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Looking for a clan! Aim to be a BISHOP

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Hello! I just started on this server yesterday and am a level 30-something elven mystic. 

> Given how I do not know how active the server was going to be when I started, I created a class with a lot of solo-ing ability, but it's getting a bit dry at the moment. My ultimate goal is to get to the 70s then class change to a bishop. I am very active and willing to join a clan with sociable people! Down for any focus, but would be open to some PvP 

Please reach out! In game name is LunaLovegod (not good, god!) Thanks!

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EE is better for you unless you have people to play with. If you decide to stay until late levels, you can do a class switch from EE to bish for 20€ (trust me it's worth it over leveling up virtually solo bish - bishops never get invited into any parties until late 70+)

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you can change EE to Bish. Elven mystic is elf mage without any class. However EE goes first in line in many parties, bish as a cherry on top of cake

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Best classes to rush 70s and do class change are Tank and ES. Raids and aoe groups need both, so you will have perma party till 70s plus you can solo aswell

I do not recommend playing bp without cp or active clan, you will suffer a lot.

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