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Everything posted by KeTaMuH

  1. ​go play on interlude and not classical DCP you
  2. KeTaMuH

    Siege (2016-06-05)

    we still have a GM on the spot in reloge!
  3. перестань ПКашить )))))) говорят помогает
  4. ful SKRIN laid to start!
  5. good thread fights,better than the monotonous video
  6. KeTaMuH

    Team White [PvP]

    the last battle was sweaty war it out like cockroaches!
  7. ​Фан есть везде от деревни гномов до ЛОА,но может ты фан получаеш от краба мобов
  8. KeTaMuH


    ​Потому что играть нужно,а не на форуме людей тролить
  9. Can be done so that we all had the same gear and LVL To pre-register for the Colosseum packs.
  10. With the update to create one event, pack on, pack on the coliseums + award for 1,2,3 place
  11. WTB / WTT - Valhalla +6 +7 +8 PM - KeTaMuH
  12. Музыка хорошая Респект! ,the first 4min
  13. KeTaMuH

    Siege (2016-06-05)

    Nice ))))