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Everything posted by eXistenZ

  1. I have seen it in other games like Black Desert and it works I suppose you can add a filter in chat and ban specific words. For example if someone writes www.iselladena.blah ban "iselladena". If they change it to "is3ladena" ban it and in a few tries they will not have a way to right down their website
  2. υπαρχει chance να πεσουν πραγματα μονο αν σε σκοτωσει τερας. οχι Player. εκτος και αν εχεις καρμα. πανω απο 4 pk
  3. μα αυτο που ειναι αξιζει φιλε μου να εισαι πιο προσεκτικος να μην σου πεφτουν πραγματα. επισης δεν πεφτουν παντα
  4. there is no quest system in lineage 2. just real life
  5. eXistenZ


    no. g2a paypal works just fine
  6. eXistenZ


    why you said bb? do you assume that we care if you stay or leave?
  7. That is your personal opinion. Personally i think the opposite. Server is doing fine. i am not bored at all. i find party with my alt and with my main almost all the time whatever part of day or night
  8. when you pay you get better services, at least in most cases
  9. start... best classic server lots of newbies to find friends
  10. δεν εχω παιξει ποτε τανκ και δεν ξερω λεπτομεριες. BD/SWS ειναι πολυ Popular
  11. βασικα ο σερβερ ειναι μια χαρα. εχει κοσμο και υπαρχουν παρτυ σε ολα τα λεβελ. Μην σε απασχολει. ειναι πολυ επαγγελματικος ο σερβερ. κοντευει 2 χρονια και εχει μια χαρα κοσμο κτλ. και δεν εχει bugs ουτε lag για το θεμα του χαρακτηρα δεν εχω να σε βοηθησω. ισχυει οτι στα boss θελει bow. μπορεις να φτιαξεις οχι χαρατκηρα θες φανταζομαι και να του δωσεις να κουβαλαει bow στα bosses. ο pr δεν εχει καθολου aoe... ο Human archer exei
  12. i hope black is one of them. Also i like the idea not be in nostalgia so people that wear it will "earn" it
  13. eXistenZ

    My screen

    when you have more buffs the space will not be enouph you will have to rearrange the skill bars
  14. can you add these hats?
  15. Skelth? o logged in in skelth and was empty. Here is not empty and you can find party in every level
  16. are we playing in the same server? Dion has lots of people and i can find party for my alt all the time
  17. i can leave my pc open and let my character stay in giran. point me to a location and i will leave it there
  18. make it weekend... most people work at the time that you specified and even if they are in different timezone at weekend you can achieve the ones that have noon and they ones that are after midnight in the same time. Weekdays half of them will always sleep at that time. For example i cant be there. i am working