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Recommended Posts Look how long fights are...

​yeah, i can see in last clip, mana pots and sh1ts, cool

​putting something like nobless boost archers as well, because we dont have mp pots.

​sorry, i wouldnt profit from nbls, it would be just cancer to kill enemies after ressurrections, if u play archers well, u barely die in pvps which are bigger scale than 9vs9, and in 9vs9 only thing which can help us is incomming FC fix, not nbls :D 

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​yeah, i can see in last clip, mana pots and sh1ts, cool

​putting something like nobless boost archers as well, because we dont have mp pots.

​sorry, i wouldnt profit from nbls, it would be just cancer to kill enemies after ressurrections, if u play archers well, u barely die in pvps which are bigger scale than 9vs9, and in 9vs9 only thing which can help us is incomming FC fix, not nbls :D 

​u would have chance against fighter 9v9 because of mana problems. Offcourse a lot depends on open field and so on. Also now having a mass resurect is like a joke.

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​yeah, i can see in last clip, mana pots and sh1ts, cool

​putting something like nobless boost archers as well, because we dont have mp pots.

​sorry, i wouldnt profit from nbls, it would be just cancer to kill enemies after ressurrections, if u play archers well, u barely die in pvps which are bigger scale than 9vs9, and in 9vs9 only thing which can help us is incomming FC fix, not nbls :D 

​u would have chance against fighter 9v9 because of mana problems. Offcourse a lot depends on open field and so on. Also now having a mass resurect is like a joke.

​i pray at the moment i die someone would do "joke" mass ress, but i happily accept even normal ress scroll and continue fighting like before ress (u will see, our pt wc has like 80% MP when everybody was running w/o buffs, and at that moment it looked like only our pt had buffs, which was huge advantage, eventho every of our dds died in the fight ;) )

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​yeah, i can see in last clip, mana pots and sh1ts, cool

​putting something like nobless boost archers as well, because we dont have mp pots.

​sorry, i wouldnt profit from nbls, it would be just cancer to kill enemies after ressurrections, if u play archers well, u barely die in pvps which are bigger scale than 9vs9, and in 9vs9 only thing which can help us is incomming FC fix, not nbls :D 

​u would have chance against fighter 9v9 because of mana problems. Offcourse a lot depends on open field and so on. Also now having a mass resurect is like a joke.

​i pray at the moment i die someone would do "joke" mass ress, but i happily accept even normal ress scroll and continue fighting like before ress (u will see, our pt wc has like 80% MP when everybody was running w/o buffs, and at that moment it looked like only our pt had buffs, which was huge advantage, eventho every of our dds died in the fight ;) )

​If u speak about mass pvp , then offcourse warcryer has mana, because there is nothing where to use it except dot which costs 0 :D 

But when we speak about 9v9 and if your wc has 80% of mana that means he dont use control skills or party is way lower level :) 

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​i pray at the moment i die someone would do "joke" mass ress, but i happily accept even normal ress scroll and continue fighting like before ress (u will see, our pt wc has like 80% MP when everybody was running w/o buffs, and at that moment it looked like only our pt had buffs, which was huge advantage, eventho every of our dds died in the fight ;) )

​If u speak about mass pvp , then offcourse warcryer has mana, because there is nothing where to use it except dot which costs 0 :D 

But when we speak about 9v9 and if your wc has 80% of mana that means he dont use control skills or party is way lower level :) 

​or u know, maybe our wc is low lvl compared to others for now, so spamming debuffs wont make any good

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​If u speak about mass pvp , then offcourse warcryer has mana, because there is nothing where to use it except dot which costs 0 :D 

But when we speak about 9v9 and if your wc has 80% of mana that means he dont use control skills or party is way lower level :) 

​or u know, maybe our wc is low lvl compared to others for now, so spamming debuffs wont make any good


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1) This is topic for some suggestions to give ideas for admins. I thought how to make this new players grouped and one idea came up. What if we maks new player creation every week few days only? So new players create acc and start playing together and old players can make some 1lvl char to pvp new players for fun. Lol. For example every friday 20:00-till saturday.

-1, I like the spirit of it, but I'm afraid it would be too confusing and probably even more importantly it would steal away some potential players. Let's say you're bored on Sunday, you want to try that new Classic thing, you come here and you realize you have to wait a week so you can start to play, so you just go try it somewhere else. In a week you make character level 30, maybe find a clan too, so you won't be coming back here. 

2) this one is serious. Buffs after death:

a)make fighter and mage buff scroll that buffs everything instantly not one by one. So after death u dont need to press scrolls one by one.

-1, probably a bit more comfortable, but most people just don't have enough buff scroll packs to make this relevant for them. Also I personally prefer to use them in PvE gradually because if you use them all at once and get killed you just wasted a treasure.

b)Nobless buff scrolls for cols.

+1, as long as they're not usable during Castle Sieges.

c)Scroll that buffs all buffs that u had before death( i thinl there is one on gk)

+1, but with same condition as above

atm there is no point to res in pvp most of time. Biz does it but his bish is one shot after res. With these scrolls massres would be way stronger and fighter would get totally screwed of mana problems.

3) Clan amount in ally. Im quite interested how perkunas dont help us with this one. 

+0, I won't vote for that since I'm not part of the bigger picture anyway

4) Herb of progress. Improve drop rate. This is really not as good as i was expecting.

+1, also remove the automatic disappearing within 10 minutes or so, it's just unnecessary as long as it's only usable until 40.

5) More stats. Maybe top 150? This is one of my own problems but website design with news section is not very comfortable. Maybe only for me. I rather login forum to see news than websites. While newcomers do it way around.

+1, why not

6) check fishing rewards before put fishing in server. Add some hatsmaybe and otherstuff

-1, let's not touch the fishing rewards, they're pretty solid on purpose; just check more for fishing bots, that's all

7) character sale in auction???

-1, because even though it's technically amazing solution, since:

a) people have more motivation to play because they know they're creating something of a value
b) old clan members or friends have an opportunity to jump right into game without having to spend weeks and months leveling up to a relevant level
c) these chars are being sold in RMT anyway so devs are missing on a very fat revenue

It's a complete disaster by principle. Try to look at it this way - the way things are set right now is that you can become most important player on the server on a first day with a character creation if you have enough real money. You just buy tons of CoLs, sell them for 80% of the market's price and just buy whatever and whoever you want. Farming Abandoned Camps with Item_49578.jpg and  +16 even though you just started a week ago? No problem, just buy enough CoLs and sell them. Hell, you can even buy some mercenaries to guard you while farming - tell me you wouldn't go make someone a cheerleader for 2 hours if he offered you 100kk. 

However right now there's still a brake in form of slow exping. You really just need to spend ton of time to get on a level where you're able to buy that win. All those ++items won't help you much if you're 20 levels down from people you fight against. Yes - you can still buy the char on RMT - but you're risking you're going to lose it all if admins find out. 

If we take this away, if we take away this brake, if we let people just buy the Item_49578.jpg for cash alongside with a 70+ chars, this server will become an epitome of pay to win, and it's just not worth the extra cash for admins. 



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For me most important is 2 3 and 7. 

about 7, why people give money for RMT sites when they could give to our site? Also selling for example 3 BoPs in auction maybe will give u possibility to buy some other class or smth that is quite interesting.

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For me most important is 2 3 and 7. 

about 7, why people give money for RMT sites when they could give to our site? Also selling for example 3 BoPs in auction maybe will give u possibility to buy some other class or smth that is quite interesting.

​Because buying characters through RMT involves a great risk of losing everything when admins find out, which is a reason many people avoid that. If you remove this risk, there'll be nothing that would stop P2W from getting a complete dominance over the server and the server will become a full 100% pay to win. 

I understand that it would bring a massive revenue to admins in a short call, but it would rot the server from within and would ultimately cause the fall of the entire project.

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