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Everything posted by Bilbao

  1. WTT Demon's Staff +10 + Adena for Homunkulu's sword +12 Leave message here or Pm/Mail in game "Bilbao
  2. Bilbao

    Let's Get Ridiculous

    Nice video ETE, i enjoy it. It's our Jam6o
  3. Bilbao

    PvP and FUN!

    I will not say that you are wrong, but no one is perfect. Even me who is playing TH for "first time". The most people here seems like when they played l2 for first time, they were pro. I don't think so. Btw i'm back to my mage at the momment, i'm not going to change the name.
  4. Bilbao

    PvP and FUN!

    Cause i was exping with bow, BD, SWS.
  5. Bilbao

    PvP and FUN!

    Why the pro TH losing from a noob TH? I don't think the problem is the diffrence of level.
  6. Bilbao

    PvP and FUN!

    I don't want to say that i could kill you easy, i say the true, we could have a more fair pvp. Btw i remember the fight when you, Hitsu, Rizo came, Hitsu and Rizo went to kill Erky, and you stayed to fight with me. You died and i was still with dyes -15 CON +12 STR
  7. Bilbao

    PvP and FUN!

    I fought with all daggers except Anytime, and only poseidon killed me once with hide when i was -15 CON +12 STR and plated for exp. No one else. I don't think i'm the worst.
  8. Bilbao

    PvP and FUN!

    I wanted, but i will be better with my mage in Jerry's CP. It's a big diffrence to play alone, and to play with a team. Why you ask?
  9. Bilbao

    PvP and FUN!

    @Legiana You forgot second fight. I will not say anythin about the fight with monster and you just came from backside. Why did you ? Why didn't you came alone for a 3rd fight? @vinter I don't know who you are, but the true is that i'm not yet a good player as dagger, need time to learn it well. It's not an easy character. Btw i would like to know who you are.
  10. Finally MoDoy, i was waiting you to replied!
  11. ​They are not remembering it correctly, but you said you would give me your character if i killed OCHOBA 1v1 since he was 6 levels above me, and i did it. You dodged for days and didnt ask him if i did or not Anyway i don't want your char anymore anyway it's a shitty sors ​I didn't ask OCHOBA cause i didn't focus this disscusion, I thought u understood that i say with irony. We could make a battle for fun to see who is really shitty.
  12. Lol i think you dont have idea what we say with daj,,
  13. Yeah mate! There is not all people like you, they are not using tactics like you! ​
  14. ​Hahaha lol, i joined to this beta server for fun like 3-4 weeks ago...
  15. ​You mean to die from Theseus.. ​He had a D.A with him... What else to do?
  16. He had a D.A with him.. What else to do?
  17. I didnt have idea that you are fighting like 5-6 minutes... I get there by myself to search for Theseus..
  18. Bilbao


    WTS Homunkulu's Sword +10 Mail or PM in game "Bilbao Or inbox here..
  19. WTB Spellbook: Aura Flash PM, Mail "Bilbao Or inbox here...
  20. Bilbao

    WTB SB: Aura Flash

    WTB Spellbook: Aura Flash PM or Mail "Bilbao Or inbox here...
  21. Bilbao


    WTS Homunkulu's Sword +10 PM, Mail >> "Bilbao Or inbox here..