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Everything posted by BlackJack

  1. 1) there is free 7 days ng weapon + herb of progress + free D grade set for new comers 2) Nope you dont need good items on tanks to pull, also you can get the newbie protection buff until 40? 3) chinise are kinda "new" to this server, they have a lot of good weapons because they bought a lot of COL's and bought them from the market from older players. They have 5-6 competitive parties at best. They also play in a prime that only asia players play so unless you are asian you won't see much of them. 4) Events are awesome ( this event isn't as good as the previous ones in terms of drop rate ) but the previous ones were insane. You can stack up on alot of buff scrolls and death certificates which are a MUST on 70++ and a great help on 60++ Btw: when i started playing here there were already players 72 and a few 73. Now i am one of the few 76's. If you think you are getting harrased at low levels, you will find highier levels a nightmare, it's impossible to stay neutral on 60+ or you will get pk-ed by most players just because.
  2. it's an alt that hasn't been played for 6 months++
  3. Actually we have a completely different structure and more leaders than 1 ,since we aren't stacked up in europe prime like you mostly were. As an example when isno wanted to join our side in eu prime players rejected him the same way you described you rejected Zakna. But eu players can't really go and tell USor china prime who to accept or not and it kinda makes sense. I am sure you would have 0 say in who ROK recruits, hell i have played with those guys when i was lvl 40-50 in EV 10 months ago and im 100% sure of it cuze they speak no english at all and even if they did you woulnd't even know who they recruited in their prime until you see them at siege.
  4. Don't think thats a fair thing to say, how much control would you have had as a member of westworld regarding who ROK recruits as an example or jungle or w/e other allied clan.
  5. actually we called him a rat because he was jumping to from side to side, nothing to do with what you mentioned. I dunno why you are so angry recently btw , its just a game
  6. are you braindead? You said our CP, this char has nothing to do with our cp and never has had anything to do with us. So before you start talking bullshit get your fact straight.Please feel free to report our cp chars for botting , but if nothing comes of it shut up forever and hide in whatever corner you came from. Here are the names to make it easy for you : Dajtovillage,Rizo,Uchihaitachi,Triiville,Wonderorc,Cowgirlfromhell,Assiriy,Choseyourside,Lassie. Our out of party chars are Kristinka,Bebence,Boobina.
  7. You are lucky you are started getting pk-ed at EV When i started playing here it started from partisan
  8. MRW when i get home and see some drama im even too lazy to read:
  9. age of destroyers* - fixed that for you.
  10. BlackJack

    Easter Event!

    what you don't get is when EWC's were 3kk + lowbies could farm them and sell them instnatly and when the market is flooded for 1.8kk enchants it actually doesn't help lowbies progress as much. But why am i even trying to explain basic economic principles like supply and demand to a guy who doesnt have aura flash at lvl 70.
  11. BlackJack

    Easter Event!

    orfen makes very little difference in leveling the masses. It doesn't help aoes in loa, since you can box rechargers between pulls , in abg u dont need it. It's only good for solo farming and leeching a few boxes. Also there are under 10 orfens on the server.
  12. BlackJack

    Easter Event!

    Actually im worried about the fact that it will be longterm for the server for ppl to reach 80 in a few months. I mostly farming adena btw, the exp comes as a bonus, i've long accepted that people will catch up
  13. BlackJack

    Easter Event!

    yes thats why i said im worried about them
  14. BlackJack

    Easter Event!

    doubtful , yes exp will be insane but not that insane especially for a SR Sure it's doable even now if u 24/7 w/o wars but you can't underestimate the amounts of people that will return for 2.0, so how much you can exp is an unknown.
  15. BlackJack

    Easter Event!

    thankfully yes
  16. BlackJack

    Easter Event!

    4% is whatever, im worried about the exp scrolls from achievement system next patch tho.
  17. Tanks are always needed , DA is top class on this chronicle both pve and especially pvp since horror land rate is very good, also you can solo much better with it compared to other tanks. The server is very active so very easy to find a clan, both raid bosses and aoeing require some form of a tank so you will never have problems finding a party. Solo farming experience isn't bad at all at the mid range levels so your most optimal way would be solo farming a spot you like while searching for groups through randoms or clan.
  18. Hello, fellow classic players. This is the 3rd installment of my adventures on l2classic and features mass pvp clips from the past week. It's mainly a mass pvp/party movie from a necromancer PoV. The movie also brings the unique perspective of a necromancer in an archer party. Alliance: wickedsick Clan: Perkunas Char:dajtovillage CP:uchihaitachi
  19. Depends on the system your cp plays, but usually it means that you get to "drive" a certain character that is "owned" by the cp/cp leader so it can't be stolen. It's mostly used for support chars so as long as you play with the CP you have your character but if you decide to quit, the CP doesn't lose the support character and doesn't get crippled. Basically it's a symbiotic relationship - You don't have to level a character and you can instantly jump into action, while the CP has more security over their characters in case people quit playing. Edit: Forgot to mentio some cp's have more than 9 ppl and have extra drivers, which means if someone is missing the "Driver" plays whatever is needed for the party to work.
  20. there was even screenshot on forum with 276 ppl in ur cc , look it up. The point is not people anyway , you have the people , your organization is just not as good as before and rats like zakna's cp dont help u etc since no free epics or protection in loa/abg.
  21. no shit sherlock , dark legion had 3 CP's for every 1 cp we had in eu prime for at least 2 months. ES and WS started grouping up to have any chance at all and in america prime it was still war between us. Actually fishfood or some other outspoken guy said this is our clan policy problem and we should fix it, so we did, now you can see he complains about american prime being not as competitive. The hyprocrisy level is beyond description. Bizz told soil on the forum that sooner or later your 300 ppl ally will break because your goal is to play against us and together and he was right. Our side had 200 ppl on sieges 3 months ago , 2 months ago , 1 month ago and now. It's your side that is disorganized and has power struggles within itself. To get those 300 ppl to fight for him , soil spent 2 months babysitting ppl in loa and abg , it's not supirse he got tired of it.
  22. its the exact siege im speaking about , es had like 40 ppl so it was like 200 vs 280+ and we still took 2 castles. Bizz was always better organizing the sieges than soil and even soiled admited that.
  23. check threads from 2 months ago or so perk side had 198 ppl and vigi 280 , so 480. There have been multiple sieges. Soil spent 2 months protecting meat shield in abg and loa so the help him at siege, mb your side should organize better and not just cry on forum. When perk side was losing for 3 months we didnt cry , we organized and slowly grew stronger.