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Hello ,

i have a problem, i dont like when ppl use mass donating , and create clan lvl 5, ++++ items with COL ...because most of us just play this game ( because games are made for playing/waste time)..COL must be use just on "Nostalgia NPC" not trade it for adena ...i dont like to farm 1 year for 15000 POb , and another player to come and buy it with adena / COL in few days...

Make COL "UNTRADABLE" , COL must not affect the market in game ..let auction on website ON, but make COL`s UNTRADABLE ! :)


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There will be many real money traders of adena in this case and admins won't get money. It's ok when ppl can buy some adena for real money and pay admins for their work.

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There will be many real money traders of adena in this case and admins won't get money. It's ok when ppl can buy some adena for real money and pay admins for their work.

I totally disagree your idea man!

Just leave COL system like it is now

Buying adena from GM ... Omg !

Then after that people can ask GM to make them whatever they want !

Star war begins ! Server dies !

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There will be many real money traders of adena in this case and admins won't get money. It's ok when ppl can buy some adena for real money and pay admins for their work.

I totally disagree your idea man!

Just leave COL system like it is now

Buying adena from GM ... Omg !

Then after that people can ask GM to make them whatever they want !

Star war begins ! Server dies !

​I think you dont understnad what he wanted to say...

"There will be many real money traders of adena in this case and admins won't get money"  - that means if COL will be untradable lot of new adenaseller bots will appear...

"It's ok when ppl can buy some adena for real money and pay admins for their work." - buy COL -> sell COL in market for adena -> so in the end he bought adena indirrectly from admins LEGAL WAY

So you two are on the same side, no need to be mad at him ;)

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my main problem is here "i dont like to farm 1 year for 15000 POb , and another player to come and buy it with adena / COL in few days..."

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And your problem won't be solved by making COL untradable, because adena farmers will be selling adena then. The result is even worse, because adena farmers don't contribute to the server.

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It's useless to discuss this right now, since it was long-time debated even before the server opened. I think that it's fine the way it is, otherwise we would lack of donators and the administration would suffer to raise money to maintain the server.

Edit: By the way, you dont need to farm POB, you can buy them for adena/items, etc. =)

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my main problem is here "i dont like to farm 1 year for 15000 POb , and another player to come and buy it with adena / COL in few days..."

​im at the side of enf0rcer: If u make COL untradeable ppl like Mizuno (hope it was right) will just buy adena from RMT. So the way it is is the best choice

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ok, than make POBs untradable ( just put it in cwh and cl collect from there) it sounds ?:) ...

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15k bop? 35k each? thats 525kk - 7500 col? 750 euro?

if someone give that donation to server let him have that 5 lvl clan, i dont see any problem
i  just say thanks for donating so much for this nice server!

It is even a challange to buy that much pob :))

If you do not donate - you  should be thankfull for playing here for free, not starting this kind of thread.. Donators are the ones who keep our administration motivated to keep up the good work.. Enable them hire scripters etc. etc.

If you remove the col trade-ability you will reduce donations a lot.
The only way to stop donators benefit from donations is to make pay - per - month server, and that i think would greatly reduce people in server.

So i dont see how it could be any better than it is now


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well well  finaly  someone else talk  about  it.................  the danm PoB    easy way is  to   make the drop  at high rate and drop  alot of them  each time . cauz u try  to hunt  some  but omg  10-20  per hours  max  thats whit 2 room of krator/porta  at this rate  in 20 years  i might  get lvl 4 OR  the gm  need to active the quest  for lvl 4  and lvl 5 quest at 1.5

 its fun  quest cauz  u need clan  party  to do it  and it  make clan members get part of the clan  not to be a slave that have to stay   years in cruma and we not like Jstop that  did a pass pass trick  at the start of the server.  some know what happen  but i wont tell the detail

these quest  im talking about  but we need 1.5 and Aden territory

Proof of Clan Alliance

Clan level 3

Sir Kristof Rodemai in Giran

Alliance Manifesto



Pursuit of Clan Ambition

Clan level 4

Sir Gustaf Atheboldt in Oren

Seal of Aspiration

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and by  make  those Quest  will not stop Mizuno  progress to donate  but  give all other clan  to progress  and bring mor ppl on sever  more ally  in clan  whit clan skill

will also make ppl  more donate  in mid and long term  cauz   if more  ally  on server there will be less useless war  that stop progress of members   and create  bigger war , more chance to player get  castle  etc

u guys  need  to think  like a GM and think like a player to.  whitout take any side of it

i think the  clan quest  is the best solution  dont touch the CoL system

mizuno  can buy every thing he want i dont care. he have money  good for him  but the  PoB thing  IS A BIG PROBLEM

whitout the  clan progress  small cannot  fight  VS  high lvl clan  or ally . and big clan can oppress player that not have the power to fight back

SO  PLZ AGAIN   KOLL  SAN0  KSE   think about it

the server need to be able to have more ALLY s  for  get more  party  easer to chat  to do quest  to xp  to  do  party  again war they have everyone  will enjoy it

only the  ppl that have ally already will complain i know that for sure but its a process that the server pass trough one day or the other  cauz the PoB  thing  cant be forever everyone know that



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in my opinion, DONATION must be keep on WEBSITE AUCTIOn not IN GAME  !! :) , u can buy items and after sell in game, but i dont like when DONATIONS affect CLANS (  i talk as a Clan leader Oppinion) :)

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pls leave it as it be, if you mentioned this at the first day when there were nothings went wrong, no mistakes happned, no innova server, it would be a good considerable opinion, but now, its not, we only have about ~500 real player, and by "rea" i dont just mean real peopl but people who actually taking part in server's politic, wars, swearing. You want everyone to donate 10 ero per month after 6 months of free game? Its a big NO, man

for us, Sm, all of us has to pay 10 dollar per month for wtfast, now more 10 euro for playing, nah.....sorry

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U dont understand my point ... im OK with donation but im not ok about donation for buy POB ( POB must be UNTRADABLE !!!!)

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if u played and remember, hi5 + chronicle , that items that u need for lvl 9-10 from castles/forts was UNTRADABLE !!!

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U dont understand my point ... im OK with donation but im not ok about donation for buy POB ( POB must be UNTRADABLE !!!!)

​but im ok with it :P if you think this will bring some kind of unbalance to server then no need to worry about it 

About fairness ? hmm, its not fair obvioulsy but im ok with it becoz a clan strenth comes from it stablity and how well its organized not from its level :D

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