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Everything posted by Pinkysek

  1. Pinkysek


    vůbec nevíš jak to s tou Demfee bylo, tak to vůbec nekomentuj... v době kdy jsem s ní byl denně na TS, tak jsem o ni neřekl špatné slovo.. to, že Apo posral klan to si jako fakt nevidíš do huby... klan si posral ty s tím tvým stylem hraní ala CL a Klan system, který se hrál na CZ/SK serverech před 10ti lety... teď se na mezinárodních serverech hraje trošku jinak, ale to ty nemůžeš znát, když s tím nemáš a ani nechceš mít zkušenosti.... ten tvůj systém bude fungovat tak na Dark Elmoru a to ani tam už ne, protože i tam už jedou only CP system a to je posranej 16x rate... tak se prober a začni hrát L2 jak se má hrát v roce 2017 a nebo to zabal a jdi si klikat tetris... a vůbec nekomentuj mě a wizzarda, když nevíš co se v naší CP dělo... máš maximálně informace od Lastíka, který stejně 3/4 času nehrál a nevěděl on sám co se děje....
  2. Pinkysek


    jn Štíba se asi i řídí tím názvem klanu
  3. Pinkysek


    Štíbásek hold nedává to, že naší partě se daří, jsme aktivní a tak 20x lepší jak ta jeho, tak nám to musí za každou cenu se snažit posrat + už taky pochopil, že jeho parta a klan už prostě skončil, tak nás chce jen stáhnout sebou...
  4. Pinkysek


    I think Apo can tomorrow translate it =) but today He is not here already...
  5. no someone like you can't make me mad =) so dream more u pro
  6. and last post for mr @Rizos I have a lot frapses too where I killed Chinas with boxes (same like Jackals) where I have full buff and I giving 6k dmg and killing them for one backstabt with no dmg PW but why I will make movie with this shits? its fkin pointless for me
  7. w0w man if u rly faping on 76 AW dmg with dance vs boxes u must have rly some problems.... or if u think He can do this dmg w/o epics and focus death to normal lvls and buffs u must have hard problems... and btw I dont said Im better or my movie is better or my movie is top and his is bad... but w/e go fap to 9k dmg
  8. men cmon its not about 1x5 frags with clear movement and focus death... but ur 90% pvp in this movie are 1v4 situations where 1 guy is low lvl and others are just boxes or afk ppl...
  9. haha ye I know othell doesnt affect the landrate... I'm talking about dmg comapred with TH/AW
  10. about Othell rune =) I had clear dagger in this fight
  11. btw there are some old Teon movies from me =)
  12. ye blow chance is rly good... but dmg is lower than TH/AW.. I need 78 and Focus Death + in this fight I was w/o rune in dagger...
  13. some random pvp from today
  14. rly.. I dont know why you crying... dagger mastery trigger just not on classic... dagger is just bad for RBs and solo too compred with archer for example or others classes... I dont know what every dagger except on classic? You think u will solo RBs or toi? and you will kill everything in pvp like wanna be pro gustavs in movies from different chronicles or some movies from Grain Kain where you can see just dagger with 79 lvl full epic, toi talismas, etc.. vs 70 lvls and giving there 10k backstab? wake up guys please.... 2.0 just not dagger patch but daggers are ok... if one day in future you will 78+ and maybe 2.5 patch up (but u know 2.0 soon so 2.5 idk :D) you will see dagger will be good... EDIT btw is rly fun when someone who playing PW crying about land rate.. men cmon change to TH and u will see what is fkin bad land rate u will love PW after this...
  15. Use German proxy... gosh guys... EU proxy is just down
  16. Pinkysek

    Cant log in

    @elfungo if u click first on EU proxy ur window is stuck... just exit and login again and use german proxy...
  17. for me AW=PW > TH =) but every dagger has some pros and cons and diffrent style of playing
  18. WTB +8/9/10 Crystal Dagger... PM here or in-game PM or mail "Pinkyska
  19. Best PW v partě je samozřejmostí.... takže se hlaste
  20. wp =) nice movie.... top movie from this server
  21. ye nice try dont play mage when u playing it only for fast exp its easy....