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Anyone know what happened on previous ROK chars?

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5 hours ago, Arcanum said:

why don't we talk about perkunas dropping another epic in loa? 108.gif

nothing to talk about, just the server being shit java crap where chars stuck in plain ground. It's a fact we have accepted playing here obviously, since there are many other pluses that outweight the negatives.

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58 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

nothing to talk about, just the server being shit java crap where chars stuck in plain ground. It's a fact we have accepted playing here obviously, since there are many other pluses that outweight the negatives.

Char was on follow. Stopped following and no one was controlling him to bring back. Char was afk and after he realize that mobs killing him he told that he stucked and couldn't move.

We was checking location where he was for 20 min. Non of other chars stucked there. Also around 3 parties run through this place with char and didn't stuck.

I understand that you need to find someone to blame.

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27 minutes ago, Koll said:

Char was on follow. Stopped following and no one was controlling him to bring back. Char was afk and after he realize that mobs killing him he told that he stucked and couldn't move.

We was checking location where he was for 20 min. Non of other chars stucked there. Also around 3 parties run through this place with char and didn't stuck.

I understand that you need to find someone to blame.

Yes and it stopped following cuze the server has some problems and drops follow from nothing and please don't tell me its packet loss or some other shit as the guy had 3 chars logged, Only 1 dropped follow. It also happened to me many times , having 5-6 boxes behind me and some box randomly stops following for no reason. Maybe instead of making shitty excuses on the forum, find the reason it happens and fix it. Is it ultimately the players fault? Yes cuze he didnt take better control of his chars. But it doesn't mean your server is perfect and doesnt have problems. If i hadn't invested so much time in this server i would have quit over such bullshit and especially such responce. We've spend much more time than you actually playing on the server and are well familiar with maneuvering around shitty geo data, so you comming and saying you spent 20mins is a fucking joke of a responce.

Not to mention the gaint dump you took over the effort of biggest ally on server to make this jewel with this lame answer. If this is the way you treat your most loyal players than you certainly don't deserve us. What a fucking joke. Im honestly done with you, everytime you were supposed to assist me or anyone i know with a certain problem you've found some absolutely ridiculous excuse, instead of fixing the problem.

So instead of posting your random excuses and making it look like we are looking for an excuse with passive aggresive shit like this:


just so some of our enemies can like your post, find the reason why chars drop follow randomly for no reason, fix it, so this shit doesn't happen again and make the server ultimately better experience for everyone.

Edited by BlackJack

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If you cant control all your boxes stop boxin 4-5 chars ..... and this orfen earing drop very esay I have drop it 2 times at xp .. 

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Just now, pistolas said:

If you cant control all your boxes stop boxin 4-5 chars ..... and this orfen earing drop very esay I have drop it 2 times at xp .. 

my problem is not with dropping orfen, it w/e just an item. It's the fact that koll says bullshit that there is no problem. Everyone who has played on this server long enough and has boxed buffers knows that follow drops randomly from time to time without any reason and it's server's problem. If koll doesnt aknowledge the problem but make random excuse it will never  be fixed.

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Isn't all chars follows at same direction and can't only 1 stuck ?

Maybe he doesn't had enought speed to follow?

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Just now, Koll said:

Isn't all chars follows at same direction and can't only 1 stuck ?

they can and imo its not about geodata, but more about char stucking at other character which follows same guy (for example if u have 5 chars following u, at some moment because the speed of characters differ and there is that small pillar as core of character which u cannot freely pass, it simply stucks on it?)

thats my guess, because i had chars stopping w/o reason sometimes as well

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In my experience, chars only stop following after certain distance (really common to lose a char that is out of party if you have SS in party with wind song) or after hitting an obstacle...

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2 minutes ago, Koll said:

Isn't all chars follows at same direction and can't only 1 stuck ?

Maybe he doesn't had enought speed to follow?

it was a warlord in a robe+7 movement speed please , you tested it for 20mins how you dont know that? His other char that didnt get stuck had lower movement speed.

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1 minute ago, Pelocho said:

In my experience, chars only stop following after certain distance (really common to lose a char that is out of party if you have SS in party with wind song) or after hitting an obstacle...

we never run with wind for this reason.

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Just now, BlackJack said:

it was a warlord in a robe+7 movement speed please , you tested it for 20mins how you dont know that? His other char that didnt get stuck had lower movement speed.

I was testing location where char "stucked". And didn't found where he could stuck there.

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Just now, Koll said:

I was testing location where char "stucked". And didn't found where he could stuck there.

Did you even watch the movie we provided there were no obstacles he just got stuck randomly for no reason

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Just now, BlackJack said:

Did you even watch the movie we provided there were no obstacles he just got stuck randomly for no reason

Yes. Where people running through him and he AFK. And person controlling char didn't notices that char not following.

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Just now, Koll said:

Yes. Where people running through him and he AFK. And person controlling char didn't notices that char not following.

Many rocks/trees/rooting mobs here guys. Yes in movie you cna hear us comment on balu being here and we thought he is waiting for ppl behind in-case mobs aggro, cuze this is not a spot you can get stuck on as there are no obstacles. You can even see him having doom robe set for movement speed so he didnt fell behind.

It's not my job to find why chars drop follow randomly, its yours. We just provded you with the inforamtion you need to investigate. But you closing your eyes and saying is no problem is just pathetic.


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1 minute ago, BlackJack said:

Many rocks/trees/rooting mobs here guys. Yes in movie you cna hear us comment on balu being here and we thought he is waiting for ppl behind in-case mobs aggro, cuze this is not a spot you can get stuck on as there are no obstacles. You can even see him having doom robe set for movement speed so he didnt fell behind.

It's not my job to find why chars drop follow randomly, its yours. We just provded you with the inforamtion you need to investigate. But you closing your eyes and saying is no problem is just pathetic.


We tested 20 min location and trying to repeat char stuck - doesn't work.

Reapeat this stuck if you sure you can stuck there.

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5 minutes ago, Koll said:

We tested 20 min location and trying to repeat char stuck - doesn't work.

Reapeat this stuck if you sure you can stuck there.

Do even read my posts? It's not about character getting stuck. It's about character dropping follow for no reason. Clearly not the problem in player's internet as you said yday to bizz, because the player 2 other chars following the same char and they didnt drop follow.

Ill quoute myself a few times from the previous post since you clearly either don't understand it ot try to ignore it on purpose:






Edited by BlackJack

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4 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

Many rocks/trees/rooting mobs here guys. Yes in movie you cna hear us comment on balu being here and we thought he is waiting for ppl behind in-case mobs aggro, cuze this is not a spot you can get stuck on as there are no obstacles. You can even see him having doom robe set for movement speed so he didnt fell behind.

It's not my job to find why chars drop follow randomly, its yours. We just provded you with the inforamtion you need to investigate. But you closing your eyes and saying is no problem is just pathetic.


Seems like the char might have lost the line of sight while turning into the different caves. This happens a lot in AB when you run through trees... Similar to the guy that hides behind a tree to make you cancel the spell...

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Just now, Pelocho said:

Seems like the char might have lost the line of sight while turning into the different caves. This happens a lot in AB when you run through trees... Similar to the guy that hides behind a tree to make you cancel the spell...

Yes its possible if you had 1 char following only. Everyone from bizz party always follows him and Balu also had out of party EE and Prophet and they didnt drop follow for no reason. He had 10+ chars on him only 1 stopped following, it's not movement speed and it's not players internet as he had 2 more chars following bizz the same way.

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Just now, BlackJack said:

Do even read my posts? It's not about character getting stuck. It's about character dropping follow for no reason. Clearly not the problem in player's internet as you said yday to bizz, because the player 2 other chars following the same char and they didnt drop aggro.

Ill quoute myself a few times from the previous post since you clearly either don't understand it ot try to ignore it on purpose:






Yestarday I get report that char stucked and couldn't move. So now it's not stucked at all...

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