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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. ​i am one man army, i dont have cp (some would say i am random, those freaking randoms sigh ...), but i will fight your cp 1vs9 izi *uses hero UD* my favourite kind of pvp is 18vs18, coz usually pts cannot have full online, so 9vs9 is usually out of question, and even 1 person could make difference, also in 18vs18 there is nothing like counter setup, but its not as messy as 272vs27+ (27vs27 a.k.a. 3 pts vs 3 pts) is still enjoyable, everything after that its just mess i would love to play some pre-made 18vs18 tho ^^ ​we can shedule 1 fight 18 vs 18 im in for this pm on koukou! ​i am home w/o pc now, and i wonder if uchi cp would take me for it instead of DA they are looking for coz i am random for them also to tell u the truth, i would straight go full excuse mode even before mode coz u are higher lvls but thats just me ​problem is u ar enot only random but INACTIVE RANDOM
  2. About ishka, it was around 2% hp and we were just next to Shilien Temple. I said Modoy lets go inside temple and make awesome screenshot how we finnish it there, and make some fun on forum how far u can pull rb. But Shilien temple is some kind of newbie protection area and you cant pull high lvl monsters there and as soon ishka entered inside it ported back to its spawn lol gf . I remember I even pmed u with flames where us ur ishka now b1tch etc, but this thing like flaming some1 before smth (in this case rb death) actually happens, always bring bad luck to me :D. I remember when i played dagger on oly (this class requires some luck every match) and when i pmed my enemy "gf" or "ur geting rekt" before match ended i was geting rekt, but when i pmed tanks that i was loosing to always, like "ooooo im rekt gz 10 pts" i was actually wining. Such karma :D
  3. ​I dont like cause i dont need it man. I know you are monkey and its hard for u to do 2+2. So now i explained you how it works. I dont like it CAUSE I DONT NEED IT. GG, ​I like how you get mad ​Mad? Common manKey. I just wonder how you are happy killed someone -4% . Is it top achievment of the server? Ask Pistolas how he in agony BSOE when got stunned from Rizo... under mobs from left side LOA, Dat top DA// VIG HONOR //Suicide Squad// Never Bsoe ..... /Juan started BSOE again ​xaxaxa you are funy !! you wand to stay alone and figth whit all your pt ? i remember rizo run and b soe at brige and let all your pt to die from my pt and you are foul buffs and d/s ... after 2 hours wait relog there and wait us to go ... you afraid to figth stay rr plz and dont post to! tnz ​I bsoed? Dont even have bsoe since 1 month cos some1 who logged me and scamed/wasted em lol
  4. Rizos


    Pasive is nice to have but nothing strong. Also p def as u said i agree ( i even use light armor on my archer as u can notice) is smilar to hvy. Especially if u compare bw light to bw hvy with 74 pasives, u may have even more p def in light. But p def is not the problem. Problem is lights have sh1ty bonuses. Ok PL is good if u make it +6 lets say. Drake also good vs mages. Doom light? It takes 2 con, hard to overenchant dex gives rly low bonus on 1.5 slassic so basically i have lik 8 crit rate and 15 atk speed more in doom light but 600 hp and 300 p atk more in pl, so choice is obvious. BW hvy also better than doom light. +7 speed and +3 str, sounds cool. And most of ppl choose it mostly for these +7 speed. ABout bw light. Well overall good set for its main function - p def. But doesnt offer any ofensive stats except c speed for summoner. Im sure if there was top b light set with +7 speed, many ppl would use it instead of bw hvy. I liked gracia feature. U were farming dynasty essence, and personalize your set to fit your class needs. That was cool thing, too bad there is no such personalize thing on classic. Like you make BW light set - dagger master for +7 speed 4% p def +4% m def and it would be so awesome, or doom light -archer master - +4% atk speed +3 speed +2 str - 2 con
  5. Rizos


    ​i guess u meant he doesnt have +speed passive while wearing light armor and pretty much only reason u see archers running in BW is +7 speed imo, doom heavy on daggers because its the best armor when u want to be tanky (has the best shield block rate in game atm) ​;)
  6. Rizos


    Disagree with blocking possibility to use armor w/o mastery skill. Some classes like tyrant would get HUGE nerf, he has even + speed pasive while wearing light armor removed on classic for some reason, so he doesnt get ANY benefit in light now, and would be totaly trash, even now they are not competerive to glads on pvp cos of gladis new classic op skills in my opinion. Same goes for aw/pw as modoy mentioned. Biggest problem, and thing that makes ppl use hvys is that there is no good light set with useful stats and + speed bonus ;/
  7. sadap, i didnt link my video aswell, and ur video sux
  8. Modoy stop RMT if u dont know rules..
  9. check media section, ull see how many ppl play here. stop wasting ur time on forum and start exping your character
  10. Rizos

    OOC CP

    ​they are not russian pt, and from what i remember OOC was always (or at least most of the time?) international clan so dunno who is coppying from who, better check your facts before talking ​lol, wtf ur tryhard. It doesnt matter what it was somewhere. This name was alrdy on l2classic.club and was not established by those zorgzor pets. So copycat. P.S ofc nice vid as for someone that cant make AQ sorc for 4 month, and cry about making epics everyday HMMM interesting crap. Doubt this server was up beofe OOC clan formed (8 years ago?) 1st movie i found on YT and 2011 year..
  11. Rizos


    ​Rizos so if we say that, for example, slow is magic debuff or suspension does it mean that only M def suppose to protect y from this kind of debuffs? ​not on classic, on classic debuff landrate doesnt take into account casters M atk and defenders M def, only debuffs which directly affects resistance/ epics / lvls ​Modoy so it means there is no epic or buff or armor that can give y resist to Seal of Suspension, cos it's not mental attack or hold or sleep.... The only thing probablty is MEN in your stats. ​MEN doesnt help u for sure dunno about epics coz i dont have them myself and i didnt really have urge to read about them, but for example destro skill guts gives debuff resistance 60% or zealot gives debuff resistance 80%, and that means debuffs in general, not just mental resist, for sure there is no armor like that (i think some cloaks [not sure if castle or just hero ones] gave debuff resistance on 2.0 official, also their talismans [like toi or baium ones which u equip] gave debuff resistance as far as i remember) ​Yes destro is an exception but about epic it's obvius Core 20% mental and nothing more and orfen 15% menta and 20% hoold, ant quen poison.... all this means that against suspension or slow or wind shackles debuffs there is no way to boost your resist, with MEN i dont agree with y even when I did dye -15 MEN i notice that sleep and silence started land on me better than before I guess it influance but slightly.... ​MEN doesnt save you from any debuf. COn doesnt help vs stun. This is classic. You can resist suspension just with some talismans cloacks and other crap like modoy said, or temporary increase resist with guts,zealot. But there are some buffs that everyone can receive from support on 2.0 1 that helps resist it - 20% - 10% - 10% - 80%!!! -10% -10% and ofcourse buff that exists even on 1.5 - 100% resist for 10-15s
  12. Rizos


  13. Rizos

    FightClub CP member

    these 2 slackers dont log in game tho so they cant + they are in different ally ;)
  14. I remember san0 already answered to such topic, and he said this rule is mostly about intentionaly being cancer and blocking npcs like shop or gk, not about puling rb
  15. Rizos


    silence is mental attack, forgot to add it, but seal of winter or slow is not mental attack. Ill t ry to make some kind of guide about debufs on forum
  16. Rizos

    FightClub CP member

    ​U forgot about the king in this discipline - kkekepops
  17. Rizos

    FightClub CP member

    1:17 @zorgzor they just entered siege zone form town but u know they "PR for regroup and mana regen" cos they came from town w/o mana
  18. Rizos


    doesnt matter, even if some of ppl had lionheart and this guy still landed 23/26 its just confirming the land rate should be much higher than it is on our server
  19. Rizos

    FightClub CP member

    question to you. I see you have furning fist skill i guess to have additional skill for ur combo when other skils on reuse. I always prefered to use force burst (short range aoe) instead, cos it was casting much faster and doing same or even better dmg than burning fist(back then force focus was giving much better bonus than now on classic). Is this burning fist making decent dmg now, better than force burst? I never liked this skill, its slow cast annoyed me so much, didnt even buy lvl 1 on classic to check it.
  20. Rizos

    FightClub CP member

    If i would decide about ur cp pool i would rather take even 1 adena than giving u 1k cp ^^
  21. Well I don't have any statistics, we don't even know what's the online number so it's impossible to catch a specific number. However, try to imagine this situation - le's say you've quit L2 some time ago: Now you feel kinda nostalgic and you see some kind of 'classic' chronicle, so you decide to give it a shot. When you log in on the server, you see an empty town. But that's obvious, it's old server, of course the starting villages won't be crowded. However then you level up to 20, 25, 30... And you still can't find any party, because the only people you encounter are people with boxes who won't party you because you'd just slow them down. And so, even if you're a team player and you'd be willing to find a CP then, you will just quit before 40 because you have nobody to play with. This system revamp is aimed to change it. ​To be honest with you, since i play l2 for like 10 years i never searched for pt before 40 because solo was always faster. SOmetimes i partied but only cos my friends were playing smilar lvls and was easier to chat and nicer to stay together, but i never searched any random pt. What for? There are not mobs before 40 to be worth farming in pt, except mby forgoten temple and aoe farm isnt rly faster than solo exp especially when u have to fight for aoe spot
  22. PS: i am just curious if u consider mechanically restricting if the doors to castle were opened, but they would pull orfens minion there, thus giving u perma raid curse if u want to get inside they tried RB bug, we followed the minions and went to the castle of Oren. administrators can check the availability of the radar in our party as well. I'm for fair play ​they checked some of their members long time ago already, coz some of them played with dhemon in pt while hunting for rbs, and they said they didnt find anything only thing i can say that if we didnt take ishka to shillien temple (where lvl 1 dark elves start) we couldnt be sure they wont find us, thats how hard some ppl were trying also u didnt answer to my question, would u consider it as violating rules if they took it into castle and put orfen minion into the doors (which would be open), resulting in you getting curse every single time when u try to enter? ​Yet even when we took ishka rb to Shilien temple we still lost it, remember Modoy?
  23. Rizos

    FightClub CP member

    ​Thanks. Yes, ive got feeling it may be too much speed up, but had plenty of material, tried to put most of it, in less time, coz with my internet 10Mb uploading 10min vid it on YT is pain. Atleast video seems to be less boring, more action. Fast text is first words only, making and synchro lyrics was the hardest part, also its just for one song. I did it coz this track has deep lyrics, and as i said, its abit of promo vid. Also its for non metalheads, that dont understand lyrics If can't read and watch, have to watch it two times atleast, double the win! It's all about FightClub CP. ​whaaaaat.. My uploading speed was around 100kb/s... I was uploading my 13 min movie around 3h. Dont tell me about uploading pain About text i have to play it with sound, will see, i agree it had to be a lot of work to synchro em..
  24. Rizos


    SK 74 on gran kain oly fighting vs ppl around 73-76. I counted all Lightning strikes he used (didnt count em when he was casting em on ppl with debuf resist talismans). 26 lightning strikes used 23 landed- 23/26 landrate in this movie. That makes me doubt that 50% chance like we have here is correct value.. It should be 90% in my opinion, go analyze the movie by yourself:
  25. Rizos

    Over Hit

    post it then, cos i have a proof saying that ur wrong, and confirming my words: Here is test from GranKain made by gm: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pl&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.pl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://4gameforum.com/threads/597472/&usg=ALkJrhhg32JTA21Q8xCS3HIFdjYYPgtCPg oryginal: https://4gameforum.com/threads/597472/