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Posts posted by BeNicePls

  1. Noble for col sux, its sh1tty pay to win, better add 10 min nobles selfbuff with 2h reuse for example for every 66+ lvl char. If u wanna change anything in this topic

    ​+1, i would not add and would delete any donation that interfere in the process of the game.

    I would sell hats, agathions, perhaps class change and some other things

    but never would sell something that can interfer so much in the game like for example nobless scrolls, 1 scroll to fullbuff urself, xp boost scrolls, weapons, or any other similar thing.

    • Like 1

  2. 1) This is topic for some suggestions to give ideas for admins. I thought how to make this new players grouped and one idea came up. What if we maks new player creation every week few days only? So new players create acc and start playing together and old players can make some 1lvl char to pvp new players for fun. Lol. For example every friday 20:00-till saturday.

    2) this one is serious. Buffs after death:

    a)make fighter and mage buff scroll that buffs everything instantly not one by one. So after death u dont need to press scrolls one by one.

    b)Nobless buff scrolls for cols.

    c)Scroll that buffs all buffs that u had before death( i thinl there is one on gk)

    atm there is no point to res in pvp most of time. Biz does it but his bish is one shot after res. With these scrolls massres would be way stronger and fighter would get totally screwed of mana problems.

    3) Clan amount in ally. Im quite interested how perkunas dont help us with this one. 

    4) Herb of progress. Improve drop rate. This is really not as good as i was expecting.

    5) More stats. Maybe top 150? This is one of my own problems but website design with news section is not very comfortable. Maybe only for me. I rather login forum to see news than websites. While newcomers do it way around.

    6) check fishing rewards before put fishing in server. Add some hatsmaybe and otherstuff

    7) character sale in auction???



    People crying everywhere to make things easier in some way.


    1.- (-1) I dont know why so much QQ about low lvl, i see new clans comming to server and new people, new low lvls and i dont think it be so hard. If you want to play, u will play, they already got the D grade quest and the Herb of progress. Game dont have to be soo fuucking easy!!!, if u go so easy,u will kill the game.

    That it be a bit hard at the start is good, because u effort to get ur goal, make higher lvl and join a clan or make friends to game be easier, but this is exciting. At least for me.


    2.- (-1) You want that fast buff ur self, to get these scroll packs and buff ur self when u are solo and u get WAR, so u can ress, stand up and Buff ur self fast, what is imo not the point of the game. If you want protection, get a clan, call ur clan mates, go in full party, CC 18 / 27 / .. guys. So big -1 for this.


    3.- (+0) dont know pros and cons, so i prefer not talk about this.


    4.- (-1) Herb of progress is very very ok, already is an extra that we didnt have before, u farm them easy. i checked. 1 char lvl 40 in 2 days or less.


    5.- (+1) Yes, i already thought about this. Top 100 by class. or top 10 by class. or some others.


    6.- (+1) Yes, imo, dont add any xp bonus or similar improve for chars, just hats for the look or similar.


    7.- (-9999999999999999) O.o are u serious? character sale in auction??? these drugs u have are good man. If you want a character, make it.

  3. 1- A grade will be quite hard to get so i dont think you gonna see any A grade on AH for the first couple of months.

    2- i keep saying you guys are too worried about how ppl will get A grade when if fact the hardest part will be how ppl will unseal the A grade xD

    ​Gooooddd goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodddddddddddddddddd

    I want a hard game, not an easy game, happy seeing this, thanks San0, u are smart!!!

    Like i said in 1 post, harder game, longger farm to get the items, so server longer alive in the time.


    And ofc, dont make "get a grade" easy, dont add craft + quest + full drop from raids, or if u add, make it be very very very very very very hard. Like we need 6-8-10 months to farm 1 A grade set for people playing 8-12 hours.

    This will keep us more time farming and fighting to get A grade and we will have much more fun.

    If A grade is hard, get C and B +++ will be good too, and this will be good for economy of server, because people that still are lately joining, can farm C/B while xp and still getting benefit. and all stay more alive.

  4. Hello. It can be fixed and we know about problem, but right now it's not in priority. 

    ​ok Koll.

    Thank you very much for answering.

    i just wanted 1 answer.

    Only hope u dont forget about this. And if maybe it doesnt need to be fixed, u can fix it early.

    GL with 2.0.

    From me, no hurry up for 2.0, things take time, only hope it comes so good as posssible.


  5. @hiaki @datplays @Rizos @UchihaMadara

    As we can see, dont giving a reason, most of you, just voted to annoy like littel brats.

    ​i dont know who is manager of forum, or who could actually implement it (guess what, not everybody can code), and if it somehow intersects with ppl who are coding for game, it could potentially give them kind of useless feature to get rid of, while they should focus on 2.0 now, and even after 2.0, there are so many bugs right now (dont even want to see number of bugs appearing with 2.0), that they might think implementing this would just be burden

    btw, its just my idea what could be argument against it, maybe they have different reason

    ​And what if this forum like 11209371290312 millions of forums in internet, are already coded, all of them come from some basic forum codes, and they just have their options, that you can active or deactivate?

    What if give this right i am talking about is just mark a tick ?

  6. would you like to be able to block YOUR threads in forum? Ofc, only be able to block those threads created by you. And ofc, any admin / forum moderator could open the tread if he think it is needed.

    That i remmeber, Is the first forum where i can not block threads.

    Just to avoid spam, offtopic messages, annoying people in some threads like WTB/WTS threads or Recruit/LF Clan threas or some other threads.


    So would you like to be able to block yours thread in forum?



  7. I dont know why we can not block our threads in forum, to avoid spam and useless post.

    For example on a recrutation post, no one has to give his message, u just write ur thread to show that u are looking for clan or u just recruit, so would be great that we could block the thread to avoid spam and annoying people. that sometimes go offtopic.

    Or here, if i sell or buy items, no one has to post here other opinions, the thread is just to show that you are buyinig / selling.


    I would like to know the reason or reasons why somethings work different. For me, has no sense.



  8. +1

    I think it is a bug. I have just checked in a c5 server and /buy works similar to /sell. You dont have to set up all quantities/prices all again every time you stand up


    ​even if u close window, for example u want to check some shop nearby, when u reopen /buy /sell it should have the setup like when u closed it.

    ​yes yes yes, forgot to say this, thank you very very much for saying it, because this is very important too.

  9. Hi guys,


    When have a buy shop and you stand up, shop is reset.

    Guys, Would you like it be fixed to let it working same than buy shop?, that when u stand up prices/amounts are NOT reset.

    Is very very very very annoying when u set up all prices, amounts and you missclick and stand up, or u get disconected, or u went in wrong location and can not set up the shop.

    You have to set the prices, amounts one more time. so annoying!!


    Could we have the old normal buy shop, same than sell shop, when u stand up after seting up it, shop is not reset, it keep the items/amounts.

    If this can be fixed, would be very helfpull for players.



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  10. Man u are 64 -.-   4% is 30min killing mobs 

    ​he is 69, 4% is 50-60 mins

    btw, u are back to archer? u rerolled to wl, then gladi and now archer again? :D 

    ​isnt 4% , if you go clanhall you get 2% back, is not?

    so 2%

    EE ress 2.4% or simjilar recover

    bishop 3.4% or similar

  11. Make classes that have specific armor mastery not be able to wear another type (for example light armor chars wont be able to wear heavy because they luck the mastery)
    And if possible adjust Evasion stat with a chance to evade a whole skill either magic or physical or ranged (cap 10% at 200 evasion maybe?).

    ​So you just request something ? u dont give any info about why admins should change it like u say ? so the reason to do these things is because Legiana just ask for it? thats the reason? because i am the best and things have to work like i say? O.o

    make classes that have specific armor mastery not be able to wear another type? why ?

    If your enemies are evading to many skills from you because the lvl diference, go and xp man.



    Stop asking for so many changes and custom server  without giving solid reasons guys. omg.