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Posts posted by BeNicePls

  1. benicepls...

    Did u take in consideration that just 1 out of 5 mobs are turning blue (and that's me being generous) and just 1 out of 10 of those blue mobs are actually giving something?

    Thank you for wasting your time with those equations.... but it is what it is: a total waste of time. What you think is not what actually happens in reality. If you want facts, get out there and start spoiling. You will see that I'm right. So the spoil is broken.

    And no, I didn't kill only 490 mobs. You might as well triple that. 





    ​Mob turns blue at the end when mob was succesfully spoiled and the chance of getting some item from the spoil list was succesfull too. Or this is how it should work.

    Like chance to get bone arrrow recipe is 0,3%, this means u should get 1 blue mob each 3 +-.

    Well, u can get 2 blue mobs in a row or more and after a row of 0 mobs in 5-6. because this is how luck works is a chance, it is random.


    Other thing is, spoiler learn spoil lvl 4 at lvl 36 if i am not wrong.

    Well, if u are spoiling lvl 35-36 mobs or similar still with lvl 3 spoil skill from lvl 28, ofc, u have more chances of failing spoil skill success.


    I am in a hurry, we keep talking.

    see you after.


    Something must've gone badly wrong when you guys edited the spoil rates for this server or I might just be the unluckiest spoiler in the world.

    The landing rates (spoil condition activated) are bugged, the activation rates (mobs actually turning blue) are bugged and the spoil drop rates are almost nonexistent.

    Speaking in general, my spoiler is almost lvl 33 and is poor as a beggar. I mean really, 132 varnish, 95 iron ore, 33 animal bones, 188 animal skins.... The most basic materials in such pitiful quantities and most of those are from normal drops. Not to mention the usual junk that spoilers get to sell in NPC shops... It's just not there.

    I thought, screw the materials and let's go for EWDs.... I spent 4 levels at Turak Bugbears near Giran castle. Killed thousands of them and what I got? 147 Bone arrow receipes and... 1 EWD. 4 levels wasted for what? Yeah, I lvled up. Great! It was an awesome experience.

    I've been on servers with 1x rates and managed to get alot more stuff than on this server.

    It seems people on this server don't care about this issue and everybody just farms bosses for full drops.

    Is this going to be fixed in 2.0 or should I just let my useless dwarf rot and get a dd like everybody else?




    ​the 147 bone arrow recipe is right and correct with the 1 ewd gotten.

    Well, bone arrow recipe spoil rate is like 27-33%

    EWD spoil rate from Turak bugbear is 1/500 = 0,2 %


    Lets make some easy maths.

    If we take for example the Bone arrow recipe rate like 30% ( from the 27-33% rate that shows some l2 classic sites)

    If u are gotten 147 recipes, this means u are killed +- like 490 turak bugbear.

    Being X the amount of turak bugbear killed.

    X turak bugbear * chance of spoil per 1 item = the amount of items gotten


    X * 30/100 = 147;

    x * 0,3 = 147

    X = 147 / 0,3;

    x = 490.

    u are killed 490 mobs, thats why u got 147 recipes witch rate is 30%.

    If u killed 490 turak bugbear and spoil rate for EWD is 1/500.

    I think is right that u had gotten 1, and no more. U could have haven luck and could have gotten 2-3 or no one, because is random. but it looks ok.


    All looks ok.

    I think it works ok, and u should have checked the business before starting.

    The drops and the spoil rates are what they are.

    If u have to kill 500 mobs to get 1 ewd, what it is 450k adena on market, i think u should thought about how many time u need to kill these mobs what u will get 450k in that time.

    So maybe, in all that time killing these 500 mobs u can make other things to get more adena than these EWD value.


    Things are what things are. I think all is ok.

    And this isnt the best way to complain about something, if u want to complain or show something is wrong, show a video where u show what u are talking about.

    Show us a video where we can see clearly that something is wrong.

    GL. HF.

    • Like 2

  3. We had this discussion before among us and with some players, we dont want ppl to be all on 78 when 2.0 comes losing this way a big part of what 2.0 brings, and we didnt thought you guys would manage to run the 76 to 77 race so fast

    ​When orfen it says has CHANCE to give back 3% mp and it gives mp in damage without chance, they could even go 78 before update, they EXP better than if they had MP pots.

    ​San0, Koll, if something isnt working properly and unbalance the game a lot, why is not this just retired til it be fixed?

    if u can not fix orfen for now and it gives 100% chance 3% of mp the damage u do,

    Why not just delete the lvl 3 orfen from game, till it be fixed? was not be this more nice?

    And other similar thing.

    i dont like to have unbalanced class, same for me, same for others.

    I dont want to have unbalanced class, overpowered class and i am sad about some classes arent even played, althought they not be my class. I care the whole game not be more balanced.

    i dont come to forum to cry just about my class or just complain other clases are overpowered. (not like others do)

    If i say something about some weak, bug, or something is doing game unbalance, isnt only about my class, it goes for all the classes.

    I want all the classes the most balanced posible, i know make this is hard, but we have to try and work for it, that i guess is what u are doing, but can be maden in many diferent ways.
    Some classes like PW, TK, Paladin are not even played, AW similar, i know isnt ur fault, dont have idea, maybe is just because the classic is like this, but IS VERY SAD.

    I think the debuff system is a bit .. u can name or say it like u want. but debuff system is too overepowered, getting stun 80-90% chances, what chances u have to win a pvp after getting first stun, anchor or other debuff with this chance? and, if u are getting stun 80-90% chance, same for anchor, ...

    Thats why classes like PW,AW, ... TK, paladin arent played, they dont have debuffs or not many, so no fun.

    I would like all people had more chances to play the classes they like and they could have fun with them.

    Sux watch so few few daggers, only DA/SK Tanks, sux the light armor mastery working system.

    I hope  2.0 bring more fun, and balanced classes.
    like i said, i dont only focus in my fun, not in myself, what i wish, all of us can have fun playing the class they most like.


    Sorry for my low english. HF, GL. Thanks for giving us the chance of playing in this server. Even when u get profit. Thanks. Good job.

    • Like 1

  4. We had this discussion before among us and with some players, we dont want ppl to be all on 78 when 2.0 comes losing this way a big part of what 2.0 brings, and we didnt thought you guys would manage to run the 76 to 77 race so fast, 

    level cap is set now to 76, this way you will not loose the impact of the 2.0 coming in. and when 2.0 hits you are one mob away from 77.

    it also brings some more catching up mechanics creating more balance overall and a better situation for when 2.0 comes since more ppl will be on same levels creating more pvp for new zones and new objectives.

    ​76 lvl cap means u can get 76 100% lvl, so 77, or just 76 0% ?

  5. i have say what i see in real fight v daggers on this server and how thay kill, if statistic say he must miss backstabe to face but he use it and he kill us so statistick lie.

    ​well, visual animation not always is same than real face or back when dagger use skills.
    what u see is NOT always exact 100%, not delayed, when dagger use the skill.

    I mean, in fast moves of characters, ur internet conection, ur pc, ... miliseconds ... u can see visualy something but thats not the real 100%.

    I think many old l2 players with good known in daggers pvp, vs them or using them can understand what i say and if i am wrong or no.

    To know if u are right about what u say, you or anyone can make a easy test, take a dagger, go coliseum and backstab 20 or 100 times a char from front. And then we would have some more info about it.

    Maybe u are right, i dont know. Just wanted to give the info i added up.

    • Like 1

  6. ​What proxy are u using? Did u check with different proxies? u should check.

    Spanish proxy isnt working very well lately. I got disconections some days ago. I use Brazilian proxy now, i dont get disconections.

    If checking and using each proxy u still get disconections with all of them, maybe it is ur internet conection.

    Gl fixing it.