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Everything posted by Dancerok

  1. Dancerok


    haha 2.0 dont even come yet but I already started cry about skills
  2. Dancerok


    80% seriously and reuse time 240 sec? Don't y think it's too much overboosted?
  3. Dancerok


    ​Rizos so if we say that, for example, slow is magic debuff or suspension does it mean that only M def suppose to protect y from this kind of debuffs? ​not on classic, on classic debuff landrate doesnt take into account casters M atk and defenders M def, only debuffs which directly affects resistance/ epics / lvls ​Modoy so it means there is no epic or buff or armor that can give y resist to Seal of Suspension, cos it's not mental attack or hold or sleep.... The only thing probablty is MEN in your stats. ​MEN doesnt help u for sure dunno about epics coz i dont have them myself and i didnt really have urge to read about them, but for example destro skill guts gives debuff resistance 60% or zealot gives debuff resistance 80%, and that means debuffs in general, not just mental resist, for sure there is no armor like that (i think some cloaks [not sure if castle or just hero ones] gave debuff resistance on 2.0 official, also their talismans [like toi or baium ones which u equip] gave debuff resistance as far as i remember) ​Yes destro is an exception but about epic it's obvius Core 20% mental and nothing more and orfen 15% menta and 20% hoold, ant quen poison.... all this means that against suspension or slow or wind shackles debuffs there is no way to boost your resist, with MEN i dont agree with y even when I did dye -15 MEN i notice that sleep and silence started land on me better than before I guess it influance but slightly....
  4. Dancerok


    ​Rizos so if we say that, for example, slow is magic debuff or suspension does it mean that only M def suppose to protect y from this kind of debuffs? ​not on classic, on classic debuff landrate doesnt take into account casters M atk and defenders M def, only debuffs which directly affects resistance/ epics / lvls ​Modoy so it means there is no epic or buff or armor that can give y resist to Seal of Suspension, cos it's not mental attack or hold or sleep.... The only thing probablty is MEN in your stats.
  5. Dancerok


    ​Rizos so if we say that, for example, slow is magic debuff or suspension does it mean that only M def suppose to protect y from this kind of debuffs?
  6. Dancerok


    means it should be exacly (100%) same as on official, not 100% landrate lol. On official it lands probably with 90% chance to same lvl/lower lvl enemies without epics or any other resisting factors. Dat Modoy..... About mental shield it increase resist to: - Sleep (wc sleep, mage sleep, bish sleep etc) - hold(Shilien elder root, tank/bd/sws arrest, ol root) - mental attacks (these are mostly detarget skills like trick switch aura flash, shadow step + fear skills like wc fear ol fear, da horror) Mental shield doesnt resist: -magic debufs (hex curse weaknes, seal of suspension etc..) - paralize skills ( anchor (magic), lightning strike(physical)) -Stun (DA stun stun shot hammer crush etc..) -physical debufs ( glad hex, stigma, destro hex etc) - bleeds/poisons ​What about silence does it mental attack? Or for instance Seal of Winter ( Ol debuff for decreasing attack speed ) or slow? I mean, to what group of debuffs they belong and does epics with +mental attack resist helps against this?
  7. ​your number not true, did not even try to fight?? LOL
  8. The idea is that no matter what lvls what skill or equip Zergunas have if they are like 300+ ppl in cc and 70% of server clans they can play with their legs and still will won the fight cos they has flags and spawn non-stop.... And yes of course Zergunas will start telling now that they was 140 ppl and that vigi was in x100 more ppl. Common guys be seriusly even take the basic math Vigi ally 6 clans while Zergunas ally 13 clans dont even need to count ppl( and dont say me that all your 13 clans has 5 ppl inside each one ) You can lie me but koll witness from last siege he probably noticed how many zergunas was and how many vigilance! just check the twitch siege...... P.S. Vigi was about 150 ppl in cc
  9. With this said maybe people will wake up right before changes will happen. ​San0 I think y need apply change in a days so ppl dont extremely start reroll for archers
  10. men doesnt give resist mental attacks? Y sure?
  11. San0 I have question, do y know M atack or INT influance on debuffs land rate? ( Like silence sleep fear hold ) If y have 2000 m atack or 200 will be any diffrence in land rate of debuffs?
  12. Btw Koll doe's the buttom "Bot Report Buttom" works here? Game> Actions. I swear I saw like 1 or 2 times bot user's and I use this buttom
  13. Dancerok


    ​I know Koll it sounds strange but find CP for pp on this server it's like " OMG how y did it?" Noone dont take pp =( In some way I need help
  14. Dancerok


    PP lvl 70 Looking for active CP(eng/russ) PM
  15. YEa now it;s working Ty Koll
  16. +++ I have similar problem with account manager cant loging in my cabinet, I fill all gaps and it says that wrong password or login, while in game I log in without any problem. Please fix
  17. 1) m8 y need to do quest for 1 class transfer y can find quest discription here 2) Well of course it's gonna be problem to get some adena when y only started I would recomed you to earn money on trying to do AOEs it's queist economic for your SS and y exping faster as well 3) The best place of course market cos Y can buy same weapons and armor from the shop cheaper, let's say "second hand" it's gonna be cheaper like 200-300k depends on your rade skills I hope I help y at least a little
  18. ПП 70 лвл ищу кп моих уровней для совместной игры. Могу играть с 16 до 22 мск( иногда по утрам) Писать в личку
  19. ​here we go, u cannot balance everything in L2, thats why PR is nerfed here, coz ppl think its not funny when he comes gang u and deals to u 12K dmg, however if u nerf this, u will disbalance other things as 9vs9, mass pvp as sieges, olympiad lets say u have 3 most common scenarios, olympiad, party vs party, mass pvp if u try to customize balance in one of those, u will just disbalance everything else by a lot, and thats why u cannot have everything balanced, simply some classes are good in oly, some are good in 9vs9, some are good in mass pvp (and some are good in every of those ), but thats how it is also saying that fighters get might in oly = they have all important buffs is pretty stupid imo, i would much rather get focus+dw over might buff as archer (especially here where normal attack crits deal more dmg than skills) ​of course for daggers and bows dw focus need but what about gladis wl and so for whom this buffs not so necessary, it's like Im gladi I need only P atack and Def buffs and here it's go I have Might, haste, B body shiled and M barrier.... while mage gonna have only acu shield ( i don count bless cos fighter gonna have it as well ) In fact im playing Tyrant, I just wanna see fair oly in 2.0, and to my mind the best idea will be add haste might shield empower acumen AND that's all......
  20. Dude it's not about what classes mostly play on the server it's about olymp and that all classes have to be balanced and fair, adding all important buffs for phys. And only 1 for mages it's not about fair
  21. and adding might but no empower?? This ol will be for physic classes or what?
  22. ​Buffer why not? Its been always there. Theres not sense to play w.o buffs. There will be no CP pots for 90%. It has been discussed alrdy and alot of ppl dont want it. ​LOL i think blesses too much