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Everything posted by EtoRazEtoDva

  1. "Nothing" the statements of great ppl 2k16 .
  2. ​really dont get it... the package of sh*ts and your own conclusions there... my answer is totally right... Only one thing here on forum is totally .. It's totally toxic.. Also about you are right, that's why I typed all this.
  3. The smartes answer ever see .. Gg brain is loading 2% complete.
  4. ​I decided make this video cause soil laught to everybody.. makes fun of Dee etc... in fact he is not so good and up here is a prove... in total we had 27 fights like this... he won 25,9%.. the rest he lost... 1:0, 7:5, 5:2.... while he had better gear and epics for some fights... What to say for the res of your post... Few years ago I was leader of ally... many ppl rely on me... and I did spend so faking much time to deal shits in game... NO THANKS... no more.. I am kind of solo based and I hate wasting time in game.. yup.. I am hot head with fast fingers so I flame from time to time... for example I had fight with UchihaItachi... going loa and he PK single ppl 40+ who lvl up and doing transfer Q here around... I am soooo bad guy! All hate me more! Many ppl knows I am not bad guy and I know play the game... Buttman felt I can share.. when I gave him all mats I have... what to say.. I am looking for CP and I believe I will find some regardless what you think... PS: ppl dont like me?! good... it is emotion too... THE END... dont bother me with this sh*ts aimed to my person... thanks Totally you are just retarded and the level of your self-importance is closed to Empire State Building. But to be honest you are just a trash no one needs you in CP, cause you are inadequate and also you are even not exping this gladi to that high lvl. So you want to show us this pvp and then you think everyone will become crazy about ur skill etc and kill each other to get that SUPER HARD TO PlAY character ??? Just gtfo and stfu.. And about someone killing lowbies .. Wtf? You are trying to show that you are not a trash.. Omg you are worst garbage ever dude .. I think if even Vigi don't want to see u in their clan/ally it's gg for someone at this server.
  5. Omg.. Ping , lags, gg .. Dat skillbased class so hard to pvp and play up them plz too nerfed
  6. ​ ok guys, police was working whole night and now we know who is that monkey "datplays" We are coming for you!! Our little poor WL--->>
  7. Господа, зачем слабоумную тролите?
  8. Do i lose arguments? I doubt, but atleast i response to all arguments, when they re brought to u, u re picking some other way of flood not answering to right post. @EtoRazEtoDva @Rizos please remember if u want to make fun and me to response, keep this topic with atleast abit of propiety, coz so far i see @EtoRaz is some kind of troglodite and keeps breaking 3.5 rule of forum and i wont response to this lack of humanity buckethead. we decided that your brain is troglodyte .. Making posts like this.
  9. Ok here we can see monkeys start betraying each other #monkeystolemyCWH(bike)
  10. About tricycles with modoy and Rizo .. Why not ? It's easier to deal with back pedals monkeys like Zorgzor and datplays when you are trio ;)
  11. As you can see this monkeys are trying to show us that they are "smart" but be careful they are just braindead animals. we will continue our investigation see for updates!
  12. All we need is proofs!! If you have some add here that will help us in our investigation!
  13. ​the point of Cp system is not about social binding, its more likely becoz Ncsoft forced their players this way, 2 minutes sing/dance with huge amount of mp usage, so a party with mage/fighter/archer mix is just a big NO, so eventually mage player would only team up with mage players, the same with fighter players and archer players, then eventually Cp is formed - becoz you cant share exp for everyone, everyday forver, especially in classic version - level is all matter, you dont need epic jewel, over echanted weapon to be strong, but just high level. i hope you guys will learn this not too late, or just play for fun, no need to be serious, gl buddy Trust him archer in zubei light + akat(76lvl) will rekt u
  14. That's the main problem they are hiding and they are changing their appearance. So we need our community to help us. If someone saw them tell us here! also on this video you can see how Soil, Haibara and yomana harassing and trolling one of them ( this is his real appearance( police think it's datplays)
  15. Helo guys, monkey police has some breaking news for you. Supposedly yesterday was found revealing video about "zorgzor" and his so called friend "datplays" about how they are making their posts. We will continue the investigation about those forum monkeys follow the updates here. And keep ur bananas in safe place. Enjoy guys.
  16. Dat modoy always searching reliable persons .. Remember it's you or no one else cause you are random
  17. EtoRazEtoDva

    Here we go again

    ​ ofc u re pushing ur nolife system, when u got went OL max lvl u get back on tyr, i know, u got killed -4 alrdy couple of times. But this try hard to say zorgzor =/= taduliz is fcking funny zorgzor == taduliz no matter how hard u try You are funny guy. But you know nothink abaut us, like i see. But you know nothinG abOut us, AS I CAN see. monkey police is here to help you bro!
  18. Still trying to explain something to faggot??i think it's close to talking with donkey
  19. "not even worth reading", pretty much your only argument to any reply in any topic, u say what dmg dagger make with list of buffs which half dont even affect its dmg, and then when someone shows u the dmg w/o buffs ypu mentioned, its not even worth reading its so nice when randoms are losing in reasoning with "forum troll" ​ Go, go let it flow Half doesnt affect, but half does. Good u suspect for "working PW in 2.0" when u dont have 2.0 yet U guys re rly this stupid? Why if server is not working for u, u keep playing here and complain on forums? Well most likely Rizos, bcoz modoy in a moment will keep saying "im just making opinion", true, but Rizos QQ and u agree (couple moment). I'm just here to say how stupid Rizos act with his QQ and complaining, bcoz nobody yet got here ban for that, but they should when it comes to Rizos saying "dont play, server bugged". Damn, such cancer. I will keep posting my rights to stop abusing server and GMs decisions by Rizos, and i will keep not reading parts of ur posts just to not get cancer from it. I know its polish mentality to flame in every game, but damn, when GMs not even using warning system on forum u go so far, even abusing their decisions. Aha, FC will stay "nerfed" until u go on official and make PR and test it. GL. Want something 100% working how u think it should? Test it on retail. GL. GM's have own sources, files, they decide. It's my last post to any of u explaining my statement. Ohoho racism incoming... Gg ban?stupid hater gonna hate your opinion is stupid shit here dude, cause you are forum garbage..Come and try to type some bullshit on ru forum, you will be totally rect and destroyed by Russian flamers.. Dude .. Trust me polish guys are ok
  20. Those noobs which come gank sos 4 v 2 ? 3 of them died and OMG!! One of them goes to relog.. Which you want to nerf. GG this saved his life .
  21. EtoRazEtoDva

    Here we go again

    Modoy, Rizo, zorgzor get out of here we have new and fresh one topic to rage and troll!!
  22. Everyone get in here... New epic skill based movie is here !!dont waste your time in the last one come here and troll zorgzor !!!
  23. Why you guys so stupid? Who is that fagot which has started that topic? Why he even cares about what this guys going to do? To bump once again about zergunas? Omg new joke coming yes? We will remember this day when retards stop spamming about Zerg. You are trying to discuss not some useful things but those guys who are just playing and making some decisions playing here. Maybe let's make some sope opera version? You are freaking braindead dude. gg have a nice day