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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. ​Cmon San0 we know you can do better Beerman San0 is from potrugal or spain. He make new CP with one noname mage with epics set. ?
  2. Ozvat se můžeme, jen vždy nehrychlejší způsob je kontaktovat přímo nás ve hře, hodím o tobě info do klanové FB skupiny, možná se tě někdo ujme, jinak to udělám až já až budu večer ve hře.
  3. Vše náverbováno, na TSku,v GH nabufováno, expíme!!!!
  4. To much duals, but dont care, GF and enjoy my lovely helmet.
  5. Zdravím všechny čechoslováky, momentálně na serveru panuje vánoční atmosfér, běží dva eventy, další CS se konají až 15.ledna kvůli svátkům po dohodě s GM Teamem. V klanu na zimu zažíváme nárůst hráčů, uvidíme kolik vydrží náročnost low rate serveru.
  6. I say NO. Server has good set up. Its tax for free shop. Im Cl, i use 6-10sellers+ craft for clans, its annoying but its only my problem.
  7. And DarkLegion alliance still lie
  8. ​Stiba who are you man??? stay at girann harbor and stop talk plz!!!!! My dear little lier try talk to me? This week i star play again my archer so i disappoint u. ​tell me who are you???? i saw yesterday on AQ and you dead for sorc lvl 40 Duelist Light from SM kill me there I die 2x(LovePvE,Light) and kill so many your sorcs when u killing AQ and u fail cause i killing your flags and pk sorcs. Again u show all people on forum why i call u "My dear little LIER"
  9. ​Stiba who are you man??? stay at girann harbor and stop talk plz!!!!! My dear little lier try talk to me? This week i star play again my archer so i disappoint u.
  10. And Mrs.Ge crying again and again....
  11. U were trying make top ally from top lvls and no lifers = fail. Maybe first time u try make change by self man and after u can try help others. Your help want everyone as every clan want HellHound.
  12. Ge, u must be so sad, than news players dont want play with u and your no lifers 69. R u mad from it or someone tell u about true story who give u presents every year under christmass tree?
  13. Your guys were so mad then PKing between self mr.Ge. But gf, both side dont give up for few hours. Stop talking about zerg, at LoA your side sometimes has more people and never from us cry.. Just gf.. When u want talk about changes, come talk about PK pets and low chars... So.when mordekayzer kill more then 5sorcs 40lvls with 76lvl, give him 9999999+ karma ok? Its troll as your clever topics for last time, i know it, christmass coming, but man, drogs and alkohols u cant use at some times.. Peace and love all of u, my dear little lier Koukou too...
  14. Some people sit and buy CoL for 122k-125k after sit and start sell it for 150k, write TOP PRIZE and they wait on people as ProGressive, he buy it many times. Free PA when u buy and sell 500 CoL.
  15. Lee sin can get blind from teemo too. Just respect it.
  16. Stiba007

    Mass Dissconect

    relax man, koll is good guy, he will help u.