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Lineage 2 Book/Story

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dunno if its that easy to find full lore at one place, would be interested from prelude until  at least gracia epilogue


atleast till interlude.. you can read every single arctile when you click the headline... legends is the part where they explain the creation.


In Lineage 1 it was all in the game.. well more or less atleast since it happens "after" Lineage 2 ( timeline ) so it was pretty easy for them to create the world.

I hope it helps


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All the lore you need:

RNGesus who art in Lineage II,
Random be thy game.
Thy random come.
Thy drop be done,
on Aden as it is in Lineage II.
Give us this day our daily buffs,
and forgive us our 10% exp deaths,
as we forgive those who use zranger against us,
and lead us not into village.
For drop is the random, 
and the spoils, and the spellbooks,
Always yet never,


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