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Posts posted by BeNicePls

  1. Hate brazilians !!! OP op. This dorf has potential boyz.

    Omg im in video, IM IN VIDEO !!! Sorry we thought u are enemy WS :P Bad moment to go watch inside aden bro :D 

    ​i m not racist !!! but this ppls on this server little bit retarded :D sry 

    watching ur self on a mirror?

  2. From my experience (is not something i am sure about it, is something i just think it could be like, from my programming experience and player experience.

    I think agresion mechanics working like this (from what i have in mind, i will say something, i even could forget somethings now, while i write, so dont take me like this is 100% what i have in mind)

    When people attacks raid or use some skill on it, game keep 1 number for each player hitting or generating agro on raid.

    Player1agro = X ammount, Player2agro = Y ammount, Player3agro = Z ammount, ...

    Something important we can say is, each some period of time, these ammounts are decreased, so maybe each 1 sec, ammount are decreased for some other ammount.


    Lets say one example:


    tank use agro, archer still didnt hit,

    Player1agro(tank) = 1000

    Player2agro(archer) = 0

    Raid on tank


    Tank has agro on reuse so can not agro, Archer start hitting.

    Player1agro(tank) = 1000 - 100 = 900 (because agro is decreased 100 per sec for example)

    Player2agro(archer) = 120 ( agro amount is calculated from a game formula what ofc, i dont know, and yes, more damage, more agro, so bigger ammount )

    Raid on tank


    Tank has agro on reuse so can not agro, Archer keep hitting.

    Player1agro(tank) = 900 - 100 = 800 (because agro is decreased 100 per sec for example)

    Player2agro(archer) = 120 - 100 (because agro is decreased 100 per sec for example) + 400 ( critical hit from archer so bigger ammount of agro )  = 420

    Raid on tank


    Tank has agro on reuse so can not agro, Archer keep hitting.

    Player1agro(tank) = 800 - 100 = 700 (because agro is decreased 100 per sec for example)

    Player2agro(archer) = 420 + 0 ( because missed hit ) - 100 (because agro is decreased 100 per sec for example) = 320


    Tank has agro on reuse so can not agro, Archer keep hitting.

    Player1agro(tank) = 700 - 100 = 600

    Player2agro(archer) = 320 - 100 + 420 = 640

    Raid on archer cause he generated more agro. 640 > 600.


    Tank use agro, Archer start run because got agro

    Player1agro(tank) = 600 - 100 + 1000 ( agresoin skill used )= 1500.

    Player2agro(archer) = 640 - 100 + 0 ( because archer just running ).= 540.

    Raid back to tank.



    This is only an example to try explain my point of view of how it works.

    There are many other possible examples. so i am not saying it works always like this, i dont say that when tank use agro, he is taking agro from raid 100%. Only in this example happen that, but we can say other examples where it would not happen, if for example archer is generating more agresion becuase bigger damage.


    I have to add that there are any other things on agresion mechanics, because some times after 20 minuts or 30, raid boss jump to prophet(or wc, the buffer of the party) and keep running on him like mad. So there is another more mechanics on agresoin mechanics. or it is a bit diferent like i said, or just complete diferent. :D


    I just wanted to give my point of view.



    And will add 1 more thing about this, going for all bad players that say that they dont get the agro of the raid, and they are using agresion, just agresion dont work, are their argues. When they are spamming agresion 1 time each 10-12-14 secs, and they keep saying agresion doesnt work. ofc it works, but not the way u think.

    From what i explained up.

    if u use agresion 1 time each 10 secs

    after 9 secs u will have => Player1agro(tank) = 1000 - 9 x 100 ( 9 secs x 100 decreased agresion ) = 100

    if u use agresion 1 time each 6 secs

    after 9 secs u will have => Player1agro(tank) = 1000 ( from 1st agresoin)  + 1000 (from 2nd agresion at 6th sec ) - 9 x 100 ( 10 secs x 100 decreased agresion ) = 1100

    In first case, after 9 secs tank agresssoin ammount is 100, and in 2nd case, tank agression ammount is 1100.


    So yes, spam agresion so quick as possible is better. and is not that it is not working, point is it works in a diferent idea some guys think.



  3. Oooh so big skill JOY, how can you play your tank that way? awesome, u are not from earth,

    hmm wait! irony off!

    Being proud of playing so overpowered and easy char, just f1,f2, f3, repeat, even my littel bro can play it.

    Seriously, shame on u JOY. So ridicolous!

    If i played tank, i could not make so stupid thread.

  4. Right, we give u a medal? i dont see the sense of telling so clear things.

    hope u understand that if we would set up shops each 4 days (offlineshops 96 hours for example), this restart had mean 2nd restart in 4 days, what would not hurts so much. 1/4 than 2/4. this extra restart is happening 1/monht or similar? i dont complain it.

    But, with offline shops 24 hours, in 4 days, i set up shops 6 times and this restart hurts even more than the 24 hours offline shops durance are hurtting.

    ( i dont know how u like burn ur time, i like burn my time in have fun and this is not funny xD so much wasted time in seting up shops )

    For me the problem and the no smart action are the 24 hours offline shops ( at least till i get a good idea because it is ok being 24 hours ), i dont have any problem with the restarts. the normal or the special ones. clear?

    I think game is to have fun, and i dont see the good side of this 24 hours offline shop(because if u add the normal restarts and the special restarts is even more)

    Thats why i came to forum, to see if i can get the info, the reason because this is like it is.

    And ask if it could be increased a bit more, 2, 3 or 4 days..

    Got it Modoy?

    ( hope u understand u should think a bit more before posting, cause u spam spam spam much for nothing. trying look smart or i dont know. pls, if u dont gonna add anything important, better dont spam, so people can read better the last message of thread and people can keep focused on the topic. I would bet if this thread doesnt go for you because u dont set up shops, u will spam writing the oposite just to annoy because u are looking for attention. relax, go do something else man. )



  5. Hi guys,

    I would like to know why offline shops are just 24 hours and, if maybe the offline shops could be more than 24 hours to help players have fun, not wasting so many time seting up the offshops.


    Negative( the bad things):

    1.- You must set up shop and waste time each 24 hours or less. why i say less? because for example, if you set up ur shop at sunday or thursday less than 24 hours before the server restart, you will have to set up shop when server be restarted at his normal restarts, monday 11 AM, friday 11 AM. So for example if you set up shop sunday at 22:00 time, you will have to set up shop in 13 hours, when server be restarted, at monday 11:00 am.

    2.- If for example server need some more restart ( not those monday/friday 11:00 AM restarts), i mean other restarts that other times are needed, you will have to set up shop one more time in few hours, well, in 24 hours or less than 24 hours, since you set up offlineshop last time. If for example, you set up ur offlineshop at friday 23:00 or saturday 8:00 and server need restart at Saturday 11:00 AM, you will have to set up ur offlineshops one more time after 12 hours if u set up at friday 23:00 or after 3 hours if you set up at 8:00 AM saturday. :(

    3.- Seting up shop prices so many times means more chance of mistaken prices. If you set up price of an item each 4 days for example, you have 1 chance to mistake in these days. Otherwise if you have to set up offline shops each 24 hours or less in these 4 days, that means you gonna have at least 4 chances or more of mistake when u write price.

    Mistakes: You can forget one "0" what means selling a weapon for 20.000.000 to sell for 2.000.000. Another mistake: You can set price of an overenchanted weapon like it was +0 weapon because you got same weapon +0 in other char to sell too. For example, you can have Yaksa +8 in 1 char and Yaksa +0 clean in other, seting up so many many times, each 24 hours or less means like i say, more chances to for example, go wrongly and set up yaksa+8 price like it was yaksa+0 because u dont realice it is the +8. This happpened to someone i know, he had SLS +0 and SLS +8 in other char, He set up SLS+8 for 30kk like it was SLS+0 because he had sls +0 in other char. Since SLS +8 is like 85kk, he lost 55kk we could say.

    The more times you have to put the shops, the more times you can go wrong with the prices.

    4.- Game is to have fun, not to set up shops each 24 hours or less, omg, is very annoying, more when maybe we could dont have to make it this way.


    Other things to say:

    1.- We have server restarts each 4 and 3 days, from monday 11:00 AM to friday 11:00 AM goes 4 days and from friday 11 AM to monday 11;00 AM 3 days witch in my opinion is more than enought to set up shops each these 3-4 days. If for example you set up offlineshop duration (ofc, if it can be done, maybe it can not, is something i dont know) for 7 days or 4 or 5.

    We will have to set up shops each 3-4 days anyway because the server restarts.

    If any other needed server restart is done, we will have to set up offlineshops sooner than these 3-4 days or sooner if you already sold / bought your items and need to set up or add other items to the shop.

    2.- Some guys are CP leaders or clan leaders and they have to set up some diferent offlineshops to sell / buy the items got by the constant party / clan. So set up offlineshops each 24 hours or less is very annoying imo.


    I dont see any bad point of seting up offlinee shops duration for like 4 days for example, this means more happy people because they dont have to waste time seting up shop/s and there are less chance of make mistakes on prices, they can focus in have fun playing the game. I remember not all the people has so many time.



    PD: If i see any other thing to add or change, i will edit the post. Thanks.

    ​One more time to set up offline shop because another server restart.

    I dont understand and would like to know why admins dont tell us the reason about this,

    I can not understand why offline shops are 24 hours only, and with the restart at morning, less, restart at afternoon, all day setiing up the shops, so anoying. seriously.

    What a retarded thing.

    If offline shop was 4 days limit, 96 hours, i just would set up shops 2 times per week on a normal week, because the 2 normal server restart.

    But right now i am setiing up shops each day, and today that i got 2 server restarts, 3 times i setup shops in less than 24 hours. I set up yesterday night, this morning 1 more time because normal server restart, and today one more time because a special server restart. so 3 in less than 20 hours. so fuunny and smart!!

    i would like to find a good and smart reason about this.

    Where is the fun and where are the bad things of makeing offline shops 2-3-4 days instead of 1 day?

  6. Hi guys,


    I checked and i didnt find, but maybe i wrong.

    Well, i think u should say in Class change thread if we are able to play our char when we request the class change, these days before the server restart.

    For example. i make the request, so i create a ticket a Wednesday, i would like to know if i can play wednesday, thrusday and friday before the server restart, or when i create the ticket the account is blocked?



  7. Ask Waterworks... holding 2 CHs on inactive/death clans :D  

    Thats what I call to be prepared for possible return to server in future :) 

    ​He lost the clans if i am not wrong,

    Someone took adena from clan warehouse and they lost 2 clanhalls.

    Already some months ago.

  8. buy a pet clan with clan hall maybe you can get one in gludio for 2kkk ;)

    ​WTB AQ lvl 1 500kk or more

    WTB AQ lvl 2 1kkk or more

    So iNevil u get adena and u can buy 1 clanhall :D

    ​im not gonna sell my 3rd level sry :D

    ​If you get more, send me a private message on forum. :) thanks

  9. Hello,

    I jsut finished my first class change quest to become an Assasin, and the XP amount I received as a reward was around 12 000. It should actually be around 80000 as the description says, or even more if the reward rate for quests are changed. 


    ​You got 240k xp if i am not wrong, 80k x 3 maybe.

    Anyway yes, it is very low xp.

    It could be another point to improve game, giving a bit more of xp for sooo suucky quest.

    I dont tell u that it gives 1 full lvl, but some more xp could be given and wont happen any bad thing, no one will die :D

    so +1 for increase XP on 2nd class quest to help newcomers, cause make these fuucking quest and get 1% or less on that lvl, sux hard.

  10. I think we have to start being a bit more brave in this server, in siege you don't lose exp, in farm you don't lose exp (Except if you have greenlight on party) in war you don't lose exp cause of bsoes-restarts except mass pvps. Especially these chinese, I think they've unlocked the max lvl of restarting.
    If it's all about not losing exp, why is even called a hardcore classic server? +1 on that if admin can make a system like this, even after 2.0 could be so cool!

    Another good idea could be to add a biiig big reuse time on PR so people they will PR once a time. I remember 1-2 months ago at abg, the same party came 6 times and PR'd 6 times in 30-40 mins.

    ​Omg poor SOIL 6 times they pr in 30-40 mins, how they dare? who they think they are?

  11. Hello,

    Last time i seriously played lineage 2 , was back in Gracia Final.

    I wanna try this server, but I have no idea where to begin to gather knowledge regarding the features of l2 classic. Is there any site that has a complete and accurate description of classic update?

    I am especially interested in weapons SA's. I noticed D grade weapons have special abilities now. Are the SA's such as Acumen and Focus still available now, or do the runes replace them? Such as Othel rune and so on?


    ​Actually i dont recommend to start if u have less than 3 hours activity, because otherwise u will be very very bored I think. There is not much activities withouth grind and pvp, but to have fun in pvp u need levels, because nobody likes losing. Maybe fishing will change stuff, but nobody knows :) 

    ​Totaly no.

    U can play even if u have 1 hour dayly, all depend of ur goals.

    If your activity plaing is 1 hour dayly, ofc, u can not take as goal "Be high lvl 70+" or "fight for hero on 2.0" but why no? still can play and have some fun ofc.



    For some info about classic -> Classic wiki


    About special abilities on D grade weapons i dont know. I would like to check some info too in some place.



  12. 250kk each ring or lvl 2, 3. 


    Msg here or mail roolspoil. 

    ​250 kk? Are u fuking kidding bro? In ally nobody sells AQ for 500, and u are enemy lol :D 

    ​someone told me that bought AQ 200kk 3-4 months ago and refused another AQ for 300kk 1-2 months ago.


    I offer 350-400kk for AQ. we can talk about price or items for trade or just adena.

    Sorry Rollback :D

    • Like 1

  13. I made 1 character lvl 21 50% last night and didnt get 1 herb of progress,

    I farmed in talking island till lvl 13 and from 13 to 21 50% in abandoned camp. where i had farmed 20+ herb of progress till lvl 25 with 1 character 2 weeks ago in same loc.

    were the herb of progress deleted from server? O.o

    EDIT: I got some herb of progress but it looks like chance has been reduced much.
