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Posts posted by BeNicePls

  1. 1 no premium account by pc

    so 4 pcs = 4 no premium accounts. Lets say 4 pcs = you dont need PA, you can log 1 no premium account by each pc


    1 no premium account + 1/2/3.... PA accounts in 1 pc.

    so in 1 pc you can log 1 no premium account and rest of accounts must be Premium account.



    I think we need 1 thread where all this info can be found and people can see it easly.

    Dayly we see more and more post like this where people ask same questions, instead of answering 1 by 1 each of them, lets make a well explained thread about how premium acccount works and what it is, because yes, it can have diferent characteristics. And not only about what is Premium account, about any other similar info asked by newcomers.

    So, lets reagrup all this info in some thread and put the thread in a right forum or subforum being so visible as possible with a good tittle.
    Hmm, i am thinking about and maybe, even i do it. If i get time, i will do.

  2. +1


    Better for players and server that we didnt have to put shops each 24 hours or less.

    Fully agree there.

    I assume this limitation was supposed to prevent 'ghost shops', aka people setting unreasonably high/low prices with little to no chance of selling/buying, so they're just wasting space there, but since we have 2 restarts a week, the 24 hours limitation is plain useless.

    +1 to  topic starter

    Like FryderykChopin said we have 2 restarts during week and it's enough.

    ...Mistakes: You can forget one "0" what means selling a weapon for 20.000.000 to sell for 2.000.000...

    Happened to me recently, bought BO necklace for 1kk just :D I bet the previous owner wanted to sell it for 10kk, but its his fault.. :P 

    Overall big NO for me, even now i have lags as fck in GH, i cqnt even imagine if the number of shops there goes higher...

    Maybe some admin that read this can tell us give us some info about. Thanks :D

    Happy cristhmass all!!!!

  3. Hi i have a problem with registration when i try to register a new account nothing happens i write all the info and press register and it starts to load and thats it it stays like that forever.

    ​are u checked if you can log into the game with that account u just "tryied create" ?

    Because althought u dont get any msg, maybe it is already created.

    2 days ago i created a new account and i didnt get the file(with the info about account) that i got when i created my main and buffers account.


    So try log, lets see.


    Gl, HF.

  4. ...Mistakes: You can forget one "0" what means selling a weapon for 20.000.000 to sell for 2.000.000...

    Happened to me recently, bought BO necklace for 1kk just :D I bet the previous owner wanted to sell it for 10kk, but its his fault.. :P 

    Overall big NO for me, even now i have lags as fck in GH, i cqnt even imagine if the number of shops there goes higher...

    ​Happened to me too, wrote 1.999.999 price instead of 19.999.999 that i wanted to write, so i lost 18kk.

    And happened to me that i had SLS +0 to sell in 1 character and had SLS +8 in other, and i set up SLS+8 price like it was SLS +0 30kk when realy SLS+8 price is 85kk or similar, i had got 75kk offer. So i lost 45-55kk. :(

    We dont need to do things that arent helping us or not helping anyone. Set up shops each 24 hours or less is pointless having 2 restarts per week.


  5. Hi guys,

    I would like to know why offline shops are just 24 hours and, if maybe the offline shops could be more than 24 hours to help players have fun, not wasting so many time seting up the offshops.


    Negative( the bad things):

    1.- You must set up shop and waste time each 24 hours or less. why i say less? because for example, if you set up ur shop at sunday or thursday less than 24 hours before the server restart, you will have to set up shop when server be restarted at his normal restarts, monday 11 AM, friday 11 AM. So for example if you set up shop sunday at 22:00 time, you will have to set up shop in 13 hours, when server be restarted, at monday 11:00 am.

    2.- If for example server need some more restart ( not those monday/friday 11:00 AM restarts), i mean other restarts that other times are needed, you will have to set up shop one more time in few hours, well, in 24 hours or less than 24 hours, since you set up offlineshop last time. If for example, you set up ur offlineshop at friday 23:00 or saturday 8:00 and server need restart at Saturday 11:00 AM, you will have to set up ur offlineshops one more time after 12 hours if u set up at friday 23:00 or after 3 hours if you set up at 8:00 AM saturday. :(

    3.- Seting up shop prices so many times means more chance of mistaken prices. If you set up price of an item each 4 days for example, you have 1 chance to mistake in these days. Otherwise if you have to set up offline shops each 24 hours or less in these 4 days, that means you gonna have at least 4 chances or more of mistake when u write price.

    Mistakes: You can forget one "0" what means selling a weapon for 20.000.000 to sell for 2.000.000. Another mistake: You can set price of an overenchanted weapon like it was +0 weapon because you got same weapon +0 in other char to sell too. For example, you can have Yaksa +8 in 1 char and Yaksa +0 clean in other, seting up so many many times, each 24 hours or less means like i say, more chances to for example, go wrongly and set up yaksa+8 price like it was yaksa+0 because u dont realice it is the +8. This happpened to someone i know, he had SLS +0 and SLS +8 in other char, He set up SLS+8 for 30kk like it was SLS+0 because he had sls +0 in other char. Since SLS +8 is like 85kk, he lost 55kk we could say.

    The more times you have to put the shops, the more times you can go wrong with the prices.

    4.- Game is to have fun, not to set up shops each 24 hours or less, omg, is very annoying, more when maybe we could dont have to make it this way.


    Other things to say:

    1.- We have server restarts each 4 and 3 days, from monday 11:00 AM to friday 11:00 AM goes 4 days and from friday 11 AM to monday 11;00 AM 3 days witch in my opinion is more than enought to set up shops each these 3-4 days. If for example you set up offlineshop duration (ofc, if it can be done, maybe it can not, is something i dont know) for 7 days or 4 or 5.

    We will have to set up shops each 3-4 days anyway because the server restarts.

    If any other needed server restart is done, we will have to set up offlineshops sooner than these 3-4 days or sooner if you already sold / bought your items and need to set up or add other items to the shop.

    2.- Some guys are CP leaders or clan leaders and they have to set up some diferent offlineshops to sell / buy the items got by the constant party / clan. So set up offlineshops each 24 hours or less is very annoying imo.


    I dont see any bad point of seting up offlinee shops duration for like 4 days for example, this means more happy people because they dont have to waste time seting up shop/s and there are less chance of make mistakes on prices, they can focus in have fun playing the game. I remember not all the people has so many time.



    PD: If i see any other thing to add or change, i will edit the post. Thanks.

    • Like 4

  6. Lol. It is quite naive to think that all these lanterns are because of spoil ewc. Even it would be so - there is no chance to enchant top C in such a quantities cause it's craftable.

    There were a lot of bugs with overchant and "dupe" items for c1-c3 servers. You can google it if you want.

    Obviously it was some bug overlooked by admins and probably this hole still is not closed. Surely it could be specifically changed rates for the enchantments( didn't find the info on that).

    For example - at c4 server I played with thousands of ews(olymp+drop+spoil+epics),bews(from epics), with average 3k online for 3 years - it 1 arcana mace+10,1 +9, 2+8.

    When I started playing here and seen so many oe top c - "WTF! It's classic?! Or it's pvp one-day server where admins sells oe items?". It rejects a lot of players who want to try classic l2.

    ​i thought there must be some bug as well, but when i saw rizos going +9 bop like nothing, i was convinced its not so hard to do that :D (tho i failed my first enchant on server, bought emi+4 and 2x ewc, broke it on +5 so i had to sell the second enchant for cheaper price than i bought so i can afford akat :< )

    ​Fighter weapons always had better rate. It's nothing wrong with 1 +9 bop on the server. It's only 70%^6= 8,23% flat chance even without fake enchant method. I had +8 myself back in c2 days (with fake ench). I dropped top d bow from a mob yesterday with 1\10000 chance - so it's possible.

    The problem is we have hundreds of oe above +8, especially magical weapons. Flat chance to have demon staff+12 is 0,00105%. for Homa+10 is 0,655%. For emi+14 is 1,38%.

    Needless to say that's not normal and should be cured. As  I said - it is not a new problem and it has a good solution without taking oe weapons from people. Surely the first thing to do - is  to check this bug closed (and possible bugs with 2.0 introduction). Otherwise we will have hundreds of SoM+++.

    And I have to remind the RULES of the server which is obviously violated in this case: 1.3 Take advantage of the server bugs.


    And yes, some classes are getting more advantaje of the overenchanted weapons.

    Wizzards are range and his m.atk, his damage on hits is afected by the weapon m.atk so higher damage if they have +++ weapon.

    In melee fighters classes like Tyrant, gladi, Dagger, .. damage on skills isnt affected by p.atk of weapon, so, have +++ weapon for some melee fighters classs isnt so big(almost nothing) improve on his skill's damage.

    So we must take care, because overenchanted weapons unbalance game a bit more in some way like i explained, because some classes get more benefits than others.


    Thanks guys. See you.

    ​warrior class skill formula always took into consideration P atk, so saying it doesnt affect skill dmg on warriors is bullsh1t (and yes, mages always profited and will profit from enchanted weapons more than any1 else)


    I know formula take it into consideration p.atk but it doesnt affect much on the final damage of a skill in some classes, like i said. I dont know all of the classes, alll of the skills, but dagger at least from what i know, so dont come trolling more omg.

    If you want understand me, u understand me easyly, if you want to troll, u will troll.

    Omg, the university guy without time, jumping on each small thing in forum.

    Thanks, gl.

  7. your dye ? modoy? in your vid?


    ​i wrote setup on video description (at least what i knew or was able to show, dunno about cyane, since he is playing dagger as main, maybe he wouldnt even like to have his dyes revealed ;) 

    ​i dont care about your dye secret, but i read your vid description and i must tell you that your test is unrealistic, becoz dagger or any melee class in classic CANT lost any CON at any price, so i suggest you to have a more realistic test with 4 str 8 CON or 12 CON even or just no DYE, pls dont ask me why dagger dye CON, pls just dont

    @qloc01 Bullshit. For PVE he will use PVE dye, that's all. If you don't want to loose CON don't do it. It's all up to you. But this test was realistic. Many chars farming dye like this. If you don't it was your loss. 

    ​ok so when war come to you, would you tell them "hey guys, were on PVE dye, can you wait 20 mins for us to change dye?" even when wartag has same level? or you want pve forever ?

    ​i wonder, have u ever tried xp with archer with +8 or even +12 CON? i guess not, coz u would know its bullsh1t, u need to go +STR - CON on pve, and it sucks even more coz u cannot carry even1k arrows 5k shots, and nobody asks me when war comes about my dyes on archer as well

    sure, i could make test with dager +12 con, but then i will compare it to xp on archer +12 con, and i am pretty sure the difference in xp will be even less significant, coz archer profits 1000x more from str than dagger, would u be happier?

    also all this argument is about "daggers cannot xp as fast as others" while we showed they can, i dont see problem in that

    ​dude, youre an archer, you could have -5 or -10 COn but still very decent in pvp, go ask some dagger who put -15 CON and lets see what would they tell you


    U are right @qloc01 dagger is very very hard class for many diferent reasons.

    I thought in making a list with all these reasons about why dagger is so hard class, but still didnt make. One of these reasons is what u are saying here.

    Since Wizzard dyes set up is same for pve than pvp +12 wit,

    Archer same, they can go +8str for pve/pvp or any other similar set up, valid for both pve/pvp.

    Tyrant, Gladi, Warlord same or similar, they can aoe, so they can keep pvp dyes set up.

    For daggers, if u want pve, u must go +8/12 str, if you dont go +str dyes, urs xp will be even lower than it already is. if you go +8/+12 str that means -8/-12/-10/-15 con what means you are crap for pvp. If you reduce DEX, you arent so good for pve, so lower xp, and 2.0 is comming soon and DEX will be more important, so imo pointless reduce DEX.


    Is waste of time talk about something with Modoy, he is blind, not literally, but blind.


    Thanks, see you.


    PD: OFFTOPIC: someone can tell me how stigma is working on a private msg in forum? stigma lands 100% on a lvl 65+ mobs if you are lvl 52-55 SE? thanks.

  8. Lol. It is quite naive to think that all these lanterns are because of spoil ewc. Even it would be so - there is no chance to enchant top C in such a quantities cause it's craftable.

    There were a lot of bugs with overchant and "dupe" items for c1-c3 servers. You can google it if you want.

    Obviously it was some bug overlooked by admins and probably this hole still is not closed. Surely it could be specifically changed rates for the enchantments( didn't find the info on that).

    For example - at c4 server I played with thousands of ews(olymp+drop+spoil+epics),bews(from epics), with average 3k online for 3 years - it 1 arcana mace+10,1 +9, 2+8.

    When I started playing here and seen so many oe top c - "WTF! It's classic?! Or it's pvp one-day server where admins sells oe items?". It rejects a lot of players who want to try classic l2.

    ​i thought there must be some bug as well, but when i saw rizos going +9 bop like nothing, i was convinced its not so hard to do that :D (tho i failed my first enchant on server, bought emi+4 and 2x ewc, broke it on +5 so i had to sell the second enchant for cheaper price than i bought so i can afford akat :< )

    ​Fighter weapons always had better rate. It's nothing wrong with 1 +9 bop on the server. It's only 70%^6= 8,23% flat chance even without fake enchant method. I had +8 myself back in c2 days (with fake ench). I dropped top d bow from a mob yesterday with 1\10000 chance - so it's possible.

    The problem is we have hundreds of oe above +8, especially magical weapons. Flat chance to have demon staff+12 is 0,00105%. for Homa+10 is 0,655%. For emi+14 is 1,38%.

    Needless to say that's not normal and should be cured. As  I said - it is not a new problem and it has a good solution without taking oe weapons from people. Surely the first thing to do - is  to check this bug closed (and possible bugs with 2.0 introduction). Otherwise we will have hundreds of SoM+++.

    And I have to remind the RULES of the server which is obviously violated in this case: 1.3 Take advantage of the server bugs.


    And yes, some classes are getting more advantaje of the overenchanted weapons.

    Wizzards are range and his m.atk, his damage on hits is afected by the weapon m.atk so higher damage if they have +++ weapon.

    In melee fighters classes like Tyrant, gladi, Dagger, .. damage on skills isnt affected by p.atk of weapon, so, have +++ weapon for some melee fighters classs isnt so big(almost nothing) improve on his skill's damage.

    So we must take care, because overenchanted weapons unbalance game a bit more in some way like i explained, because some classes get more benefits than others.


    Thanks guys. See you.

  9. What's more frustrating is that there isn't any reaal solution to this. You just can't take away people's enchanted weapons

    More than "​there is not any real solution to this", i would say more, we didnt find or no one showed, at least me, i dont have any "right/fair/nice" solution in mind.

    But well, more or less +1 about ur quote.

    What we and admins can get from here is what "we dont want easy things in game, easy things = easy goals = early/sooner end of the game = less longer life the server. This is something i already wrote in other post.


    See you.

  10. Im playing here since some time and these deep blue/red weapons hurt my eyes. Is it classic or starwars or god server? I thought classic should be with +3/4/5/6 weapons and it should be very hard to make weapon better than +6. I played a lot on low rate romanian interlude server and nobody had +10 weapon. Lets reduce enchants decrease all server enchants by half? Who had +12 weapon, would get +6 weapon. If soemone had +15 emi, would get +7 emi and 1 ewc as compensation. Also reduce enchant chance to 10% What do you think guys?Let it be real classic and nostalgic low rate server

    ​Me and many other people can understand ur point of view, BUT

    I understand and i would like that enchant weapons wont be so easy like it is here. Well, Is not easy, but is easier than if we didnt have enchants by spoil, wicth would be a bit harder and we could see maybe some less ++ weapons. and a bit diferent server, since the only way to get enchants would be normal drop and >>Raids<< what means more WAR maybe. But never do the change you suggest.

    What you ask for, about decreasing enchants by half, is BIG BIG but BIG BIG JOKE mate!!!!! hahahaha

    Enchants are part of the game, enchants make you go farm adena or enchants to get ur goal(ur enchanted weapon), so that is life for the game, for the server.

    We all have same chances here, I think is NOT so OMG i cant play here because people already have overenchanted weapons. and what?

    Server is very populated, there are great WARs, what is one of the biggest goals of the game because the fun of joinining 1 side, fighting dayly pvp, epics, sieges, ... U can get your overenchanted weapon too in some time. So isnt so omg, i shot myself.


    About the enchanting rate, i dont know if it was changed, i would like to know that it was not changed and if it was changed to easier, i would like to have it like it is on retail. So,imo, set it like it is on retail.



    A bit offtopic: since i become more active on forum, i noticed that many suggestions, cries, things that are said on forum could go againts server in some way, because some player, that still didnt play here, could create forum account to check about server, and read many things arent truth, get missundertood, ...what is bad for server.


    So i suggest @San0 @Koll @Kse and any other staff guy, to let it so clear as possible, keep updated the server info thread and make it great, understable, well redacted and put a big letters, well visible link in some place of the web to anyone, that want check info about server, can get the right info server there. Isnt a complain, since i didnt check how the thread is, is just a "take care" advice, because some newcommers can get missunderstood, mistaken.



  11. I have a question. Well, when you turn on  ultimate evasion and someone hit you with stun skill you can avoid the damage but not the stun. Don't you think this is really stupid? I mean this thing has no logic.

    ​yes, Has no logic. If you dont get hit because u avoid the damage, so you avoid the hit, why should you get stun? Stun chance should go when you get hit and because this hit u could get stunned, but if u dont get hit, i dont see reason to get stunned.

    So +1.

    ​with this logic u should resist debuffs also when u block the skill with shield, which would be nice bullsh1t imo, coz debuffs would lose their power on classic :D 

    ​what debuffs u mean? any debuff like gloom, fear, silence or damage skill with debuff like Frost Bolt(Spellsinger)?


    I dont see any logic in ur argue Modoy, if you block a debuff, whatever skill it be, that skill is touching u in some way, is touching ur shield, so it can go throught ur body by the arm. Like it was in all the diferent cronicles i played. Maybe i missed some "cool" Cronicle where it was other way.

    But if u avoid an skill, and u get 0 damage, that skill didnt touched you, so i dont see reason to get the debuff.


    Anyway, and after all, i like things working mostly like on retail, so, if in retail is working like this, +1 to leave it like this is on retail.

  12. Hello, I remember back in the days when i was playing Lineage 2.

    The teleport specifically Talking Island > Gludin Village was very much expensive.

    Therefore in order to travel outside the island people often used the boat from the harbor with the cost of ~3.000 adena the ticket.

    I have noticed that the server has removed the boats feature and teleport to Gludin Village is much cheaper.

    I personally found using boats very adventurous way to travel.


    Let me know what you think.


    Yours, Cherish.

    ​Well mate.

    I think Admins are too bussy on getting ready the 2.0 update.

    So, waste time in features like this one is pointless imo. Why? because the rate this feature is loved by people is 1/500 for example, while you have any other lot of features that are more wanted and are still not implemented, with rates 1/3 instead of 1/500. Features like minie games to have some distraction when u are AOEing. MiniGames are wanted for 1/3 players or some other similar rate while the boat feature u suggest not matters for most of the players. just for 1/500 or some other similar low rate.


    Is just my opinion, maybe i am wrong, i just try give other point of view.


    Thanks, See  you.

  13. Hello, I remember back in the days when i was playing Lineage 2.

    The teleport specifically Talking Island > Gludin Village was very much expensive.

    Therefore in order to travel outside the island people often used the boat from the harbor with the cost of ~3.000 adena the ticket.

    I have noticed that the server has removed the boats feature and teleport to Gludin Village is much cheaper.

    I personally found using boats very adventurous way to travel.


    Let me know what you think.


    Yours, Cherish.

    ​I agree.

    I'd also add that Giran Harbor shouldn't be accessible so early. Because when you explore the world by steps, it's not such a shock. But when you're used to play on old C4 servers where even after 2 years people had +7 weapons max, and you join on Classic server expecting the similar, and you teleport to Giran Harbor and see everyone having +15 +16 weapons after a year, this is your reaction:


    Yes, get +++ +12+13+14 and more enchanted weapons isnt so hard like it should be.

    Imo, wasnt so good idea put enchants by spoil in some mobs

    Server would be better if less people had ++++++ weapons. and the fun/the work to get better stuff will stay longger.


    I have heard they gonna put A grade items pieces by drop/spoil/quest/epics. Not sure 100%.

    I hope they dont make A grade sets so easy.

    Is so good when things are hard and the goal is hard, u need to work and fight, take fun of the game longger, needing even 6-12-18 months to get A grade set, this is equal to server stay alive longger and more fun in the time.

    If things are easy and u get ur goal fast, u get bored. This is my opinion.


    Thanks. See you all guys.

  14. I have a question. Well, when you turn on  ultimate evasion and someone hit you with stun skill you can avoid the damage but not the stun. Don't you think this is really stupid? I mean this thing has no logic.

    ​yes, Has no logic. If you dont get hit because u avoid the damage, so you avoid the hit, why should you get stun? Stun chance should go when you get hit and because this hit u could get stunned, but if u dont get hit, i dont see reason to get stunned.

    So +1.

  15. ​its clear @@MoDoy wanna lv up with Archer and then reroll to Dagger..totally clear.

    i agree with your idea. remember not everyone are donator here. im not a donator for example. but i got PA in my PP. and exping with PP buff and soloing. i waste more Adena than i pick up.  cause i pot a lot. each 40 mins got to waste arround 300k in pots. and i pick up 72k.... so... in this way. less PA on other Accs. 
    if you are a donator and put PA in BD , in PP , in Warlock, of course you will xp faster than others.

    the point here is: when we get in 2.0 a lot of ppl who Xping in Aoe all day all night, will reroll to Dagger to Olys. im not stupid guy. and all my time playing as dagger to Fight the Hero, go to trash. cause someone who's reach lvl 75 in aoe reroll.. perfect example with CloudyQ cp, all WL lvl aoe to 74 then reroll to archer. and now one of the top CP archers. for me its unfair for all archers. restrics groups, Warriors Are Warriors, Rogues are Rogues.  if you are a warrior and wanna reroll to Rogue, Pay for that, and not only 20 euros, just some lvl too (and more than 1 lvl). 


    let me repeat, i play as TH from 1.0 and if i do aoe from lv48 to 58 its enouthg. then no more Aoe for me, why ? cause im Dagger. and now 1 year and a month later im 70 40%. END.

    ​So this is the real reason why you want to change service... (just give him hero status right away and problem solved. :-)) Well you know what i can start a dagger today and make him enough lvl to join Oly and just farm him and you still won't get hero... This is a stupid justification for a stupid move i think the service as it is it helps you want change it just to don't have so much competition in oly and thats is just nonsense... But thats only my tought...

    thats not only your thought, some ppl already realized xping dagger is not sooooooo bad (yes its not easy and fast, but come on), but ppl are afraid that high lvl chars will reroll to daggers for oly, they dont care about ordinary pvp or other sh1t

    ​I can see that you think you are the smartest guy out there and you know best what everyone thinks / is afraid of :) Somehow poll result do not agree with what you are saying so far. So maybe you should take a small break, cool down a little, and think the whole thing through once again.

    I can only tell that what you say is good on paper, but not so much in practice. You said that you wouldn't pay 20 euros to change for dagger but you keep saying that dagger have it sooooo easy to exp for just 20 euros PER MONTH (se+sws), and if we add another 10 euro per month (cat) then it is really power lvling so we shouldn't cry - nice logic :)

    Next thing is - obviously Oly is a problem and what I can see is that not Haibara wants change to get a hero - but you want not to change so you can reroll and get a hero :) really I can count with my fingers how many active abyss walkers and plains walker are there on a server, so any warrior/archer 70+ can pay for class change to AW/PW and get free hero with 0 effort. It is some next level abuse and it should be forbidden. I think there is a reason why there are so few AW and PW on the server. So stop repeating how you could just play dagger and rape everything and everyone if you just wanted. Just do it instead of going easy mode.

    ​more or less i can say +1


    Dagger is so easy to xp than in top 100 servers chars, just TheLord appears, because he is very very very very active and has a clan with him. y y, how easy xp daggers are.

    Other old players like Artiemes and Haibara are not even lvl 72/71. they dont appear on top 100 list.


    1 more thing. I tell you guys, dont hope many daggers come here to say the truth that some of us already said like me, @Cyane @pako The reason: the daggers population of server is very very very small comparated with the rest.

    Have this in mind. The people that can come here to defend the fair / reasonable / nice / logic is small comparated with the others that are just interesed on a no fair/easy way.


    Just ask your self, what you want? +-fair, +-business, +-...

    Ask your self, we know we can not lie our selfs, in our inside we know the truth, and even when we try take other things like the right, we know that isnt.


    Sorry for my english, i hope you can understand me.


    • Like 1


    Why this kind of class changes arent in retail?



    becuz on retail you pay 10 euros per month to play and they dont have to find another not game breaking aspects to generate their income.​


    We could talk long about this, the answer was clear. ofc, i went to talk about that question but didnt want to write walltext or going offtopic, i forgot to delete that question when i wrote/editing the msg


    Why u just answer to that question and not rest of the message? :D

    I will tell, sometimes we go into the points we can get soome advantage and we dont focus in other points where is hard discuss and we get disadvantage.


    :) NP San0, i just trying to argue fair with the suggestion, same than i did some other suggestions in other threads without focusing in my own business.

    Like i wrote in other threads that i feel sad with some classes that are not played like TK, PW, AW, .. i like the variety, same than in real life, and i like to be fair, we have same or similar chances.


    And well, no hate for anyone, boys/girls! HF.

  17. and this is why we shouldnt touched it at all from what it was. one change was suggested, and even tho it will render this system not so usefull it will still keep it functional. this suggestion gets accepted even tho it might hurt servers income... and sudently 500 more suggestions show up to change it even more.


    im still curious to see a stacked party with daggers killing mobs even 1by1 and see how much slower it is comparing to the AOE farm timmers of respawn, running, training, resting, and so on.

    In real life ​Laws are changed from time to time to try make world better. This here is same. and same like u did with some other changes on server, looking to improve.


    this suggestion gets accepted even tho it might hurt servers income... and sudently 500 more suggestions show up to change it even more.

    Why it might hurt servers incoming?

    I see it in the other way, more people coming to play here since server is more fair if this suggestion success, because server looks more fair, things arent just made to get donations. if this suggestion doesnt success is like, if you have $$$$ you can get easier somethings, so that looks like not being so fair and not so atractive.


    All about this is something that you have to think about and choose, since it is your server.

    We all have diferent opinions with his small or big diferences.

    But there are some facts that aren not about opinions.


    PD: We can check what xp faster if admin want/can. We go test server, change rates for sometime, I take most populated archer and some other guy takes most populated dagger with 1 buffer box or the set up u wish and we compare the xp in like 1-2 hours, and then we make some maths. To compare Archer XP with Dagger xp. I would like Modoy goes with dagger and have the big fun of stigmating each mob for 2-4 hours that dure this test. only 2-4 hours, imagine dayly. He can not even imagine. But well, we know how some people is, they come and they can lie one more time even when they know the truth.

    PD2: for me things are so clear, people defending this suggestion like Cyane, me and others played dagger and suffered how hard xp a dagger is. People againts this change like Modoy are just interesed on this change not be maden because he just want to change to dagger, wicth is unfair, same than going into other class to faster xp and change to overlord unfair is. END.

  18. @BeNicePls ofc it will be more fair to split it even more, i agree to. But there is a limitation which is point 1) there will be less options to change to another classes, which result in less donations too.

    We are arguing about spliting dagger/archer but some people dont even agree on separating warriors from us. Lets focus there first

    First, thanks for talking nicely here, talkin with respect, not only focusing in ur opinion and fighting any other opinion.


    Now, let me ask you something. Imagine, think 1 thing, how many people is changing to dagger from any other class now? 0, so 0 donations from that, and how are the rest of donations on server? are bad? total donations aren not enought right now?

    I mean, if we separate groups (daggers separated from warriors/archers) like it should be because all the facts/reasons we already said, i dont think it will be SO BIG "less donations" on present or future to server goes in a dangerous situation. Not even a noticeable change.


    Imo is clear than daggers are ENOUGHT harder to xp than any other warrior, archer class, so the point is clear, logic, reasonable.


    I still didnt read a fair / reasonable / logic argue to dont separate daggers into other group.

    Imo those guys here defending not separate daggers into other group are people that:

    - Didnt xp dagger high lvl on this server.

    - Have in mind change to dagger in future so thats the reason why they want to keep daggers in same group. I would make a bet for Rizos/Modoy (In some time we will see).

    - Other self business

    So Not being fair / nice, only they focusing in other subjetive goals, not being objetive.




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