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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Rizos

    MoDoy vol. 2 LoA pvp

    When u get stunned every time u go in front cos some wl keeps u in target whole pvp and waits u, good sense doesnt help cos u cant move on stun :(. Once i greeded agree but 2x was just stun of doom
  2. For mini cp i recomend cat over healer. Infinite mana for heal, btb bts haste cat buff, additional dmg
  3. Rizos

    MoDoy vol. 2 LoA pvp

    Poor modoy didnt sleep whole night
  4. Also for some reason pp with base con, shielddef 90℅ of deadly blows. I think its not correct
  5. ahh so you report bug taht u jump from 99999999 heigh and dont loose any hp from falling?
  6. ​norm) also Necro complaining about strong classes, norm)
  7. Rizos

    Heroic Rush

    ​his gameplay in first 2 pvps sucks, third is somewhat decent lets say (tho not really anything flashy), he just made it to show those bigger scale pvps also who plays with freaking compas on bottom instead of top right corner? biz, get real pls ​pvp movies are not about skill anymore, in old days it was cool to see dvp and others, but now we know they were killing lowbies and u dont need to be unreal skillful. now movies are just saved fragments of history, info for newcomers and also info for players who are not in the big war ​dunno, when i post frapses, its to show my gameplay and my cp gameplay, not just to show there are fights going on, even if we win pvp, but i played in it like sh1t or overall we played badly as cp but still somehow managed to win, its not really worth uploading it, i dont want ppl to get bored at first 30 seconds of pvps ​No. you dont want ppl to actually doscover that you are nub and make fun of you
  8. Yes he ment that all debusf have cap 90℅ land rate. He tries to explain why with mental shield debufs have more than 45% land rate (50℅ from capped 90). Its either as he says and some debuf have base chance like 120% (in formula but capped to 90℅ in game) to make them more effective (balanced) on targets wirh mental shield and epics. Thats why debuff can land with 60℅ chance on mental shield (50℅ * 120 chance) Or other reason might be that debuf land rate has more conplicated formula and 50 mental resist from mental shield(pay attention, description says 50, not 50℅!) Doesnt cut debuff landrate exacly by half
  9. Nice to hear good word and that ppl are grateful for your job
  10. Just troll modoy hard as revenge and dont be so serious
  11. Was never shorter than 7s. Was random between 7 and 10s in both cases- with mental and without so, if without mental the fear skill from wc was about 50%, with mental it should have a very low chance to land, if none at all. now that horror has been confirmed to be broken, i'm more interested in the basic land rate of curse fear from necro. is it the same as WC fear, or that's boosted as much as horror? ​It more like multipied. Not exacly but its +/-. It works like mental gives 50 resist so if debuf has 90% chance, then with mental its going to have 90*0,5= 45%. If wc fear gas 50% base land rate, with mental its going to have 50*0,5=25%. Now if u also have orfen then wc fear : 50*0,5*0,85=21,25%. In fact this counting is just some kind of approximation and its counted in a but more complicated way i think. But real results(in 4game tests) dont differ much from what you calculate this way. I think San0 can confirm how it works, he has this tool showing debuf land chance on test server
  12. Rizos

    Heroic Rush

    its crap movie, just 2 pvps not worth to make serious topic of it, not even Rizos #2
  13. Rizos

    WTS for bananas

    HAHAHAHA GOOD JOB!. What server is that? , BTW looking at its face, im not sure if its male or female. Hmmm Modoy plays such thing too, i feel sorry for him .
  14. Here we go. https://4gameforum.com/threads/558860/
  15. This modoy. Used wrong link to wrong test. Just a noob..
  16. ​horror report coming today. Tests already done. Its bugged. Mental tho looks correct but need more tests, cos it gives some resist vs wc fear and sleep. modoy has screens so wait for this slacker.
  17. ​GG I WON! Now i can quit! P.S. Thats how u make bug reports Modoy. Watch and learn my little friend.
  18. HERE i wont focus on proving bug becaus its proven alreayd several times, just search forum. or use these links: Here im going to focus on explaining what is wrong and how this skill should work. Since you fix many skills lately, i decided to report Fatal Counter again. Ill try to give as much info as i can about how it should work. I analyzed 4game test and tried to make formula calculating FC dmg. Ofc it contains some rounding, its not totally accurate, but as you will see on graph its pretty good. (this can help admins if they dont have oryginal skill formula) ok so here we go: What is correct? - scaling between full hp and low hp. On 1 hp you gonna hit 3x tronger than full hp. Seems like its same as on official and this part of formula is good. - can be blocked by shield Bugged things on FC 1) shouldnt crit 2) should have different base dmg (pr full hp dmg) 3) Should scale better with p atk (change skill formula) now it scales weak ( same as double shot) but the real official formula should punish ppl with low str( make much lower dmg) but reward ppl with high str( noticable higher dmg. 1,2k p atk gives 1,1k more dmg on double shot, but on Fatal counter 1,2k p atk more gives around 4,1k dmg more. Check link below ) - FC on full hp should hit around 2x harder than double shot @ 70 lvl and 2700 p atk Source: 1.5 4game EU server forum: https://4gameforum.com/threads/594232/ Edit. My conclusion is that Double shot formula is like [(skill power + p.atk)*M]/P.Def + around 20% crit rate on 41 str and FC formula is like [(skill power + 3,7x p atk)*M]/P.Def + 0% crit rate where: skill power- Basic skill power of fatal counter and double shot P.Atk - P. atk of chatacter in alt + t stats M- parameter containing many multiply variables like soulshot, multipier depending if you hit from front or behind, lvl difference multipier, some constant value etc (all these values are multipied by themself giving parameter M) - In forum test case M/P.def = 0.92 How i got this formula? I took skill formula form from elder chronicles and i counted new parameters like M/Pdef and multipier of P. atk (3,7). I just used 4game test data to set and solve the system of equations. Here i drawed graph of these formulas. X axes- character P.atk. Y axes- Dmg caused to test target Deep blue line - Theoretical double shot dmg counted with [(skill power + p.atk)*M]/P.Def formula Green dots - official test doubleshot dmg Brown line - Theoretical Fatal counter dmg counter with [(skill power + 3,7x p atk)*M]/P.Def formula Blue dots - official test Fatal counter dmg If you consider such formulas, dependance of dmg and p atk in this 2 skills should be +/- same as in this 4game forum test. So this formula Should round pretty well offifial dmg formula. Right now Bugged Fatal Counter makes exacly same dmg as double shot regardless of character p.atk. Also it can crit same as double shot. It just scales with hp. Skill is definitely bugged in several ways. I even tried to calculate formula for it in case it helps in any way. Now its up to Admins to fix it.
  19. ​watch the movie rizos postet in this topic. u cant see damage, the PR hits with it 2-3k and some hits were 8k+. ​To be honest, this dmg differs from 2-3k to 8k because of transfer pain. When he hits necro on transfer pain, onscreen dmg shows only dmg he does to character (50% dmg) and doesnt show dmg caused to summon. Plus ofc difference of hp makes difference of dmg on movie. i didnt see the difference in the video between hitting a necro with zombie or sps, but if its true - its a powerful skill ​Im just troling in previous posts. THIS SKILL SHOUlDNT CRIT, but should do around 2x more dmg than double shot on full hp (it has different formula, scales better with p atk than double shot but at around 2.5k p atk should do 2x more dmg than double shot, with higher p atk its even stronger) on 1 hp it scales into 3x more dmg than on full hp (this part works correct, but base dmg is too low, shouldnt crit, and scales wrong with p atk) Bugged things on FC 1) shouldnt crit 2) should have different base dmg (pr full hp dmg) 3) Should scale better with p atk (change skill formula) now it scales weak ( same as double shot) but the real official formula should punish ppl with low str( make much lower dmg) but reward ppl with high str( noticable higher dmg. 1,2k p atk gives 1,1k more dmg on double shot, but on Fatal counter 1,2k p atk more gives around 4,1k dmg more. Check link below ) - FC on full hp should hit around 2x harder than double shot @ 70 lvl and 2700 p atk Source: 1.5 4game EU server forum: https://4gameforum.com/threads/594232/ Edit. My conclusion is that Double shot formula is like [(skill power + p.atk)*M]/P.Def + around 20% crit rate on 41 str and FC formula is like [(skill power + 4x p atk)*M]/P.Def + 0% crit rate where: skill power- Basic skill power of fatal counter and double shot P.Atk - P. atk of chatacter in alt + t stats M- parameter containing many multiply variables like soulshot, multipier depending if you hit from front or behind, lvl difference multipier, some constant value etc (all these values are multipied by themself giving parameter M) If you consider such formulas, dependance of dmg and p atk in this 2 skills should be +/- same as in this 4game forum test. So this formula Should round pretty well offifial dmg formula
  20. ​watch the movie rizos postet in this topic. u cant see damage, the PR hits with it 2-3k and some hits were 8k+. ​To be honest, this dmg differs from 2-3k to 8k because of transfer pain. When he hits necro on transfer pain, onscreen dmg shows only dmg he does to character (50% dmg) and doesnt show dmg caused to summon. Plus ofc difference of hp makes difference of dmg on movie. ​@San0 why FC bugged and can crit? Fix plz? ​Why FC not fixed?
  21. ​stun shot never crits and double shot has it in description if u want to know about archer skills also maybe u wanna check FC? i think it should never crit but, but, u know the rest​ FC never crit???? PFFF Once I got dmg from PR 4200 from that skill and I was not nacked..... and sure PR was 100% hp cos I don't even hit him once it was just one shot..... Don't tell me about lvl diffrence I was 70+ as wel as he is probably about 72 and still when i have 650 P def 4200 dmg OMG... gladi don't crit me so much with critical triple sonic slash.... Check pls FC according to the l2wiki it has to have only Overhit nothing about critical hit ​Plz check FC i think its bugged. IT DEFINITELY SHOULDNT CRIT. SAN0 PLZ ChECK!!!!!. Look it never crits on Gran Kain :
  22. modoy rekt by sano again. Gj San0! Sano go go 2000th post plz. let it be post like this "Fatal counter fixed"
  23. i ment creator of topic and agree to fix all bugs, but it needs some time, cant be done in 1 day. Especially when they have not ime cos working on 2.0