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Vanagas last won the day on July 13 2017

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16 Good

About Vanagas

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  1. If you have cams and know respawn of raids its way faster than any other way. Average raid is killed in 20 min +5min for lure and gives 5.5 -8.5 kk exp. With full buffed archer solo seal of shilen you can get 3.5kk exp per rebuff. 60+ Is whole another story since not much raids at that level. And money from raiding sux hard.
  2. In this server most raids are killed by random parties
  3. So best not to take more than 6 lvl higher, thats good info
  4. In another server. Dwarf male named "Zita" (oldschool woman name, popular 50 years ago) with title "Teta" (aunt). In this server as mentioned above craftosautus is pretty funny :))
  5. At the moment 6 slots empty
  6. With prophet you dont get in rb parties - you must make them yourself. Thats how i leveled pp to 60 quite easy. If you can dual box - go for bd or sws so you can pull raids yourself too. Sometimes aoe parties take pp too.
  7. My emi broke on +15 can anyone give back my +14?
  8. Vanagas

    mpafos good guy

    You have no brain cells if you do not understand why it is respectful act.
  9. 3 grouops would be enough for me Buffers > bd sws tanks dwarfs summoners(?) > dd Hmm maybe split dd with aoe and dd without aoe like daggers and pr, but pr has fc and daggers can lure so its not very big difference Any dd is easy to level. With supports is harder because some people have boxes and dont want you in party. Tbh i think everything is easy to level up, unless you want to solo farm / are new to l2 / dont know how to make your own party that benefit you most.
  10. If that goes for half a year then its very eccentric, not normal. Mb guy have big problems
  11. What is better mountain bike or city bike? Both are good. Depens where and how you want to ride it.
  12. Lol this guy will find out how to enchant safely