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Everything posted by enf0rcer

  1. This must be your LoA cam setup:
  2. Yesterday i went Partisan, i was actually suprised by all the drama going on there. Many pvp/pk for AOE spots So Dion is the place to go for activity around level 20.
  3. The most obvious cam is DV10. Every time you run close to this radar perkunas will show up within 2 minutes. Has been like that for a month or so.
  4. ​He got this weapon before the update with Top B. So SOES didn't exist back then.
  5. This siege was amazing, finally the odds were even
  6. ​Bro, your English hurts my eyes. It's hard to believe you can't sleep a level 55 player. Maybe he has ++ C jewels / BO jewels and he was buffed with warding / magic barrier / mental shield.
  7. ​This is bullshit, WaterWorks should be unbanned.
  8. Welcome to the server. At this moment there is only one alliance, and they are dominating the server. It's WickedSick and the main clan in the alliance is Perkunas. There used to be another big alliance named OutOfControl, but a lot of their players left. Basicly only EternalRage is left of this alliance. The biggest enemy of Perkunas is probably NonFactors. NonFactors is at war with both WickedSick and EternalRage.
  9. Circle running is something both SWS and TK have to do. Only the SWS is better at it
  10. Wat is je nickname ingame? Ik ben inmiddels level 55/56
  11. ​It was kind of depressing to see ER arrive after Perkunas already took the castle
  12. Bro, thats not the Top D bow. You need the Light Crossbow. You should be able to craft it for that amount of adena if you manage to get the shafts.
  13. You do realize the tunic itself is being sold for that price? Sometimes even higher. Yeah, i know: thats freaking crazy
  14. And your problem won't be solved by making COL untradable, because adena farmers will be selling adena then. The result is even worse, because adena farmers don't contribute to the server.
  15. Tbh, COL is good as it is. Otherwise people will buy adena via farmbots.
  16. ^ wtf did i just read. LOL
  17. You could possibly join NonFactor(second clan of NonFactors). I know there are some damage dealers there who are looking for people to party with. "ADFDraco or "WaterWorks
  18. It basicly means u play daily with the same people in a party. Chances are you where already part of this type of party in the past.
  19. ​Constant party. I actually don't remember this being used in the old days of L2.
  20. Yes you can, but you need to use Wine or a virtual machine like VirtualBox. I use VM Ware on OSX, but i'm not sure if it is available for Linux.
  21. One more question about dyes: Are +4-4 dyes already available? Because i have yet to see them ingame. And where do they drop?