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Everything posted by Baluu

  1. Baluu

    Shall we begin?

    When a clan has People like kingbotaki (CP leader) complains about me resisiting 3 horrores is obvious and wins a fight, (4vs1), when People that 1 vs 1 excuse themself about lvl difference what can i say, if you can't handle game situation why generate them? Again my point pointless to make a fight to create even more trashtalk. Regardless the outcome of fight. Day to Day activity is enough to create trashtalk in fórum.
  2. Baluu

    Shall we begin?

    Whats the point off a fight? If you win you come with fraps to fórum and trashtalk, if you loose you trashtalk anyway cause of lvl, epics, gear, or any other excuse you can think of. So until you learn a bit about beeing humble and respect for enemies either in victory or loss there is no point in making a fight.
  3. Baluu


    Thank you very much. ;-) If you can have PP friend with you. GG farm until 76 with alot of patience ofc and welcome to classic world.
  4. Baluu


    Still you are diverging from subject, i'm saying for WL farm long term, best option is SE or EE? Now regarding what i said and thinking about what each one gives and how much MP is vital on farm of Wl solo farm, tell us Please.
  5. Baluu


    Well i dont have to tell you storys about farm, and even you not beeing WL expert you used EE, and don't tell me it was CP support, or whatever, i don't believe you had no access to 1 SE. So during progression you will feel lack of MP increase, defently clarity is more usefull for a WL then Focus and DW from SE. So if you play WL and can support 1 char let it be a EE instead of SE. Everytime.
  6. Baluu


    Good for you, I'm not having trouble ingame with or withouth it. You see me complain? But Last time i saw Darksky... W8 i didn't, i saw blue teleport Marks in ground... Go go go farm fan boys. ;-)
  7. Baluu


    Clearly you are to young to say anything about my person so i'm going to leave you with a contrusctive comment, help newcomers dont trashtalk, if you had orfen you would know how frustating it is to have a char that can make so much, but cannot farm with orfen cause its useless. I just use what i have as eficient as possible.
  8. Baluu


    I love to see people that dont even play Warlord comment about class... I'm telling you the only way Warlord is good is with PP+EE, anything else is just cripple and hard as hell. Only use SE has for WL are focus,DeathWisper and recharge. The thing is DW and focus alone doesnt do much, you need btb,bts,Haste lvl2,zerk, Greater might/shield and ofc never forget clarity, anything beside this you just kill 1 train and w8 3-5 mins for MP regen... So 2 mins farm, 3-5 mins sitting. Awsome farm no doubt about it... WL is excellent choice for Solo players but it depends alot of the supports you have. The better the supports the better the WL will be. So PP+EE friend or active is defently needed. Forget SE as he just serves to recharge MP, for WL.
  9. As spoiler never, all they have is spinning slasher that doesnt even do that much damage cause it doesnt crits, and you can't survive trains with autoatacks withouth aoe Stun (warlord skill), now i understand your concern i remember the time when we had a full party with pole with wideblow SA (back in C4) and we farmed all rooms at entrance of ascetics at same time. But this is clássic so you just have to adapt, cause 1st vampiric doesnt work same way and sustain damage with vampiric is simply not doable here, 2nd having no SA since start here just make you be more carefull (or should) and you farm 15-21 in each train, until lvl 65-70 and all you need is a EE and attack speed potion lvl 2, while everyone else needs a tank besides the EE/SE.
  10. Baluu


    To drop you actually need to make them you know myrtan. Oh yeah sorry you don't know what that is. ;-)
  11. Baluu


    I love when the same people that ask others not to trash talk, do exactly the same to other people's post.Your mad it was not in your favor? P.S: Care myrtan another player can whope your ass in a 1 vs 1 fight. ;-)
  12. Baluu


    With PP and EE Warlord is the only character that can do solo farm pretty easy from 40-65+ withouth help of a tank. Until 40 is kind of hard, cause no aoe stun, but after 2nd profession and with aoe stun you just have to control number of mobs you can stun at once and just keep killing them, Ofc PP with good buffs help, EE increase the time your killing cause otherwise you need to sit and regen mana cause alot of it is wasted on the trains. Good luck mate.
  13. Baluu


    Nice excuse. Exactly if you show how you die in mass PVP whats the blame in loosing against a lvl 75 WL in 1vs1 or in that especific fight, what i wanna say is yes i killed that ally with Aoe got to close but you also died in process. Good for you you can kill 2 PR in low health. ;-)
  14. Baluu


    Well good thing is people show what they are worth ingame not in edited video, those who need to edit fraps are just showing off. I don't need to show off. ;-)
  15. Baluu


    The good things about video editing is that you show whatever you want. He forgets to mention he died in that fight, and soon after desperatly asked for a 1vs1, didnt even made me use revival to kill... he must have frapsed that too. Sad those things are not shown.
  16. IF in a full party even only 1 party member is lazy there goes your bonus mate! It's as simple as that.
  17. Actually it depends on players not on math. And in my experience in server the fastest way to make XP is to box support and make 2-3 character party.
  18. Actually the Best duo for EE is warlord (ofc backed up with PP) cause he doesnt need emp and he needs clarity/recharge. And a 1-3player party males alot more XP then a full party cause sure the more member you have the more XP bónus you get. But the more member you have bigger split on the inicial XP, so if you kill a mob alone you get 50k XP, if you kill the same mob with a party of 5 each Will get 10k+50%bónus thats another 5k so total is 15k per mob ofc if everyone kills 1 mob at same time its 15x5 its 75k XP but we all know you Cannot farm 5 mobs in 1 área at same time and give everyone XP cause they are too spread. But attention dont wanna say with this EE should not be in party. You just didnt crossed the right player. Sorry bro.
  19. As a WL player with alot of solo farming experience in classic i can asure you best option for solo farm is both PP+EE. VR is not that significant, and Clarity is! PP for obvious reasons. Best buffs for both Fighter and Recharger. If you somehow can get a active PP you don't even need healer. you can push with all 3 characters active or 1 of them boxed to 65+ easy.
  20. want to clear this for me? in private no need for more wood in fire. :-D
  21. Sometimes you have to learn to turn around and walk my friend everyone has a boiling point. And it goes for both of you!!!!
  22. He may be mascot boy but is ours Mascoot boy! You don't have any credability to talk to someone like that. People with botting issues are last one to be able to talk with adults. sorry bro your out of that group.