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B dual swords

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Im not sure if there's a post or discussion about this so im going to bring it up. There is a HUGE unbalance in acquiring B grade weapons for dual sword classes to every other weapon. In official and every other server i played to make top B duals you need 500 Stone of Purity and i believe the crafting stamps are for A grade and S grade which are acquired through the merchant of mammon(obviously we don't have that). Anyway I think you need to take a serious look at this. Gladiators are already very much over powered with there range stun and handfull of other skills, and now they can get B grade duals far easier than any other class can get there B weapon. If you take a look around you will already see a good number of players with over enchanted dual SLS and other B grade duals. Meanwhile, im struggling to either enchant a C  weapon to just match B grade or craft a weapon with 60% chance which i already have failed 2 bow of perils and many eminence bows failed enchanting. Something needs to be done.! If you asked me I would say either make the dual crafting stamp harder to obtain or make it cost the 500 SoP like the creators or L2 made it.

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I am not sure but I think you need both - DCS and 490 SOPs. So i cant see reason to complain over this. 

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you need 45 SOP 900 Cry c and a stamp, definitely an unbalance vs the 120-200 SoP and various other mats you need to craft other  top B at a 60% rate 


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you need 45 SOP 900 Cry c and a stamp, definitely an unbalance vs the 120-200 SoP and various other mats you need to craft other  top B at a 60% rate 


​Sorry, my fault, thanks for correction.

but what about the mats to craft 2 sls? i think its definately more than for one B wep...   I cant see reason to complain about this...

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to make it clear... for SLS*SLS you need:

2x Samurai Long Sword.. by now price 16 - 19kk

45 SOP - 1,25kk or more in dependance on market price

500 CryC - 1,25kk in dependance on market price

Dual Craft Stamp - 1,5kk or more...

so SLS*SLS = 36kk

You can craft your B weapon in price of 22-30kk or buy full item for 30-35kk.. any kind... so I guess its fair enough !

PS: BOP is harder to get cause of rcp/keys... its obvious... that you failed 2x is unfortun but not rule.

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to make it clear... for SLS*SLS you need:

2x Samurai Long Sword.. by now price 16 - 19kk

45 SOP - 1,25kk or more in dependance on market price

500 CryC - 1,25kk in dependance on market price

Dual Craft Stamp - 1,5kk or more...

so SLS*SLS = 36kk

You can craft your B weapon in price of 22-30kk or buy full item for 30-35kk.. any kind... so I guess its fair enough !

PS: BOP is harder to get cause of rcp/keys... its obvious... that you failed 2x is unfortun but not rule.

Do u forget about 60% chance to be successed?

All top b weapon has risk to make except b dual. And the key is not cheap at all

For example : AOBA SOES and Lance key are 2-3kk each

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OMG... WHY this forum full of cry baby's......Every day someone crying... summon crying .... okey let's make new summons.. sls to easy.. okey let's make price twice higher. What your want next?? LETS MAKE BUFF IN THE CITIES FOR AN HOUR. IT IS WOULD BE EASY TO EXP. OR LETS MAKE 100% res... u know, i just died and lose 4 % and it will make me to farm 1 hour to get 4% again. JUST STOP CRYING.... GO PLAY GLADIATOR OR MAGE.... IF it hard for u to get BOW OF PERIL.....

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OMG... WHY this forum full of cry baby's......Every day someone crying... summon crying .... okey let's make new summons.. sls to easy.. okey let's make price twice higher. What your want next?? LETS MAKE BUFF IN THE CITIES FOR AN HOUR. IT IS WOULD BE EASY TO EXP. OR LETS MAKE 100% res... u know, i just died and lose 4 % and it will make me to farm 1 hour to get 4% again. JUST STOP CRYING.... GO PLAY GLADIATOR OR MAGE.... IF it hard for u to get BOW OF PERIL.....

​Many ppl cry... adjustments are needed all the time to make things better... but better DOESNT MEAN EASY !!


 +1 STOP CRY !!!!

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to make it clear... for SLS*SLS you need:

2x Samurai Long Sword.. by now price 16 - 19kk

45 SOP - 1,25kk or more in dependance on market price

500 CryC - 1,25kk in dependance on market price

Dual Craft Stamp - 1,5kk or more...

so SLS*SLS = 36kk

You can craft your B weapon in price of 22-30kk or buy full item for 30-35kk.. any kind... so I guess its fair enough !

PS: BOP is harder to get cause of rcp/keys... its obvious... that you failed 2x is unfortun but not rule.

Do u forget about 60% chance to be successed?

All top b weapon has risk to make except b dual. And the key is not cheap at all

For example : AOBA SOES and Lance key are 2-3kk each

​Did not forget... read carefully.... you was unluckly thats all... you can build 100% weapon its as expensive as the duals are.. or you do it cheeper and take your risk... STOP CRY !

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to make it clear... for SLS*SLS you need:

2x Samurai Long Sword.. by now price 16 - 19kk

45 SOP - 1,25kk or more in dependance on market price

500 CryC - 1,25kk in dependance on market price

Dual Craft Stamp - 1,5kk or more...

so SLS*SLS = 36kk

You can craft your B weapon in price of 22-30kk or buy full item for 30-35kk.. any kind... so I guess its fair enough !

PS: BOP is harder to get cause of rcp/keys... its obvious... that you failed 2x is unfortun but not rule.

Do u forget about 60% chance to be successed?

All top b weapon has risk to make except b dual. And the key is not cheap at all

For example : AOBA SOES and Lance key are 2-3kk each

​Did not forget... read carefully.... you was unluckly thats all... you can build 100% weapon its as expensive as the duals are.. or you do it cheeper and take your risk... STOP CRY !

Im not crying here dude

As everyone could see that DCSW is about 1.5kk-2kk bcs its very easy to get

And can u calculate how much is 500 sop as old way to make top b dual before?

Wtb SOES AOBA LANCE BELLION CESTUS for 50kk/each if u can make it as your calculation above :)

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to make it clear... for SLS*SLS you need:

2x Samurai Long Sword.. by now price 16 - 19kk

45 SOP - 1,25kk or more in dependance on market price

500 CryC - 1,25kk in dependance on market price

Dual Craft Stamp - 1,5kk or more...

so SLS*SLS = 36kk

You can craft your B weapon in price of 22-30kk or buy full item for 30-35kk.. any kind... so I guess its fair enough !

PS: BOP is harder to get cause of rcp/keys... its obvious... that you failed 2x is unfortun but not rule.

Do u forget about 60% chance to be successed?

All top b weapon has risk to make except b dual. And the key is not cheap at all

For example : AOBA SOES and Lance key are 2-3kk each

​Did not forget... read carefully.... you was unluckly thats all... you can build 100% weapon its as expensive as the duals are.. or you do it cheeper and take your risk... STOP CRY !

Im not crying here dude

As everyone could see that DCSW is about 1.5kk-2kk bcs its very easy to get

And can u calculate how much is 500 sop as old way to make top b dual before?

Wtb SOES AOBA LANCE BELLION CESTUS for 50kk/each if u can make it as your calculation abov

 First - this way of making dual is identical to RU/EU/KOREAN off server

Second - 500 sops was used on HF/Epiloge/Gracia Final servers because u can buy top c weapons in shop such as Samurai Long Swords.

Third - if we considered early chronic such as Interlude and C4-5 they have a mamon that was upgrading top c weapon to b weapon. That was making life much easy.

Forth we have 100% recpets where u can craft  any top b weapon

Fifth - To do SLS u need to samuria long sword that u need to craft with 60% chance.  The average price on SLS right now is 45-50kk it is much lower than other top b weapons but still a lot.

Sixth- The price of Mage and Bow was always more expensive. Because demand for it much more than for SLS.

Eith- if we talk about fairnes, why Doom light set cost around 60-70kk and BW hw cost around 120kk. Okey lats make BW rec and key available in shop, because they more expensive than light.....



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People cry on the retail forums all the time.

Gms didn't listen to them.

Look what happened to that server. Dead af now. rofl. 

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There's a difference between "crying" and forming discussion's, what your doing is bitching about what other people are talking about. Now whats more annoying?

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Man bitching u here, not me.. i just get tired from all this cry talks about unfairness of this game... i am playing here as destroyer in pvp i can not kill anybody, just simply because i am to slow and everybody running away from me. I am farming twice slower than mages, and my frenzy is suck compare to other chronics.... our cosny party member broke emi bow on 16, but he do not cry and making threads about it.... I am not making a threds, to ask for increase in speed or making old frenzy.... if u want an easy game why u do not just go to some x1000 pvp server.... where is easy to farm and craft.... why u do not choose to rerol to glad if they so op.... and easy to get b weapons?

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yeah reroll on a 3x when i already have multiple 60+ char, by the time i catch  up everybody will be 70+. Do you see my point?  You're alluding to topics that don't even compare to the simplicity of the B duals vs other wepons. Make them slightly harder to get that's all I am suggesting.

What does everybody else think? how about a vote?


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yeah reroll on a 3x when i already have multiple 60+ char, by the time i catch  up everybody will be 70+. Do you see my point?  You're alluding to topics that don't even compare to the simplicity of the B duals vs other wepons. Make them slightly harder to get that's all I am suggesting.

What does everybody else think? how about a vote?


You might not like my answer, but its kind of the blunt truth. 

Other b grade weapon's price will go down overtime. 

Its just because SLS duals are the easiest to make right now, they're the cheapest. 

I mean people just started farming LOA like a month ago. You didn't have to farm LOA to make SLS duals besides the dual craft stamp. And by buying one on the market its a insane increase in price compared to retail classic. (~33k to buy it from a ch, 1.5kk to buy from a player on our server) 

I've had everything to make SLS duals but the dual craft stamp sitting in my warehouse for like 4 months. lol

Just gotta wait it out dude. :/

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Forth we have 100% recpets where u can craft  any top b weapon



​absolutly wrong.

There are just few 100% recipes from 1.0 like damascus or valhalla.

There isnt a 100% bop/soes/aoba and so on recipe...

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Fifth - To do SLS u need to samuria long sword that u need to craft with 60% chance.  The average price on SLS right now is 45-50kk it is much lower than other top b weapons but still a lot.


​also wrong... sls recipe is c Grade and is 100%

There isnt even a 60% c grade recipe...

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Tys0n, i told you yesterday in the game. You need to try play glad, and you can understand all. Your farm with hawk IS VERY EASY, glad have a little mp, fast ending, with usual attack you cant exp normal at interesting mobs. His present - aoe, yes, it is true. But you can know, that prime time cp not all time, i played more than prime time cp. Why you dont tell about how you take doom leather for your archer??? How much does it coast? And how i need to get BW for my glady? See difference?

P.S. Need to earn good control for char glady, to play good in pvp. Mages killed it on 2-3 crit skills, glad with +12 str have a little one at. speed, yes, he can kill from 1 skill mage, but usually he just does not have time, unlike the magicians with disposable cast. speed.

P.S. Good luck, have fun (sry for engl)

Seiva, Touch

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PS: and if u want to talk about fairness... why u have bops, damasucses, lances and other top b weapons? While destroyer have only low b sword "Great Swrod" and do not have any b two hand bllunts....

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PS: and if u want to talk about fairness... why u have bops, damasucses, lances and other top b weapons? While destroyer have only low b sword "Great Swrod" and do not have any b two hand bllunts....

Because GM didnt add it yet and no one raised idea about it before. Its not hard to add Guardian Sword or Star Buster key and recipe into some mob if you understand. All you have to do that is talk to GM or make a topic in suggestion then see what will happen :)

Life is even not fair but if u keep silence, no one can help you out man !

So instead of tell people that they are crying too much, you should spend your time to do something else that is more usefull and better for all players in our server including you on it. If you find a bug, report it. If you find something missing like top B 2 hand sword or blunt, report it !

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