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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Nope, just comedy from greedy cps. They couldnt leech ally so they started fck with people from clan. ?
  2. Maybe on some offic. But club is club. Here cant be deleted epic jewel, because it will be summoned back. Eugene Snow, you know nothing about Classic on club. Shame on you.
  3. Sure. Give me 600kk adena and i do it for you. If i rage quit this 3in1 quest, i give you 500kk adena back.
  4. If u cant make in normal time 77 ES, ES is not for u. My mail waiting... ?
  5. Dont forget dude, here is 20% reflect buff from wc/elements mages + 20% reflect from sws 74lvl+, with skills/aa you reflect dmg to self. Tanks/melee chars farm them easy. Mainly in closed spaces like ToI.
  6. @MoDoy Do you see like ridiculous you are? Masha, member of FW isnt NF. ? Everyone know that she did everything for NF and she didnt care about the rest CPs which were in SM. Simple example: Greedy autistic boy was stealing miniepic for NF before rest ally. Masha wasnt there with rest NF and with all SM debuffers? Im not telling that it was bad move from NF control SM over NF Masha from FW. She got drop like next CP, 2people got more items than Wanali CP for all time. Yes boy, i dont care about your Modoy World and you oviously interact with GMs more than others on server and they are changing rules for NF, mainly for Rizos stupidity. PS: Aja was/is leading CS for our CP, i just asked which sides we are killing. Its all what i need to know. We have good pvp with WK in Dion and Gludio. What you? Fail again all? And again my dear autistic kudlár, Anytime wasnt write there, Anytime wasnt hero candidate. Nobody care about last month and nobody care that you cant write candidates to excel for good month w/o Rizo.
  7. Dude, u forgot on biggest liers if Sayomi CP was there. ? @Kure You dont must apologize, nobody care and everyone know that you still saying bullsh.ts like biggest lier and my biggest fan. I didnt care and i still dont care about NF, so why do you telling me? Masha, member of FW from NF, didnt lead it? ? @MoDoy Anytime wasnt write there, Anytime wasnt hero candidate. So so so much simple. I guess, autistic boy has still in his beautiful World, full of Modoys true, Anytime like hero candidate. Keeps your talks, save your autistic World with queen Modoy and king Rizo, but Stiba dont care about your World.
  8. @MoDoy i just repeat you simple facts. Its hard if autistic boy like you is locked in your World. No writed in excel -> no candidate. So so so much simple. Continue in lies that u wasnt prepare on oly fights. ? Fairy dreams about it that NF played for ally is awesome. Sorry for it but some people see like greedy b.tches are some players from NF. You can be top pvp party but on classic you are nothing w/o ally. Its not H5. Btw. Nice fail on Baium, NF called RF monkeys, funny see like NF had to call RF for help because you need them again. ? In times when u didnt need them, you didnt cares about them, in times when u need help for get your goals, you will be play on nice guys again? ? So ridiculous clan. I play game for fun. From oly a have a lot of fun. Many good matches, win or lost. Read again about pve my dear autistic lier. Pve is anoying but neccesery evil. I did and i do with rly good effectivite, Mainly in european time 16/17:00-20/21:00. For first 3 months after return here i made more than 900M adenas, w/o protect from anyone, w/o leeching from anyone from ally, w/o stealing real time from anyone. Its simple way boy, because i dont care about shits like you. I never have problem spend my time for CP or friendly players but not for greedy leechers from NF. PS: You can do what you want like me. If i travel over Prague or i have free time in office its np spend some time for autistic boy Modoy.?
  9. Question is why they killed your candidate. Because your tyrant killed their "hide" candidate. Emo kids had rage and they broken rules killed your candidate because they made revange in emo status or not? Everyone can selling epics/MTs/Clothes on unseal A grade/Weapons and Armors +++ but if you are not retard from NF and u have rdy 2+entrance to Baium, u must give Quest items for free autistics or retarded players from NF? You are best joke. Im not surprise that retard like u drop AQ in Aden. @Rip In times when u had not idea where is Core it was true. Now i rly care only about people in CP and friendly players. I dont care about others shits around.
  10. @MoDoy Ally had only one excel oly, i created it for ally and i transfered ownership on Rizo. Not my fail that he cant set up rights on edit only on party leaders. Main point was write candidates before oly and every normal players did it w/o problems. Noone will care about editing candidates during oly. ( We remember on your "hide" candidate and NF emo rage on Myrmidon CP, because you fail it. ? ) That Rizo wrote you shits to pm, just show all players like NF dont care about rules, because they can all, they dont care about playing with rules and rest ally must feed them. If not, kids start screaming: Kick him or we leave ally. So nice screen boy, i like it.? You are very greedy, selfish like a lots of people from NF, good lier and young autistic boy loving bend true and rules for his own world. ? My pve is neccesery evil, I farm alone or sometime with Lafi, all floor alone. So i have rly good effectivite on drop MT, undefined stones/ time + making next oly farmers chars by it for CP. If Wanali CP go on pvp, i go too for self or i log some box. Ask in NF clan, there exist people which know very well that u broken rules, not me. I was candidate, i was write in only one excel for ally on Oly, in game w/o @@@@@@, so only my problem, if i meet some non-candidate like Anytime (didnt write in excel , broken rules with using @@@). He has chance kill me w/o broke rules, u lost this match. Result? Modoy emo rage, others emos from NF started emo rage on discord too with words: Kick Stiba or we leave ally. Btw. "we make invisible title "FckYouGreedyKidsjustFightIfUWantFairPoints" it is "nadsázka". We did good plan like fck up with your greedy clan w/o broke rules, its work very well. Now, oly is awesome, good matches, without emo raging on TS/discord from NF. Do we see sometimes top greedy daggers Rizo and Modoy be same good like Shakaalaka and Uin? Knom failed/ AngerFist failed and i saw 3rd candidate Dankalov, but bad for you that oly is only 3h40mins, 2times per week and you are so greedy and u try play so much hero candidates.
  11. @Kure Dont afraid my emo fan, i will be always still same Stiba. U can continue in lying about your God, u can continue in emoquits or come backs. ? Kure in real life
  12. @MoDoy Your story from Modoys autistic world is rly awesome, but i said u before. If you are saying lie, its still lie and doesnt matter that its in your Modoys world true for you, my dear autistic boy. You are very very special young boy. Autistic people are always very special. PS: Modoy style is rly retarded, but its very good use same tactic on you and rest NF. ? @ProGressive I havent idea what are u mean with your post, dude. Im not sure now, if u know it, but all problem is because greedy kido got rekt on oly from us and scream like bitches. You could write @@@@ or with FukYouStiba , but in real situation it was "WanaliCPplssssssRELOGgreedyNF", but we add almost all out oly farmers like candidates, without broke rules and for protect vs one extremly greedy clan in ally and we make invisible title "FckYouGreedyKidsjustFightIfUWantFairPoints" Modoy ala Anytime losted matches, Natsuyama losted and i know that all server can imagine like you friends started crying and screaming on TS/Discord.
  13. This confirm only it, that u dont understand nothing. Who care about what NFs are telling? ? Saying thing like this making minimal retard from you.
  14. Dont start be so ridiculous, sweety. Oh cmon, rly? Im still playing in Wanali CP like basic member, i dont care about server politics. Im fighting with them and with 100% success im leading oly for CP. If Wanali CP is not online, i dont care about rest.(Modoy style) Everytime my PL and rest CP knew about my steps and agree with it. What im doing, what im sellling or where/when/with im exping its all my busniss(Modoy style) . I knew it, that greedy NF was totally mad from it and they care so much what i was doing/selling and exping(own ally spy me with cams more than enemies - funny). You know me little, I dont care about others, i care about CP and friendly players. So i always had only fun from these tons crying post where these emos tryed scare me, punish me or used vulgarism on me. NF normaly did it on TfD and DS, but bad for you that this method didnt work on us.( Most funny was scaring TfD that they will know miniepics only from wikipedia ?) Btw.I told you secret. Anytime wasnt hero candidate in excel, so Modoy broke rules with @@@@, Natsuyama broke rules when killed offic hero candidate. Exist people in NF which know this true but they havent balls say it all of them emo kids and autistics players in NF. Next new for you. Are you rdy? SM is disbaned. ( No JerryZ/ no Andrei => no SM) everyone with brain know it. People w/o leading abilities can leed max self and i was/am playing in Puremind, so tell me something, so from which clan i was kicked??
  15. @MoDoy If u are saying lie and its true in Modoys world, its still lie. Cruel reality for autistic boy like you. Deal with it. Again? I never stop. Im not newbie with ES w/o 77lvl. ? @Yomana Did you understand something? I dont trust you, mr.Joke. Tell rest server about my market and like you were raging about it and u tryed telling me what i can/cant selling. ? Its more trustworthy than "Yomana understand it"
  16. @MoDoy I answer u rly quickly, my dear AUTISTICKY KUDLAR SK. 1. "if something is perma banned, is it different than items which were deleted? for me they are both non existant anymore" i know like u loving bend true or rules for self, typical ability for NF, but server onetime did unban action, they will do it moretimes, just question of time. So yes, its rly huge different, my little lier. 2. @Koll good screen for you too, if u save ass someone, like he talked about u I tell you secret boy, i never said that he flamed this project, i said that he is calling GM no brain on other forum. If u are not lying, its so simple remember true and its so simply make screen and post it here. My dear autitstic Modoy stop lie here again. Cya your NIČITEL(destroyer) Stiba ?
  17. You never asked for changing rules. ? You just push 10days on GMs with 2 solutions: 1) Give us back epics (GMs must change rules) 2) Dont change rules, we leave server Or u never scared GM that 50+ players will leaving server??? All in all, he didnt deserve this scam, noone dont deserve it, because its absolutly garbage. But someone did it. GMs show all server like one group getting full support from @San0. Its fact. Done. Im just surprise from it like guy who made most stupid thing in history server with his password, he is calling GM no brain on other forum, he got back all items which he lost only with his own stupidity, that he has still balls write here something. He can be happy, he can kiss fat perspiring GMs asses and he can walking shamed in canals and hold his keyboard away from forum like all his kids and autistics friends. If you post like you were writing on discord and like you were writing after return items. I think that all your enemies die in laugh from your emo status. I still dont see good reason, why @Koll gave him all items back for his own stupidity. From my view he deserved max 1/2 items like someone wroted here, not for him, but for his CP/clan. Im still on 100% sure, if people from america/china had same problem, @Koll gave back them nothing, because noone of them is friendly with @San0and it is not fair.
  18. Stiba007


    Cz/sk populace tu bude tak na ~50 často aktivních lidí, pak tu je i dost svátečních hráčů co si to zapnout párkrát do měsíce. Jestli hrajete často a nemáte komplet CP nebojte se dobírat cizince. Ve Wanaliho CP máme řeky, peruánce, brazilce a argentinku a všechno pohodáři. Ale vždy si je třeba dávat pozor a otestovat si každého aspoň trochu pokud je neznáte.
  19. Stiba007


    Ano, TT vlastnili hodněkrát hrady, vlastníme klanovou halu v Giranu a několik měsíců jsme tvořili důležitou část skupiny která kontrolova epické bosse na serveru. Jako jediní za cz/sk komunitu jsme tu zvládli něco uhrát. Každopadně vždy se najde pár jedinců, co krom lhaní, urážení nic jiného zde nesvedli a řešili, řěší jiné cz/sk hráče a jak jim uškodit. ? Zklamu tě @FryderykChopin v tom, že drtivá většina našich hráčů skončila už dříve kvůli věcem v reálném životě než vůbec vznikl tragikomický topic nesoucí moji přezdívku. Ten už se týkal jen 3 českých hráčů z mezinárodní CP v TT, z toho 2 nepatřili k TT a pro klan nikdy nic neudělali. Drtivou většinu hráčů mám stále na FB a početná část z nich, kdyby si měl možnost vidět měla a má důležitější a radostnější věci v životě.(děti, svatba, nový rodinný dům, nová přítelkyně, atd) Zbylý TT hrají ve Wanali CP, dále k nám chodí do roomky pokecat či pro radu další cz/sk hráči co tady čerstvě začínají. V srpnu by tu měl znovu začínat bývalý člen z CP s kamarády. Nyní pro ně připravuje nějaké chary a půjčuje si buffery, je jich kolem 6 co vím. Člověk co za TT nikdy nehrál, který na serveru nikdy nic nedokázal a má neustálou potřebu se vyjadřovat k TT a mé osobě, snad ani sám nemůže doufat, že by ho někdo bral vážně, ještě po tom výstavním emoquitu na konci, když si vymýšlel o nákupu postavy Rosenberg za reálné peníze. ? PS: Každopadně jako člověka je mi tě líto a pokud si dojdeš aspoň na jedno sezení k psychiatrovi, pošli účet a klidně ti to proplatím. Život není o tom lhát, urážet jiné. Život by sis měl užívat sám pro sebe, bez lží a podvodů.? Nechci ani vidět jak se chováš k okolí v reálu, když už máš neustálou potřebu se takhle chovat ve hře.
  20. 1. No pic with pony = no ponymaster!!! 2. Dude, brazilians are from south america. 3. U can put to Kiam anything, but Kiam dont put anywhere. PS:He is not black. He is brown teddybear loving homo talks. ?
  21. Its all because these 10 are your last hope for exp invalid ponymaster Armbar and finish 77 before than server will be 3years oly? ? No africans player in top10 = you are racist = i will be not watching.
  22. Useless nick, noone will want log it. If u want pm me, i give u few tips, ending xxx001/002/003/.../006
  23. Stiba007

    Hero making service!

    Im only curious, if exHero PS will play PW now or he had just cowards talk.? Next month do we see Uin / Modoy / Feed4Fun????
  24. Noone will love you, after what Trashlord show your true face on discord, you peddobear. Go back to Oren and let me acc on Armbar in mail, u dont deserve him anymore and i need ponies to my army. PS: I still dont understand like someone cant relog for 50M adena, next time write on me guy!!!!! Not on unselfish people from our CP.