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Everything posted by SeventhSky

  1. How long will it take to edit ?
  2. That's sad , maybe someone else was frapsing the whole fight?
  3. Well , do you know somebody close to him ? ?
  4. Do we have any footage from the balcony?
  5. SeventhSky

    WTS Wynn 6

    Ghost busters? Yikes.
  6. SeventhSky

    WTS Wynn 6

    wts wynn 6 pm "SeventhSky or leave a reply with your nick here in case i am offline or away from the game.
  7. Found an avadon robe , close the thread
  8. SeventhSky

    WTB Avadon Robe

    As title says , I am buying avadon robe main , pm "SeventhSky in game , or write down your name here in case I am offline/away.
  9. Welcome to the server , have a nice stay.
  10. Are they supposed to have the same drop chance ? @Kse I've noticed the same thing , as mentioned above , part 7 is dropping rarely.
  11. @Pikar0 Welcome mate. As others mentioned , life of a mage is kinda hard. We are not wanted in RB parties. But hey , we can do fine on our own , necro and sph got BTM and CDL , so they can xp on their own. Even better , with a recharger like EE or SE , you can xp non stop. Also , you will be able to find AOE parties from 55 lvl at ABG or other locations. Good luck !
  12. 50 euro just to pass the queue and log in Won't mention the bonus in xp and drop rate.
  13. Thanks ,I will try to pm him in the afternoon.
  14. He's probably a paid shill , so indeed just lols.
  15. I found AOE pt in EV also Need 6 lvls for ABG.
  16. I have noticed that since I began playing here There is a high demand for summoners though.
  17. I've got already a karmian set , Ghoul's Staff + Wynn lv6 and dyes +12wit -15men. I am fine in terms of gear but thanks
  18. That's good , since i am 47 atm , I've found and learned Tempest already so I can join some parties