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Everything posted by MoDoy

  1. damn, i so much thought it past i am that privileged and favorite of admins, then i remembered to this day i am still banned on discord :< truth hurts, now i know how tereza must feel
  2. yea, i am pretty sure its very normal to refer to your own things with name when rizos asks me if i have some items, i also tell him "wait, i will check modoys shops", when i ask him if he can borrow me weapon, he also asks me "ok, i will give you rizo's dagger" its so natural that definitely everyone believes its you who wrote that big pile of cow poop while using "terezas char" keep dreaming, at least dreams hurt less than reality
  3. i wonder where to start with, what about for example why you didnt write all this with your own account but from terezas account, moldavian desert fox? )) maybe because nobody would believe any of this if you sent from your real account? i wonder if people are going to believe it more just coz you used different persons account i dont know who has truth or who doesnt, but i see 1 big flaw in your thought process straight on the start - thinking that he had to know that you will log and take the mail. why? coz like you said, rizos was on his char, angerfist on his one, that means if angerfist changed password on his char, doesnt matter if you log on sunday, monday, or never, rizos would simply lose access to the epics, because they would be sitting on that mail and i dont think comparing this kind of "lost" epics are comparable by dropping epics by mobs or PK idk what any of you wanted to prove honestly, be it one side or the other (especially tereza with that week ass poll topic which she never had in mind to follow)
  4. aggression? special personality? i wish i could read between lines like you you are here for solution? cool, if you delete those 21:00 bosses, amount of bosses decreases highly, there wont be any static bosses and in the end it will go back into people logging at evening and farming at some spot and for those old bosses which stay, yes, people who are online, have cams and go there first can pull it and kill it - they will profit both in xp and drops that way (so they wont find themselves being 75 lvl in low C grade equip, coz their only source of xp wont be 21:00 bosses) as i said, those bosses are real cancer, people see how much xp they get in 20 mins and then even if they decide to go farm on normal spot, they just see its not worth their effort and will better just wait for tomorrow bosses, efficiently making them play 20 minutes per day instead of 1-2-3 hours no need to have hard feelings just coz i think canceling "feature" which is profitable for you (tho idk, seeing how ppl flame you here, looks like its not that profitable lately) just to give my example, i think the lvl 80 on my char was totally unfair, literally whole lvl 79-80 was done in pretty much span of 1h of gametime in span of 1-2 weeks, just coz i logged my char, leeched xp from bosses and logged off - sorry, but this is not healthy gameplay
  5. yeah, i definitely have no idea, you are definitely first guy who farms these bosses, you are special snowflake let me tell you this, there were dozens of people/groups before you doing exactly same, most of them ended banned, you think people will believe such bullsh1t as "why not", "passion", etc.? stop being funny, people farmed even 25 lvl bosses because they could turn profit from drops if your business is not pressured by doing RBs and profit is really as low as you say, then i believe you dont mind them being removed, you can then go and powerlevel your boxes/clan members the normal way, not "log everyday for 20 mins" way, which discourages people to go and actually >farm< at evening instead of just waiting for afk xp from bosses (be it being powerleveled or just leeching from some second tier party)
  6. Pros: you wont have feature which discourages normal gameplay for people (why go farm for 2h when you can do same in 20 mins doing nothing?) people will have actually some equip once they are high lvl and wont be forced to donate to get at least some reasonable gear Cons: progress will be slower for some people RB farmers will lose some revenue (they usually RMT anyway, not big loss)
  7. very healthy, people log for 20 mins at evening and after that log off, i mean, why would you go out there and farm mobs for 2h if you can get same xp as 20 mins standing afk near boss? once again, 21:00 bosses are cancer of this game, they should have never been part of it and it ruined l2 experience (and is still ruining)
  8. no need to be humble, i say remove them, not cancel their static respawn let only regular bosses be available, not there newly spawned bullsh1ts, true L2 was always about grind, not about spamming bosses but regular mobs
  9. MoBoy, Moodoy, Moody, NoDoy and i guess i could continue naming nicks, having either switched 2 letters next to each other or switching 1 letter to another one on keyboard )) if its true what semen said that tereza got them, i dont think there is any negotiation going on as that would lead in absolutely nothing after the incident 2 years ago, coz i bet my ass that biz would be pulling strings in this one as well and if thats the case, this topic is just one big attention wh*ring sugarcoated with "i want to look good guys" i might be wrong tho, i am just part of "dogs:go" team now so what actually happened and how its going to be solved (if its going to be solved) is unknown maybe biz will be finally able to claim victory after rizos since we came back to club from einhasad, he failed miserably asking uchiha to take chars away from us, failed miserably when he deleted epics from us, lets see the results of his and terezas crooked personalities ))
  10. MoDoy

    Warlord Rework?

    please, show me where i say warlord is "top class" in my flow of thoughts, i am curious warlord isnt top tier for quite some time and it wont be anymore, it has still its own uses and its more viable for people than many classes offered now do you even know what was tyrant nerfs? do you play one? you know where is the class problem? if you knew all of this, you would know i am against nerfing the core of the class instead of fixing bugged skill which makes tyrant insanely strong in pvp - now go figure out whats the difference between bolded words be coherent? i am pretty sure i didnt go against myself in any of the replies, what you or others might read in between lines is not my problem that you guys imagine that i said something i didnt
  11. MoDoy

    Warlord Rework?

    unique passive? what passive are you talking about? polearm mastery is not unique, destros have it, crafts have it, spoilers have it, yet they dont say only thing they should be able to do is AoE, do they? if you want to talk about unique skills, then yeah, WL has unique skill which is EXACTLY for the point when you go for 1 by 1 farming, why would they add this skill if that should never be the case for WL to go 1 by 1? yea, i would say so that up until 75, WL can outlevel archers or mages killing outside of aden, honestly, i was never exping in that area, but i doubt you can do more xp after 70+ there than you can do with warlord in crater FP, so eventually, even if you could smh go faster at earlier lvls, WL would eventually catch up and even get in front of xp wise. if you talk about FOM raids and ABG raids which spawn at 21:00, it doesnt support any argument, it literally doesnt matter what class you play in those raids as far as i know, you just need to get party in CC and you dont even need to bother hitting, damage your class makes is irrelevant and unless you go for orc party out of CC for drops/xp, there is no difference if you are sws or WL or dagger or mage, so that kind of xp is same for any class did you make it past the title? maybe you could go read the first post of the guy who made the topic? literally EVERY paragraph he wrote there was about WL<-> pvp, you are free to go and recheck your average dagger definitely wont kill 1 char in 1 hit, unless its afk standing without buffs, i can guarantee you that, i am being dagger, i am WELL aware what daggers can do with proper equip, but i am also aware what warlords can do with proper equip sorc/sps? you can make a good pt with them in GC, a CP of nukers to pvp are good, isn't it? and in the next pacht they learn new skills Warlock/Phantom summoner? maybe elemental master eclipses all, but you don't see PS in olys? Gladi have more chance to make stun with an axe and hammer crush than warlord For spoiler/craft please don't compare, last week i finished farming my crafter. PP is with WC the perfect box, yeah. But now pp learn 11skills, 11!!! I'm sure when u go to farm u take a PP with CC, isn't it? same as warlord TK/SK are good but comparing to Pala/DA, yeah, it's not the same. And now answer my questions in first post, when was the last time you give pt to a warlord? maybe you haven't got 3rd class change. sorc or sps good in GC? only thing i am aware of is that IF mages actually farm in GC, they farm 1 by 1 and for that they use CDLs of necros and sph, not sorc/sps which will do 0 single target dps and will run out of mp in few minutes. now is the CP of nukers good for pvp? sure, it is, but you can specify it more to mage party of necros/spellhowlers are good for pvp warlock and PS good in oly? sure, they are, are they good in other aspects of the game? nah, not really. that would bring question, if i can find 1 thing that WL is good at, does it justify the class and does it mean its good and doesnt need rework? i dont think so, you looked at 1 very specific aspect of the game and said "yeah, those classes are better", but in general, those classes are actually worse and many times they will perform worse than WL gladi has more chance to stun with hammer crush than warlord? wrong, that just shows you are clueless about debuffs and their landrates spoiler/crafter dont compare? why not? PP is perfect box, well, okay? does it mean the class is good enough, because its the most convenient box? i guess not, coz otherwise they wouldnt make so many changes to it, right? and yes, people bring their PP with CC to farm, but for me thats exactly same as people bringing TK/pala for pvp and kicking him out of party right after he gives 80 lvl buff does it mean those classes are good just coz people bring them as boxes to pvps? not really in my eyes TK/SK are good? in what universe are they good? sure, TK got recent rework where his stun goes through puri and instead of stunning you for half second, it actually stuns you for like 1.5-2s with 3s reuse, which makes you almost immobile, i will give you that TK is probably in better shape right now than WL because of bug now answer from me to your last question would be irrelevant, the moment i still played was long enough and people could say "well, WL wasnt that bad back then coz not everyone had puri", but my party which still plays had WL in setup at some point, they had PS in setup, they had warlock in setup, hell they had stupid PW (me) in setup when the class was super garbage. why? because i liked the class despite it not being powerhouse, so yeah, even classes which are not meta i would invite to party, in the end its about how the guy utilizes the class
  12. MoDoy

    Warlord Rework?

    sure they cant, and maybe its sad, but what makes you think you cannot go and 1 by 1 mobs there with WL? if you get othell rune in polearm, you have toggle to increase your single target power, you have spike thrust for high burst for single target mobs damage ok, so what is reality, you say warlord is not good ni pve, i say its the best solo class to level up until like 75 level, used to be necessary class in any AoE party in past, i guess would still be necessary class if people were actually going for AoE like in GC for example, people just dont do it coz its high risk farm because of the low lvl dagger pullers, VR actually does work on WL, same like it does on any other class and yeah, you have to be in corner to AoE train, like it always used to be now this is the part i want you to answer, take average 40 lvl party, take average 60 lvl party, take average 76 lvl party, take average 80 lvl party, in what sphere is dagger better off than warlord? 9vs9? i dont think so, average dagger sucks so freaking much that you would hardly believe it has any impact. mass pvp? you gotta be joking if you even try to bring out average dagger into this point. solo pve? in efficient solo farming, WL will smash daggers by big margin (be it with limited buff boxes or even in full buff). party pve? single target farm, probably yes at 78, dagger will outdps warlord, AoE farm/dps? dagger cannot provide anything to it. so now i am asking, how is your average warlord, worse than dagger. if in most of the points, dagger will fall FAR behind warlord (if you dont agree with any of those points, i am willing to even go compete on whatever you disagree). warlord got first change, it already got the custom skill to boost it, or you think its normal to say after new changes for healers will be implemented (this bullsh1t trees) they have rights to go complain on next class update "well, you know, next classes are getting boosts, can you boost healers?". thats plain stupid, they just got the boost, there are other classes which are also waitin for class balance or are we not looking at average character? general performance of class? if not so, on what exactly we are looking that people think "yes, this class is one of the worsts, lets brainstorm how to make it slightly better"
  13. MoDoy

    Warlord Rework?

    first 2 questions - pve wise, eventho topic is about pvp and how warlord is not being able to do anything properly - you mentioned RB and 700 quest, which both are pretty much single target dps wise (because getting quest items from AoE is(was?) bugged here and even while killing full train, you got like 1-2 quest items, no matter how many mobs you killed. now i am not aware whats situation in mage parties and their AoE schemes or how they farm, but i can tell you in previous updates, warlord was the fastest solo leveling class (without equip like orfen 3) until like 75 lvl (or idk what lvl you could farm crater in FP) and back in the time when loa was the place, WL was necessity for any1 who wanted to farm AoE kariks. some classes were good back then and are not so good now, some classes were trash back then and are better now, thats how it is, i would say you cant have good class entire time (cough cough DA/necro) in massive pvps, yes, i do see warlords, as i said, maybe not 30 of them, but 5-6 warlord could be probably counted in baium pvps or aden castle siege pvps, is that not a enough? does every party need to have warlord for it to be considered good? if you think its one of the worsts, feel free to tell me in which aspects are any of the classes i mentioned better off in aspects of game? list:
  14. MoDoy

    Warlord Rework?

    sure, i can understand that everyone would love to boost class that they play that the class itself would be actually strong without strong equip requirement or fully understanding the class, but reality is, thats not going to happen, there will always be few meta picks, some average picks (that means if you like the class, you can play it, but its not going to be even comparable with meta pick, but wont be absolute trash as you will probably invest in the class and know what the class is about) and many sh1t picks just for comparison, here are classes which in my opinion underperform WL in pvps - TK / SK / gladi / spoiler / crafter / TH / PW / AW / HE / SR / sorc / sps / warlock / PS / PP amount of classes i wrote - 15, total amount of classes in l2 - 31, so you can imagine that WL is pretty much average, not terrible, if you like the class, you can do just fine with it, but pretty much any meta pick will outperform you VERY hard
  15. MoDoy

    Warlord Rework?

    its not about my convenient or not, i am not even playing, if they give to warlord skill which instant kills everyone in 3k range, be it with my first reply, i addressed most of the stuff you were brainstorming about warlord class and why the change is not really urgent neither necessary at this point, what means more warlords in game? half if not more of the classes are not really present in game mass pvps, many of them at all, so warlord situation is by no means crucial, that we would need to see more of them as they are already appearing in mass pvps and they can actually have huge impact if pvp is longer than 2.5 minutes, which many times it actually even is longer than that, and you dont even need to have 30kkk worth of equip to have some impact after puri ends or if its pvp without puris
  16. MoDoy

    Warlord Rework?

    me? nothing, its you who whipped out "well, that skills exists in official chronicle", so if you argument is "they anyway dont follow chronicles", why you even mention its part of it? then it shouldnt matter if it ever was or wasnt implemented in official, but rather making rational argument why warlord should be getting rush, which at this moment there is none you cannot use argument in your own profit when its convenient but instantly deny very same argument the moment its not convenient for you
  17. MoDoy

    Warlord Rework?

    yes, but as you can see, this server is not at "the same chronicle", i dont see gladi or dwarves having rush, you do? its only tyrant, which was first warrior with rush since 2.0 update as part of his 76+ 3rd class skills kit, so right, unless that update comes, nothing to discuss here
  18. MoDoy

    Warlord Rework?

    maybe the conversation is all about stun because whole core of the class is "stun as many people as possible"? they are not supposed to be mobile, they are not supposed to make damage, they are supposed to crowd control, unlike all the other classes you mentioned, which are full damage classes you are not supposed to run around battlefield like speedy gonzales, you are slow class because if you decide to commit and go full melee range, there should be consequences for that action (that you can get bursted before you withdraw) as was said before, warlord is getting indirect buff by nerfing purification song, should be more than enough to play WL
  19. idk whats the story and what happened in cp, if it was mistake or something else, but honestly, i would give it back if for example chenhaonan would mail me, however, same like if you find bigger amount of money in real life, there is compensation by law, i would maybe also ask for companesation, like 10% of the price which was found in the end, only thing that matters is what you think is correct to do, how would you feel if you were on the other side of this story and what would be the reactions ps: (i dont play with them for quite some time and i dont really care if its given back or not, just giving my useless opinion since you asked for one ;x)
  20. MoDoy

    Warlord Rework?

    without proper equip? wanna show me? yeah, fully stacked dagger with AQ3 and baium3, set +8 can 1 shot people who have average equip, but guess what, fully stacked warlord with baium 3 and zaken 3, FI island talisman can also stun half of enemy side in mass pvps, so this comparison is as relevant as poop i made in toilet today if you want to compare 2 classes, compare them on equal terms, go try to play dagger without epics and then you can compare it to warlord without epics, if you want to compare dagger with epics, you compare it to warlord with epics and yes, classes are being rebalanced every month and warlord was one of the classes which started it actually, your class got rebalanced first, so obviously other classes are getting it now and i dont see it as unfair
  21. MoDoy

    Warlord Rework?

    ah, true, i messed up, i thought it couldnt crit and now it can :d i take it back then i honestly believe, statistically, that it should land 4 out of 10 times, i might be wrong, you can try doing 100/200/400 reps and see if it lands on BW+resist shock 40/80/160 times, it should, about majestic, its not that common of armor but yeah, it will be lower obviously, its higher grade so you should be better protected, thats the price you pay as you progress in game right? yes i can, and it actually exists, with puri on, DAs actually need to land insane crusher on people to be able to land horror on them, eventho it sounds crazy but in reality, horror landrate isnt that good with puri on and dont forget, thats single target debuff, so it should have higher landrate chance than AoE debuff for sure if mana is concern, thats why there are EEs and SEs as supports, you get mana gain and you are gaining 200+ mp per recharge while you waste ~100 mp or less for skill (if you use champion/renewal/clarity), the same analogy goes for other classes, its not just warlord, you can go and say exactly same thing about daggers, you have 1500 MP and backstab costs 130 mp, so you are supposed to do 10 backstabs in pvp and thats your whole contribution? thats kinda lame for single target only damage skill i would say with no regrets there are usually at least 5-6 warlords appearing at the siege fights for aden or baium (1 side vs 1 side), which is not that terrible if you think about it, could be definitely much worse
  22. MoDoy

    Warlord Rework?

    quick spear, highest landrate debuff in game with shocking 130% base landrate, its 900 range, its AoE, can crit. now when you apply all the protecting buffs and stats from armor (not counting puri), it goes to something around ~40%, which is still INSANE number for AoE stun debuff on max range, with puri it goes around ~10% landrate, which is not that good, but also not pathetically low (imagine mass fights where people are kiting, if you land quickspear on 10 people and you manage to land it on 1-2 people who get left behind and killed, its huge bonus) now they got added new custom skill, which increases landrate of stuns by 30%, now does it help when enemy has puri? well, not that much, but you also have to consider what if the fights go longer than puri lasts, if you want to have decent landrate of 20-30% on quick spear with puri, does it mean you will stun 80-90% when puri goes off? isnt that a bit ridiculous to think that after 2 mins of fight, ANY warlord without epics will go, toss quick spear and stun 8-9 ppl out of 10? next thing you say about damage, that damage never goes more than 1k, except if crits, boi, you realize 1k is decent amount of damage, especially considering all your skills are AOE? that means if you go inside of people and do 1k damage to 10 people, thats 10k damage from 1 skill, damage dealers would dream about such damage, on top of that half of the skills apply stun/hex effect, you can use provoke which goes through puri (i think) to further increase your damage all in all, increasing % on stuns would totally unbalance it the moment there is no puri on table/when it fades, increasing damage on AoE CC char makes also no sense, you are not supposed to be DD, defenses being low, sure, imagine if they were high and you were 20-25k CP+HP punching bag, would be better at tanking than actual tanks, only thing you could pray of is rebalancing puri song - being it more constant but having lower impact (aka having reuse equal to duration, so you can perma have it on, but lowering 80% debuff resistance to like 50% or so, which would give chances for debuffs to actually land with decent, but not OP percentage)
  23. fixed or not fixed? reminds me this topic :d