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Everything posted by Stiba007

  1. Its like spit to face!!! ToI tali lvl6 or no balls!!! Asskissers!!!
  2. Rly? U didnt read rules? Ban on you!!!!
  3. Yes, give me more love. But.. I must disappoint you, they cant be my version 2.0. We are not slaves, we play for fun, we dont play for others like dogs. Maybe good questions is why your enemies use party recall? We used it in AB very often. Everytime if high lvls or bigger numbers enemies try kill us. No fair terms, no pvp, its simple. We had over saturdays evening 4hours constantly pvp, most of time with Babyrage CP,(his words on Q why he left from Uchi: hasad is boring) and americanos zerg. No flame, no PR, amazing fun from game. It is reason play lineage 2 for me. Most of u cant compare which pt is boxed or full activ, but most of u have fun from free win vs other pt. Me not. Better lost balanced pvp, than easy win with high lvls, ++ equip or biggers activ numbers vs boxed pt. Its same like oly. Monkeys will losing own time because ally need it, people playing game for fun, they will try enjoy oly like rest parts of game. Pince vs Modoy What is better? Be a guy serving others like dog without fun or be lonely very skilled player which is for others ridiculous like person? PS: Dont try contact me pls, TT never will sell clans items/chars. Lafi is rich b.tch. Gratz WK/NF to Castles <PR> Stiba
  4. And what just about M.Evasion
  5. Its all because of "ToI raped your ass" or i got uncompletly info? Just ask on reason this beautiful event.
  6. Maybe good time write Manton about his fb or phone number. You can get him.
  7. Its rly not. Its good for you, that you have fun every evening, but i dont understand why you try compare. I was writing about you like @ProGressive, not you like your CP. I just looking reason for create video like this. Im not saying that is not good, but cmon, this song with 2ladies+water is better for watching.
  8. Its look exactly like Dostanesprespicu if he smoked to much weed and he just run for Aden's world or tryed use on our chars action like High Five again and again and again!!! Did you smoke too or you are just bored so much that u prefer game before porn?
  9. Stiba007


    No boobies, no fun. It can be JerryZ with hard make up.
  10. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. This mordor totally miss me. True men were watching on gummi bears!!!! PS: @Lafi You are not alone. You can start talk with Anytime about your kids nightmare calling Care-Bears.
  11. Cute? Wtf? Julia changed you. Its terrible. What next? Teletabies?
  12. You are just Modoy. Its all. Dont be so hard on self.
  13. I say something else? All of them left before 2.0, so Jack posts: So i lost sense in these posts. You are more and more ridiculous guy. U talk, talk and talk about everything and you havent idea about it. Its time again visit stream from WS and crying them on chat. I talk with many good and funny guys from NF/ DramaTeam and guy with your mentality must be rly isolated there. My propaganda? Show me where? Someone from my pt playing here, im playing here only oly and gather up battle marks for 2.5(Soon). Someone of my pt playing on other server. We have fun on TS, in game like pt on other server,solo on oly here. Guys from Wanali CP know us good and they know very well that we never do some "propaganda". Who want can come to us and add, like on club, like everywhere or just talk on TS with us about life or game. Its huge difference between us and people which most of time in game talk only gossip about enemies or ally/cp members which arent in same room.
  14. Some part of NF, old Timefordrama, Vigalence, EternalShrine, Anarchy, Fightclub, all of them were crying here during update on 2.0? Cmon, Jackie...
  15. No fun, no Stiba. Cmon Jackie, u know that im not from this huge grup crying kids. @Kse Sry man, if i touch on club ego. I just think that this screen is very funny with this historical clans name. My bad.
  16. Free servers. Do u remember on 7ppl max in pt? Patience isnt problem for someone if u see some willingnes.
  17. Its your opinion. I dont think it. Not on custom server which working w/o problem with many huge bugs in game. You know very well about status population and people want have fun. I talked with many people from america/eu which made same resolution like me. Reason was same. Not rude, but ratty. My pro London's english. If i eat all your cookies, you will be rude!!! We will see for few months, which free server will be offer full 2.0 and after 2.5. We are not selling chars/equip/CH/epics like others, so maybe and i hope in it, you surprise us and maybe many of old clans from club playing on other server come back. Im still playing bugged oly, so we will have lots of marks on books on patch 2.5 and easier catch main stream.
  18. Better do something than nothing and be rude.
  19. Dont be so naive. First they must fix bug list 1st priority -> after create bug list 2nd priority -> start works on patch 2.5 (rest playing players in 2019/2020 will have 80lvls) Im very curious on reaction Kolls team if other unnamed server plan add FULL patch 2.0 for 3-4months and every 3-4months next patch.
  20. It have same priority, they want all these bugs fix like first. Soon. GM must send every monday taxes from Castle on mail to CL, because it doesnt work. Can i see second priority list with bugs?
  21. Hmmm. Maybe next fri/sat i can help you realize your wet dream. This man with fetish for cats??!?!? Cmon, im not like spiry elfish ear Lafi and his fetish with ponies.
  22. You mean emotion like pm after match on oly? Maybe one time people like @Kse @Koll and @San0 visit oly during friday/saturday and they see their amazing oly with tons of bugs. @ProGressive Report for making fun from enemy!!