMs promise us fix RBs 55lvl+ and their guards. So RBs dont be about stupid lures 10000miles away from spawn, but it will be for clans or more parties, more pvp around. This is end for buggers Dhemon and power exp archers.
  4. Grow up... the real men drinks THIS San0 isnt czech, he need just more time.. as patch 2.0
  5. no nedivil bych se kdyby nějaký dobrák co mě ve hře nemá v oblibě, jakmile si napsal k nám, už si totální toxic a jejich nepřítel mají na nás i speciální pk postavy já jsem rád za každý oživení topicu PS: Já ani na TS jako pražák nemůžu říct o Opavě/Ostravě jaké to jsou krásné prdélky světa By mě půlka klanu leavnula a naše vražedné trpasličí duo Bibini/Kraftgrill by mě Deadmantka protloukly až do Číny.
  6. Sex with old fat daddy is sport or no?
  7. Ora et labora 24.11.2016 Everyone good player find under Christmas tree flashdisk with patch 2.0. But bad kid find there San0!!
  8. Because this is teamplay, u must trust your party/clan members. U dont trust, u dont will have 3lvl without hard donate. Now its good set up, perfect example is player Hellhound, he is maybe good solo player, but 0 loayality for clan/cp , neverone want play with him. He can has everything, but he never will have 3lvl epic jewels without hard donate. Classic is about clan/cp, not about player.
  9. První klanové video od našeho hráče! CSka opět parádní, dvě největší ally se střetli o aden. 210 vs 190. V lehké početní výhodě, ale s odost menším průměrem lvlů jsme ubránili hrad před nepřáteli. Krasný dvě hodiny mass pé vé pé.
  10. First video of my clan member Laste
  11. Stiba007

    Siege - Aden Castle

    ​​Yup lot of time im forgot that even click so much on buff potions P/s: did u notice that im not using any Hex plus only 1 stun in whole this siege. U dont need it. We have 400+ players in CC. Next time 500+ and we cant use shots.
  12. We had 9 online . We start as 1pt, ending as 2pts. Some problem?
  13. Im love with U. PS:Classic is not for soloist!! Soloist go on EU offic with 200activ people. is about teamplay!!!! GF ALL
  14. Do CZ/SK klanu nikdy, radši dělat podržtašku do nějaké mezinárodní CP, kde si sotva prohodím pár slov.